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Posts posted by Silescere

  1. @Seditious_Spyke I will try that sometime. Seeing the screen from Doom up there somehow keeps me from tryingxD For me it is really the fluctuation from pitch-black to glare-white (and that it even gets that blindingly bright) that kills it for me. Thanks for the detailed advise :)

    @tipsy_princess It is no technical issue. Removing an outdated renderer doesn't equal removing a toggle for Adaptive Exposure. There's someone in the team that thinks they know better than anyone else how the game's setting / look should be, disregarding all people with health issues and calling it "the way forward". Just check the opening post. It is literally spelled out there.

    • Like 3
  2. vor 17 Stunden schrieb Sasha_The_Lynx:

    I found some new discovery, and this one is pretty simple. If you havent, disable Bloom entirerly. It may look nice in some areas, but ultimatly, its not worth the eye strain. What i discovered is that the Adaptive Exposure reacts strongly to Bloom, like alot.

    So if you like, try set the Effect Intensity to something higher, like 30 or 40 or so, and turn off bloom and see how it goes.

    This doesn't solve it unfortunately and has heavy downsides to it. Rambled about that some posts ago. Thank you for trying to help though :) (and no, not being sarcastic here)

    I sure do hope at some point there will be more people. This is not about personal likes and preferences, but an actual health issue. I do suspect there are a few more folks with migraines/light sensitivity and the likes, but maybe they don't know what happened and are just trying to somewhat cope. Or just pause...

    Couldn't play since this dropped and only logged in briefly during Tennocon (with Nightmode setting on my monitor though). I barely saw anything, but the light level at least looked normal instead of glaring. Jeez two full months already... o_O didn't realize it that clearly until yo said you've been offline for a month

  3. Am 14.8.2020 um 15:05 schrieb IG088:

    After playing a bit more frequently than I had been since the update, I am noticing that even with my light filter on I am starting to get issues with headaches even in dark environments like kuva survivals after 20 minutes

    Respect for lasting that long. I can't afford to risk it, trying out all the different settings until it is somewhat endureable. Edit: I want it to be enjoyable and good again.

    That is simply put not my effing  job. I'm not a Dev, so it shouldn't be my job to "workaround" something DE broke until it is somewhat bareable for the player/customer again.
    They -in strong contrast to me-, know what caused the issue and what to do exactly to revert / fix it.
    And if that is not possible, why is there no settings guide from the team like "This is how to make WF look like it was before the change". I had the perfect setup, balanced lighting etc (no migraines/light sensitivity issues even after 8+ hours playing!), didn't change a single option and suddenly everything looks like crap, fluctuates and glares with glare deactivated.  I don't want to tweak the settings to the point, where there will be massive downsides to playability and looks, just to be able to somewhat play for longer than 30 minutes. Not worth it.

    • Like 4
  4. Asked if this...

    Am 1.8.2020 um 15:58 schrieb [DE]Drew:


    • Made some micro--optimizations to rendering performance.

    ...was related to this:

    Am 24.6.2020 um 22:35 schrieb [DE]Bear:

    Hey Tenno,

    With this last update, we wanted to explain a change that was made in more detail:

    We have retired some older (2008) 8-Bit rendering technology with this latest Hotfix, mostly because it provided little in regards to performance increases, but added a lot of detriment. This means that using Autoexposure and HDR settings are the way forward from now on.

    This means that some of you using the old technology may have lowered your brightness settings to compensate for the light, and so the game seems abnormally dark. If you are seeing this issue, please go to your Display settings and reset your brightness to match the new setup.

    Apologies for the confusion this may have caused!

    Since I don't really expect an answer, I just tried. WF still disregards my setting and decides by itself, how bright or dark a scene is and how to adapt to ingame lighting. 
    Autoexposure is still a thing and random stuff just overglares.

  5. I really love the darker parts of the game. Like a threatening dark Harrow mission or the abandonned ships from the Hive missions... I really do. Enjoyable in general, but I'm only talking pre "fix" / "improvement". Afterwards with every new event, new chapter of glassmaker (love riddles and lore!), prime release it has just been like all I can do is
    <insert meme> look at all these things I can't play!

    The screenshot above however takes the cake. Maybe they implemented vantablack and we just don't see the value of that feature yet?

    (In all honesty though, @DoomFruit, that looks unplayable. And @Tynam : I feel you)

    • Like 2
  6. How hard can it be to patch that exposure toggle back in? Not making it more bearable, but giving back an option to turn it off.
    Game sure is and always was pretty, but these design over functionality and mechanic "fixes" nobody asked for over the last past months and the "No, this is fine because I developed it and decided it is great no matter what"-mentality sucks big time.

    So yeah, great metaphor @DoomFruit

    • Like 6
  7. vor 2 Stunden schrieb M2GamerMicroTag:

    I don't know if this may help anyone but I find that usually the lighting exposure stays more constant if I have High Shader Quality off.

    Tried it. I don't see any difference tbh. Thank you however for pointing it out 🙂

    Edit: Just in case anyone wonders, my rig is just fine

    • Like 1
  8. vor 11 Stunden schrieb Fireshock:

    I don't like Autoexposure being required now. A lot of us don't want the brightness to be constantly fluctuating and find it distracting.

    This! It's driving me nuts!

    I've been switching around my settings for half an hour, thinking something reset on its own, before thinking (couldn't quite put my finger on it) I'm missing a setting and coming here to check if something was "fixed" again. And sure it was "Adaptive Exposure"!
    Standing in my orbiter's cockpit, the lighting isn't constant. I f I look (not even move) left -> bright and the white on my frame is shining, looking right -> screen darkens down, white on my frame looks greyish. Ever thought that people have that setting off for a reason?!

    I want back and need a constant level of lighting, not something that switches depending on where I look. Already told my clan I will need to take a break. I know my problems aren't anyone elses fault, but hey, peeps with frequent migraines tend to react to fluctuating lights a bit more sensitive than anyone really ever should. So yeah, break it is for now. I literally can't play like this.

    • Like 23
  9. I always had Handspring in, but that too stopped  working at some point. Frame just stays flat down until I mash WASD or space. Noticed the rolling, too. I understand that we get flung away and roll after taking a blast, but instead of (like I was used to) springing back to my feet where the frame went down, now we roll. Must've broken with the self-damage removal I bet.

  10. vor 23 Stunden schrieb MrHydralisk:

    JACKAL is dies too easily, because legs have little HP, and the body is killed with a single finishing. 4 legs and 4 finishing pass very quickly. He even doesn't have time to demonstrate his abilities even against beginners. I wish the fight with him lasted longer.

    I'd love a "veteran" setting / toggle for missions as an option, once the starchart is 100% finished. I think that would solve it. A simple level increase should players wish for it. No extra pay, just the challenge, so enemies can show off.

    Edit: Seeing how DE always overdoes even the tiniest things I should probably add, that I didn't mean a +100lvl increase

    • Like 1
  11. Don't like all these changes either. Be it the upcoming self-damage or the already cancelled "Lich snapping me in two". For the first you'd need some caution,  modding and maybe a different frame (the game is all about "having the right weapons -frame included- for the right job". Not "everybody can do everything either way") and for the latter you needed to offer 1 out of your 5 revives. Big deal.

    Edit: And the self damage actually was only that. No squad likes to be blown up, so I think the current implementation is fine.

    • Like 1
  12. Am 28.2.2020 um 17:21 schrieb [DE]Rebecca:

    Arcane Changes- Removing the ability to Equip two of the same Arcane simultaneously. Why: The reasoning here is mainly toward the ability to equip two of the same Arcane.

    Maybe that player behaviour could be slightly dampened if it wouldn't take a total of 3 Arcanes to make a rank 1? Just an idea instead of giving us 'diversity'.


    Self Damage Changes:
    We are getting rid of Self Damage

    Dying is a flow disruption? Oh boy, why not remove dying and reviving entirely? Maybe if one was to not spam the BOOM in close proximity, they wouldn't die? (P.S. Still hate the no longer deadly Liches)


    Grenade Markers.
    We got sound for that already. For each of the different enemy faction grenades. Please make this marker / effect a toggle, screen already is cluttered as it is. I'd also like to have the ability back to shake off those latcher-grenades.

    Kuva Lich Changes & Fixes:

    • Decreased the chances of Kuva Lich controlled sectors forcing an Exterminate situation to allow for more gamemode chances.

    I liked that actually. Spy with Thralls is not something I'd prefer. Exterminations are a way to relatively quickly gather murmurs.

    To the above:

    I'd also like to have the "switch gun" keybind do what it did before a certain patch.
    The auto-switch to the primary weapon hasn't been removed (e.g. happens when you have been using your secondary even before picking up a power cell)
    A way out of the archwing without a melee strike would be great
    Moving waypoints in open world areas still suck...
    ...just like new Itzal. Shaking incoming projectiles is really "fun" now. Boy was I happy back then when I finally had that epic pair of wings built! I really WAS... Why not switch the new first ability for the old first 'Blink' and put the hook on the "dodge" with a larger cooldown?

  13. - 'blink'ing out of missile lock needed (described many times in detail why and provided possible solution). Or just make it a passive for Itzal.
    - new AW flight: full stop great. In space: still great. Everywhere else: No. Simply no. Flying where you aim: majorly sucks. I wanna stay leveled/at the hight I placed myself and aim/look wherever I want without the need to constantly adjust my position. Flying over something while keeping your eyes on the ground is nigh impossible without constantly pressing space

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