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  1. ---Matiz753---


    Voidrig abi 1 not work, he don't throw his bottle
  2. w skrócie excal albo rhino bo teraz nowi to są uczeni hura do przodu, zobaczy w necie ze moze miec na przykład na 5 mr arca plasmora dogmatu, boczna po co to komu, a bron biała to moze tipedo prime, w sumie nie ma najlepszego na start bo zalezy jak kto gra i zamiast cieszyc sie grą to patrzy na takie tabele jak ta i 3/4 gry pomija
  3. hp: set 300 instand of 350 shield: set 450 instand of 650 armour 250 energy 225 overall seems ok, maybe few changes but need tests
  4. https://imgur.com/a/UQDumb
  5. cost is ok, just players need more girnd becuse now new and mid game plyers don't know old way farm, plastids easy farm on infested, ferrite don't remember
  6. wtf, set solo session and use dnd command XD but warframe is co-op game so no offence but if you wanna play solo ect, install skyrim.
  7. moze da sie skaner wyjąć? przetestuj, albo uzyj emotikony.
  8. yes, I have 1k supply farmed and stopped playing this becuse there is nothing to buy/do. even shard we can get x5 from new update.
  9. even if they reduce cost still in 95% of weapons you will not use these mods
  10. bruh, you just said the Q&A chat, wiki and forum don't help new players >.> (aslo codex)
  11. old players was forgottet when DE remove raids....
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