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Posts posted by Worira

  1. Only Void drones were immune to melee attacks. Had no problem killing them with jump-slides. The hit should land somewhere between the middle and the end of the slide. Otherwise, it won't hit.


    Yeah, my bad. I meant the Void ones specifically.

  2. Stop it. There is absolutely no reason for a resource we obtain as players to decay over time.


    End of story.


    Well, yes, because it's a crappy gameplay mechanic. That's an entirely separate matter from whether or not it makes sense for the material to decay in-universe. They could have said "Collect samples of a rare strain of the Technocyte virus, but make sure you research them quickly, since they will decay in 24 hours" and it would have made plenty of sense, but would still have sucked.

  3. Isotopes of argon do decay, though. Although none match the in-game stuff in terms of (half-)life.


    I do find it funny that DE picked an element that is defined primarily by it's inert nature for the one resource that decays, though.

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