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Everything posted by Frendh

  1. Spy is mostly knowledge based. I would say 70% knowledge and 30% skill. You can decrease that to 5% skill and 95% knowledge by just picking a frame that either bypasses the defenses or is too quick/mobile for the timer to count down in time. Veteran players will often trigger alarms because it takes longer to sneak past them with a regular frame then just brute forcing everything. At the moment the only spy that I can recall that is really hard to brute force is the Spy on Lua. And maybe the one in Kuva fortress when you have to triple hack.
  2. It is one thing if you just hate the game modes. Which is all okay. But completely different saying they are too hard. Spy is the easier of the two because you do not need any particular items or warframes to do it. Practice a few runs to figure out how the spy rooms work. They are not complex that early in game. If you do not have the patience to practice things you are bad at then there is not much else for you to do. Interception has a lot steeper difficulty curve. When the game mode was made most nodes were often populated. Get better items. Specters can help some but are not all that useful at lower levels. They become a lot better at higher level missions. Around level 80 maybe? At lower levels they die pretty quick. I consider both Spy and Interception good game modes. Spy is the game mode with the most and best rewards of the non endless mission types during the majority of the starchart.
  3. Pretty sure vex armor is a free cast ability. Does not interrupt if I am going full auto on a boss for instance. Duration is fine given how large the buff is and that you can refresh it.
  4. It is rather dumb to remove existing content. If you do not like it then do not play it more than you have to. I got my Railjack only after DE retroactively locked me out of Arbitrations. While annoying, hardly a big deal. What would be a decent argument would for instance be "Railjack confuses new players, move it further down the progress line before they encounter it." Not that I believe that statement to be true. Just an example. This is the only thing listed that I find valid.
  5. No. I already have multiple copies of most/all kuva weapons.
  6. I have this beer gut lich - https://pasteboard.co/486mU8hMeDGs.png
  7. There is a feedback section for Duviri. Can't say I have noticed this "60% of my rewards" on PC. I would have to carefully go back and look to see if there is any loss at all after you pickup a decree and leave.
  8. I chose a relic. Then tried to upgrade a different relic. Ended up being stuck, no input works aside from moving the mouse cursor. https://ibb.co/p0WcG29 edit: Doubt it matters. But my corpse is in the background.
  9. Did you read the post properly? There will be no change to you personally when you use your itzal.
  10. Can you please stop Itzal from moving loot for other players? Arcanes end up in weird spots and you extract without it.
  11. I did not check more than two or so default colour sets. This is why I said to include locked colours as well.
  12. If I choose to generate random colours and then click on one of the randomly chosen colours it will show me what colour has been chosen and in which palette. Can we have that for default colours as well? Even if the colour is locked.
  13. I can't figure out how to position myself correctly. I have had the reflection more or less facing the chest's front. I can't get the Drifter to face the chest. https://ibb.co/cJVKWmj edit : I see it
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