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Everything posted by Frendh

  1. No. Gives you invulnerability on recast. No. Gives invulnerability on expiry. You said it yourself. Don't know why you even posted this. It is not similar in any meaningful way to shield gating. If it was then there would be no incentive to abuse it. Just because 2 or so Warframes have broken abilities does not mean it is okay to add more broken abilities into the game.
  2. Pointless to ask for end game content. The majority of the forum feedback posters are weak and cannot handle difficult and/or slow content. They will en masse cry and whine until it has been nerfed into regular levels of difficulty/time to farm. Regardless of rewards. The only way I to decrease the complaints would to be to remove all rewards altogether from the newly implemented end game content. You will still have whiners, because they want rewards. Probably not as many.
  3. Pay the neighbour's kid to come over and do it for you.
  4. It is an excellent mod if you stack ability strength. Proccing Growing power etc is time consuming and can be hard to pull off depending on the enemy situation. If you do not have the augment then you have to do the combo twice as many times.
  5. Probably because of the value of said item. It is way more valuable than anything else in the shop.
  6. Extremely overpowered. Never going to happen. Maybe as an augment. Too overpowered.
  7. Don't post your email address here unless you want it to get spammed. Also, send in a support ticket.
  8. Bronco is by far the slowest to charge of all my incarnons. I recall being annoyed by the last evolution with the Bronco but not why.
  9. I would play Speed path. I did not look over the reward list though.
  10. Why would you expect it to not be a bugfest? Every time there is new content there are bugs. And the more "foreign" the new system is the more bugs are introduced. For this reason there are plenty of players who simply waits several weeks before playing.
  11. Frendh

    Steel Path Plus

    We have that. Steel path Circuit. But without the second part you mentioned.
  12. Frendh

    Steel Path Plus

    I do not think scaling rewards has ever been a thing outside of fissures(and it stops scaling rather quickly). Rightly so. And I enjoy doing a mission for two hours.
  13. Most of the time the sound is not a problem for me. But I know several players who play with no sound at all since they listen to music. So it is doable if you are hearing impaired. Maybe turning the sound off will be less confusing?
  14. They could put them in the nightwave cred offerings if they do not fit into the reward tree. Because every other Nightwave is a really tight schedule if you are going to fit old things in.
  15. No. Bane mods are really strong. They are allowed to be that strong because they only work against one faction. What's next? Remove the negative effect on Corrupted mods?
  16. It is all one sided to make the weapon farming easier. It is too easy already. I farm a weapon in maybe 2 hours. I know other players do it in an hour or less. So no, not a good suggestion.
  17. I am not opposed to this. I would not mind if they keep it the way it is and either adding more weeks or increasing the pool of 5 items per week to something that matches the new added amount of incarnons(if they add 30 new incarnons then the pool would be 10 instead of current 5).
  18. Nightwave exclusive items being Nightwave exclusive is no surprise. That is one of the main incentives of doing Nightwave. Either wait for it to come again or farm the platinum. You can farm 4 of the ~cheapest Warframes and sell them for plat. It is not quick, but perfectly doable. Quicker than farming several other mods like Aerodynamic etc.
  19. Yeah, there are more old bugs that still exist. I assume they get ignored because there are not as many players affected by them. Since most players rarely re-visit old content like the Ropalolyst
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