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Everything posted by Frendh

  1. While I also get annoyed that I sometimes can't choose base version, in the majority of the time my preference is the primed version.
  2. The solo part I can understand. But in a squad? It is really easy in a squad. Even at max levels it is not difficult. I can't say what is wrong, but something is lacking for you. More practice, better items, wider warframe/weapon pool, or more knowledge. Or a combination. You are not providing enough data. Crowd controls are still useful. Especially the ones with huge AoE. It makes it so you can pick off the eximus units before the trash mobs arrive. Normally, outside of SP Circuit, this would not be important because you have glaive, bramma etc that will deal with trash mobs and Eximus at the same time. I think this is good. But if/when everyone has stopped playing SP Circuit and it is really hard to get a squad going then I would be for a re-balance towards solo players.
  3. I do not think it needs to be consistent in this case. Even though I generally like things to be consistent. I do not think the energy leech eximus should become less of a threat. You would have to change the type of ability from regular casting to channeled if it is going to be consistent though.
  4. That is a really bad response by DE. They know nothing can be done in the forums. As far as the booster goes, it worked fine for me for everything other than Rune Marrow. And they relatively quickly(or it worked all along?) changed it so the booster worked with your operator when you picked up rune marrow. Partial compensation, sure. That is like 10% of the purchase cost. It is a minor loss. I would be more upset about crashing during a 2 hour run.
  5. I did not use much viral on my primaries before Duviri since I used a lot of armor strip. But yeah, dealing with armored units viral slash is probably the way to go. I do not mind though. I do not think it is a armor problem rather a unit/faction problem. People prefer to fight grineer and then complain about armor. Grineer is the easiest faction to fight at high levels. The faction problem consists mostly of Void fissures/Void storms. Even if you pick a faction with little/no armor they will still spawn in armored corrupted units against you. Me and my mates use CC a lot. For instance it is the most consistent way to do long SP circuit runs. I do.
  6. I have no issues with the current armor scaling as long as they stick to the factions. At high levels Grineer are the easiest to deal with despite having the most armored units because there are many ways to deal with it. I am against adding armor to Infested and Corpus, which we have seen some of. Infested are toxin heavy and have disruptors (some Cambion Drift unique threats exist) which makes them more of a threat than Grineer at high levels. Corpus have a ton of gimmicks that are quite dangerous when combined and they are a large threat at high levels. Corrupted have nullifiers and nothing else but still more of a threat than Grineer in exchange for having less reliance on armored units. I can't think of anything that Grineer have. Do Napalms leave heat procs? No Grineer threat comes to mind right now.
  7. No thank you. I like my old chroma better.
  8. People do smooth animation in an hour or less? That just seems too fast.
  9. I run several frames without Primed Sure Footed. It is not like I never get knocked down, but it never prevents me from completing the objective. It is not a big deal if I die occasionally due to knock down. You can use either knowledge or skill to compensate.
  10. Like mentioned previously, I think it is better to increase the ammo drops in some way in Undercroft rather than buffing said weapons.
  11. When I do Cassini I summon the larvling every time. No problem. But I did like 5 runs on Anthe, Grineer rescue level 22-24, and nothing happens. Why is that?
  12. You are watching the wrong videos then. You do not need those mods for anything. They are good. But hardly necessary. You can compensate with a bit of skill and clever building.
  13. That seems likely. I have been flagged afk while just playing like I normally do. If my normal gameplay was the "incorrect" way to play then I would always be flagged afk.
  14. After a couple of host migrations during a Void Flood bounty going from 4 players to 1 player the vitoplast does not re-scale properly. The container fills up quickly but it took several full containers to close one Void Rupture.
  15. Majority of people are selfish. The only ones who are potentially not selfish are the ones who do not care either way. Reason I say potentially is because I know I am selfish, but still do not care either way.
  16. What about 2 back flips for permanent opt out? People might do 1 back flip by mistake.
  17. My biggest issue with Hydroid is that the tentacles do not efficiently reach out and grab enemies. Visually tentacles are quite long, but they are horrible at trapping enemies.
  18. Heh, I have wasted a good deal of formas correcting my mistakes. I would enjoy this type of implement.
  19. Argonak can do this? I was only aware of Zenith being able to do that.
  20. Can you add a visual indicator so I can easily see what evolution my incarnons are at? Without having to check each one individually by clicking on them.
  21. I do not understand why they should work like Wisp mote. Only one of those five abilities is a Warframe buff.
  22. No, vortex does not need a buff. If the enemies get stuck then consider your placement more carefully, lower your range or move around and kill the stuck enemies.
  23. I like these changes. Which is a first for Loki.
  24. My problem with rapid fire weapons like those two is that I run out of ammo quickly. Kuva Bramma is way more ammo efficient at high levels. I am not sure what you mean by leaving Dex Furis and Twin Grakatas untouched. What did they change? I do not see it. When I look at Dex Furis it seems buffed. Same max ammo but 60 ammo pickup instead of the old 20 ammo pickup. What I would like to see for those type of weapons is really high ammo pool and a high ammo pickup.
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