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Everything posted by (PSN)tawmbus

  1. Went in solo to do 20 rounds of Defense for Nautilus parts. By no means tough for my kit, but the final raknoid in the 20th wave killed my mirage. This sent me into Last Gasp with the operator. Then the wave ended, and i chose to end it. What happened next is my operator got teleported to the railjack, the rewards for finishing the final wave, as well as the mission roll along with the music. Cephalon dude says we can move on. Then bam, Last Gasp runs out, and my control snapshots to my dead mirage, who is still inside the defense tileset. Only i have no prompt to revive (until this point i had zero deaths, and +2 revives from arcanes). /Unstuck doesnt work, mission isnt going anywhere, nothing is timing out. I will choose the option from menu to return to railjack, but i think this kind of uncommon sequence of events is probably not intended. TLDR: First death on last enemy of the defense wave, Last Gasp intiated, ended the defense, operator sent to RJ, Last Gasp ends, control sent back to dead warframe inside the defense mission, have to use menu to leave mission; no revives were consumed prior to this moment. Also, i dont think this is a PS4 specific bug, but currently i cannot use other tags besides XBOX 1 or MEGATHREAD How can this bug be reproduced? I dont intend to try reproducing it, but i expect if i were to let the last mob of a wave kill my warframe, then finish it off with the operator during last gasp, then end the mission... I expect the same thing would occur. Since last unit was not an Eximus, killing it with operator only gave me about 30-40% of my Last Gasp bar, which let my Last Gasp last long enough for the end of defense rotation countdown and the choice to extract or continue. What was happening before the issue started? 20th wave ended, chose to end it (while operator was in Last Gasp), got tp'd to RJ, then Last Gasp timed out. Can you provide your build and game settings? Zenuurik Mirage, all waybounds unlocked, smeeta kavat, non-void storm Arva Vector (Neptune) Corpus Defense(Railjack) What kind of squad were you in? Solo, host, client? Solo
  2. As a Playstation player, the default button for using alternate fire is to press in the Right thumb stick, R3. This works for a lot of things, its also the heavy attack button. But for some weapons, that have an alternate fire mode that requires precise aiming, or to be held constantly, or just need to be used in a way that doesnt feel very good coming from the R3 button. Weapons like Convectrix, Basmu, and Panthera become pretty difficult to aim with the Right stick while also keeping the Right stick pressed in all the way. Im sure on PC its as simple as just holding down some key while aiming effortlessly with the mouse. These would benefit from getting the "Toggle" treatment that many weapons have. Other weapons like the Tenora require the button to be pressed once to begin the charge up. Well, pressing in the stick you are aiming with makes it very easy for you to miss your shot as it creates a player-induced recoil before the shot fires. The Opticors charged shot fires similarly to Tenoras charged shot, but is much more manageable with the R2 trigger button. Weapons like the Stahlta and Quellor charge too, but they are a lot more forgiving due to their shotgun like spread or aoe. I still think they would still benefit from toggling. It was amazing to get the option for a lot of abilities to be change from tap/hold, and there are many weapons that use the alternate fire button to toggle their firemodes. It would be really nice if just a few more weapons were revisited and given a toggle feature. I dont think this should apply to every weapon that has an alternate fire, for many it makes sense to have a 1 press per shot/activation. But since there are already so many that have a toggle feature, it doesnt make sense that others get left behind and are much less usable for console players. Takeaway: Please change some weapons or allow us to configure some weapons alternate fire modes to be toggled so that we can use controller buttons that feel good to use and dont interrupt our aim.
  3. As the game continues to mature, we have seen more and more persistent and temporary buffs become available to players in the forms of warframe abilities, passives, arcanes, glavanized mods, etc. They can come from the player, their pets/summons, their allies, and even sometimes environmental. When a buff is applied, if you are quick to notice, you will see the name of the buff briefly under its icon. But if you were a space ninja flying across the map and headshotting enemies while managing your ability rotations or melee combos, or reviving allies, or etc..... get my point? Not that convenient to always be staring at your buffs hoping to catch the name pop up. The issue I want to highlight is that we have so many buffs now, especially now with decrees from duviri, but they are all so indistinguishable from eachother sometimes. Sure there are some buffs that you will become very familiar with and can identify over time, but having every buff from every source all be the same non-configurable color is an area that i think can see improvement. Allowing players to configure the color of buffs based on whether or not they originate from self or others, abilities vs mods vs arcanes, etc. It would also be amazing if we could actually somehow see what the buff is. Like if I get a buff and missed the name that was only up for 2 seconds, then I'll have no idea what it is. I cant even pause and hover over the icons, which is something you can do in so many other games. It would help speed up how quickly we learn the icon. I recall not long ago Pax Bolt had a much deeper blue to its icon, which really helped it stand out as its a very shortlived buff that im eagerly looking for to take advantage of. But the color has since been reverted to the generic buff color and when you have so many different buffs coming and going, something like that really gets lost in the haze. Takeaway: It would be great if Buffs could be differentiable by color configurable identifiable by name
  4. There are many frames that have similar issues, where they have a passive or some feature and there are no hard numbers mentioned anywhere in game to describe their actual values. As a long time warframe player I am very familiar with the wiki and flock to it often, but I think it would be valuable for many things, Styanaxss passive as one example, to have just a little more info IN-GAME so that players dont need companion apps/websites to make informed decisions. In this case, if there was a mention somewhere of the crit to shield ratio, even if it was just in the tips, I think that would be much more useful than omitting it completely.
  5. Oh man that would explain it. Im pretty sure the vacuum only applies the cold and impact and the damage only comes from the embedded explosion. I stopped using the incarnon form but i'll keep an eye on it moving forward.
  6. TL;DR its evolutions serve to greatly boost this reliable utility sidearm making it more capable of being a show stealer and drastically outshines its incarnon form. This is a look into the use case of the Gammacor Incarnons form. The Incarnon form needs 15 headshots to charge 15 incarnon projectiles which have a 5 meter vacuum that force procs 1 cold and 1 impact status, and then detonates in that same area. Primed Fulmination: affects the explosion, but not the vacuum. Enemies that get vacuumed do not benefit much from having the slightly improved damage fall off, where as the enemies that missed the vacuum and are now getting hit with the explosion are getting hit with the explosion when its falloff is most punishing. I dont think its worth slotting in. Hemorrhage: a direct hit with the projectile inflicts 1 impact status and with its low fire rate has 70% chance to proc hemo's bleed. The vacuum that applies 1 impact proc does not seem to ever proc hemorrhage. For that reason I do not think its worth slotting in (this would be a great change or fix, would really liven it up). So we can get slashes out of it(but not en masse), its aoe is pretty decent and because its a vacuum it has pretty low practical fall off, how is it damage wise? Well it doesnt quite tickle, but there are a few things holding it back. Being an aoe weapon, it does not benefit from Galvanized Shot (which its normal form benefits greatly from). it does not benefit from the additive crit damage from cold procs (which is a shame since it forces these and woulda scaled nicely with multishot), it does not proc hemmorhage with its forced impact procs from the vacuum, it does not benefit from Secondary Shiver as its an aoe weapon. It does do decent damage, and it does group things well, and it does inflict a few extra guaranteed status procs, so would this be a good tool for priming? Well I dont think so, it would be awkward do to its low ammo pool and slow incarnon charge rate. Compared to a nukor or an Epitaph I dont think its as good at priming, and it takes more work. I also dont think it would be ideal as a primer for melee since the explosion has self stagger but the embedded delay for that explosion is on the lengthy 1.2seconds. Thats a bit of a wait to charge in after things were nicely grouped. What about just using it as a fire and forget? It doesnt achieve even orange crits out of the box, and with its same low ammo pool and mildly inconvenient incarnon charge, really doesnt hold a candle to the Tenet Plinx. Plinx does everything but better, maybe with a slightly smaller radius, but its much more useable and much more powerful. The explosion and vacuum are also limited to line of sight. Had some corpus laughing at me behind a glass railing. Shot the railing and they didnt even flinch. So what about just using it like the Felarx and skip its incarnon mode? This seems to be the best use case for this weapon. Before the evolutions, it was actually quite good especially with galv mods and cascadia flare. Being able to cap cascadia flare in a few seconds made this a pretty strong and reliable weapon, and then if you couple it with the Synoids Entropy buff its even nicer. I think a nice change to make the incarnon mode somewhat more attractive as an option would be to enable Hemorrhage to proc on the vacuumed impact procs. I cant think of any other weapons that can fit IB or Hemo, and have forced or even just aoe impact procs where Hemo/IB DONT apply. Kuva Chakkhurr's aoe's forced impact proc works with IB, I think Gammacor Incarnons vacuum procs should too. Or for the charging, get progress from headshot kills in addition to just headshots, since it feels bad if an enemy dies to headshots and the bar barely moves.
  7. I noticed also with this patch that in some missions the beam is invisible.
  8. Multishot affects continuous weapons differently as you point out. There is no extra beam, no extra bullet. Just 1 beam, but it gets more damage and more status relative to the modded multishot. This is actually favorable for status damage because when a proc does occur it factors in more damage than it would have with a different weapon type. But thats beside the point, multishot does affect continuous weapons. When I modded to have approximately 100% status chance, 1 ammo spent dealing 1 tick of damage would inflict 1 magnetic proc 100% of the time. When i modded for approximately 100% multishot on top of that, then 1 ammo spent dealing 1 tick of damage yield exactly 2 magnetic procs 100% of the time. Im just hoping they recognize their might be some oversight in this area and make an adjustment.
  9. I agree, bubonico is massive and takes up half the screen, especially with rhino lol. There is an option in the settings to configure a button to toggle which shoulder the camera is over. I set this specifically for when i use shedu or bubonico and it helps a lot. Feels weird, like shoe on wrong foot, but at least i can see. Also helps to use a stealth frame =X
  10. Thanks, I didnt double check. Shame to know that it was an issue already.
  11. I'll test that energy one next. It sounds like the Sages Resolve is more accessible to all since it doesnt require channeled skills and will be good uptime on the damage it brings.
  12. The Gammacor Incarnon (im using Synoid) is taking on average 15 ammo to charge its incarnon. This does not benefit at all from having any multishot on it, and while that number sounds reasonable (you get your 15 incarnon charges) in practice it felt awful. My synoid gammacor with a modest riven and cascadia flare and galv mods has been hitting like a truck for some time. When im trying to charge its incarnon any headshot pretty much spells death for an enemy in such a short amount of time that it takes many enemies to fully charge it. Testing in simulacrum one can tell that modding for damage or multishot doesnt help at all. In fact having a high damage gammacor seems to hurt its ability to charge, especially if you have heat, because enemies die too fast or for the big chonky ones that would normally help you charge your incarnon, they dance around and flail from heat procs. In fact I had to kill several eximus, all headshots to get half a bar. Found a void angel and then was able to fully charge it up. This feels like a stark contrast to most of the other incarnons, where you can reasonably fill out their charge bars with far fewer than 15 shots, and they benefit from multishot greatly. The gammacor can inflict heat real quick causing enemies to wiggle around, making subsequent beam tics mis the head, and kill the targets very quickly. Perhaps having someway for multishot to actually benefit its charging, or for the magnitude of the damage dealt to have more impact on how much charge is generated. Feels like its penalized for melting heads too fast. If im not mistaken, this might be the first continuous weapon that gained an incarnon form, so i suspect the way multishot is normally handled for incarnons doesnt take continuous weapon multishot into account. TLDR: charging the gammacor doesnt feel good, and doesnt benefit from multishot. Enemies usually die so fast, you get so little charge out of it.
  13. Gammacor incarnon Evolution II Sages Resolve adds 10 flat damage (taking the Synoid Gammacor from 21 magnetic to 31 magnetic) but when no mods are added, the damage shows as 38.8 in the mod menu which is about equal to (31)(1.25), 1.25 being the amount of multishot that would be added. After testing in simulacrum with 0 additional multishot with no channeling, 0% ms while equinnox channeled her 4, 20% ms from r0 Barrel Diffusion , and 180% ms with max Lethal Torrent and max Barrel Diffusion, it is clear that the evolution does not add multishot but instead 25% damage (double dips on its +10, but hornet strike ignores that +10) that is not multishot and does not award the benefits of extra status procs/tics that multishot would. edit: while hornet strike doesnt take the +10 or the 25% into consideration, elemental mods to, r0 Ice storm adds 10% cold damage, and its adding 3.9 when the damage is 38.8 from just the evolution. Takeaway: Sages Resolve adds a flat 17.75 dmg (+10 and then 25%) and no multishot. Does not require channeling.
  14. The way they hold the shields at rest is somewhat reasonable but when they block the angle just doesnt look right. With the Gaforn skin it looks even worse and is i think the best example to demonstrate my case. A tower shield that you hold sideways? The lancers hold their tower shields properly. The angle of the shield makes sense in the context of them being something that deploys, but aesthetically it all clashes when they hold them to block.
  15. Styanax holds shields backwards. Combine this with the fact that all shields are also held awkwardly at an angle about 120 degrees from what you would expect, and you have a rad dude looking goofy as hell. Sorry to say this isnt the only post that noticed he holds shields wrong, but its still an issue and the rest of the frames hold shields wrong as well. Shields are held on arms at angles contrary to their icons and ive noticed this for a long time, also on PS4 (this was most noticeable when the Gaforn sword n board skin came out)
  16. TLDR: It would be nice to be able to rotate the shields on our arms a lot more(more than the apparent 25+- degrees) Of the several sword and boards available and their respective cosmetics, including in particular the super rad looking Gaforn Sword and Shield skin, we have some abilitiy to reposition how they are held in the off hand. But whats odd is how most of these shields have such awkward positioning on the arm and coverage. The Gaforn Shield for example looks like it would be a sweet tower/riot shield. Something that is tall, and covers the body. What we have instead is this super wide and shallow shield, leaves nearly half of the torso and all of the legs uncovered, and extends way out to the side protecting nothing. I know this is all aesthetic and doesnt affect the efficacy of these shields; but being given some wiggle room, and finding that the wiggle room is so tiny is kind of a bummer. Now that im looking at the ui again, and i have my ack and brunt selected and im at the skin selection, its visibly clear that the Gaforn Shield is shown Vertically like a tower shield. It really looks this way for all shield skins. All rotated 90 degrees on their sides compared to what they look like in their icons. This isnt new, but it would be nice to get a little more wiggle room in this area. Edit: Shield Lancers hold their shields upright. Why cant we be more like grineer lol
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