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Posts posted by Worira

  1.  Eventually you can simply become an unattractive target to attack. People will eventually start to feel their Rail would be better spent on another Alliance. Only the ballsy Alliances who consider themselves your Equal will come knocking then.


    Or anyone who feels like it. Since, again, rails have basically no cost.

  2. There needs to be an incentive to not attack Rails, otherwise it will be a never ending chain of attacks and we'll almost never get to play the actual Dark Sector missions


    This. Right now, rails are basically free, and I could permasiege an alliance of 4000 people by myself if I really wanted to.

  3. The problem with that is what keeps the first alliances who claimed the rails from suddenly jacking the tributes up to ridiculous levels?  Think of this as incentive to keep those numbers down.


    People attacking them after that happens. How exactly does attacking rails without taxes encourage low taxes?

  4. Competition is the nature of the system. Well, that would be true if everyone wasn't doing 0% tax.


    Competition should be the nature of the system. As it is, it isn't, and that's not the community's fault. There's just not enough incentive to have anything other than a free rail utopia.

  5. The reason we dont' like Eclipse right now, is that they've locked the other Clans out of the Solar Rail system!  My clan worked hard to put up a Solar Rail, only to have Eclipse shove their way into it to be A******s and block everyone else out of this new system!  That's where I'm having anger issues here.  Because if it's going to be free, then why take up all the nodes from the other clans so they can't have a Rail?  Ridiculous!


    Who cares? It's not like a clan benefits from having a rail.

  6. EDIT: MADE WORSE by the fact that when the rails are contested, our 7000 Credit missions into the dark sector giving us +20% EXP per kill, and +20% XP more per specific weapon kill and +20% resource drop rate, is SHUT DOWN because of the conflict. These free rails damn well better compensate THOSE damages.


    Why? They're not the ones shutting down the rail.

  7. Well the dragon nikana does 85.1damage way more than the normal nikana but no one complains....the orthos prime is fine as it is when you consider how hard it is to get


    Uh, yes they do.


    Anyway primes are a dumb idea in general and I despise them.

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