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Everything posted by prodi1600

  1. holeptics?? maybe her face its in another dimension or somewere in the void. Maybe that's her quest all about.
  2. like no ones going to abuse this, as a pc player PS players usually tend to exit the party if we are not all console, just to give an example. there's a lot of silly reasons why people discriminate already. I can see some bias reasons being used to negate party to fellow tenno.
  3. Im thinking into buying but holding myself like there's enough time already, I do hope DE adds more purchase options down the line.
  4. I'm guessing a bunch of chinese mid to up management saw warframe and though there's not enough monetization in there, lets segregate our whales so the elite ones can distinguish themselves so they spend more, while some canadian yes(wo)men were like thats genious.
  5. adding insult to injury. DEX its usually better quality and free than prime accessories, for example: PD: sorry for giant image
  6. easiest way to get chungus resources to feed and put warframes abilities into others.
  7. I think these 2 are married, since railjack failed as a gamemode, I asume they shifted away from it, sadly it this continue it will be archwing 3.0 where no one cared about it and just straight up ignored it. Since most information they unveiled for modular archwing was at the time railjack was still being hyped if we as players would have shifted from regular tileset for railjack I feel we would be seeing modular archwing but since its not a thing they cant justify the effort and development. Sadly when things doesn't go as expected efforts shifts towards what's more impactful for the project.
  8. Im from a dollarized(USD) country and they be listing it - zenith for 89.99 - celestial 69.99 - risen 29.99 if your conversions are correct this would make it more of a travesty since the market listings wont even make sense against the conversions.
  9. The whole Item sorting its dumb whit these overpriced packages, despiet the classic whiteknigth trying to defend this. Just make a mag/frost only pack with the skin, the head thingy, dont include plat or aya, and price it correctly like 20ish USD and itll be fine, I mean I wont pay 90USD for a good boy badge and a frost skin(specially since I dont like his kit), some stupid emotes and glyph that Ill use for like a second or two and a color pallete.
  10. easy its an impersonator, cosplayiing Jotaro from jojo part 3 while calling himself Albrecht Entrati and using beerus from DBS as his pet.
  11. I mean I totally agree with this, only thing I care in this skin its mag skin, I don't even like how frost currently plays, DE forcing both skins on us, not allowing to use platinum to acquire one or the other, pushing ridiculous pricing to just some skins accesories and emotes that will be used for a few minutes until they lost their novelty, thats just straight up tencen, if this its the path forward this game will be severely hurt. whales usually spend once or twice, long lasting players are the ones who really support a old game like this.
  12. Of course they are, they "halfassed" pun intended wisp prime design and accesories, now they wonder, I mean outside of the evident debuff to her visuals, the skin looks lackluster to the point most players I know use her OG skins rather than the prime version + their free stuff looks way better than the paid accesories.
  13. One of her buttcheecks collided with the skeleton making it flatter when you crounched or run, they "fixed" it by buffing her posterior.
  14. thanks for your answer, its pretty clear the change.. We have like 10% less volume =( PD= Im memeing out wanted to be sure, thanks to all who replying.
  15. Lilttle question, was wisp prime nerfed? it kinda looks like it, I mean her prime skin looks way more slim than her OG version? I wish to get the prime access as a wisp user but if not then ill just farm her.
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