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Posts posted by 7.T.

  1.    This is just a side thought as just buffing the mod would be enough: Might be going too far here but maybe combine Coolant Leak with it in addition to a buff? The slow effect would still happen within Coolant Leak's short range even when not reviving. Just straight up combine it and toss Coolant Leak. 

  2. boosted by Health and Shields of the Sentinel could be an option.



    *snaps fingers*

    what if instead of absorbing the Damage completely, it instead just reduced the Damage of incoming Projectiles by say... 50%?

       If that then 50% at least IMO. Good thought

  3.    As the title says, Sanctuary needs a buff, IMO. Seems to go down pretty fast even at max rank on relatively low levels like Kappa for example. It doesn't need a large radius, just enough to protect the person doing reviving but it does need to provide better protection.


        Maybe have it be affected by the Sentinel's shields/health/armor in some way? Would be nice to somehow make it able to scale up so it is usable on some higher levels. I currently use it sometimes just because it looks cool.  


    ~Thanks for reading


    EDIT: This is a good idea too:

    boosted by Health and Shields of the Sentinel could be an option.



    *snaps fingers*

    what if instead of absorbing the Damage completely, it instead just reduced the Damage of incoming Projectiles by say... 50%?

    At least 50% IMO, as stated below.
  4.    IMO, buffing Excal's shields and health to max out at 1000 when equipped with maxed Redirection and Vitality mods would be nice. I can't think of a good reason to do this really other than 1000 is a nicer looking number than 740....


       Also, just want to throw this out there: Whatever changes happen, remember to keep him as thee "all-rounder" with all his abilities

  5.    IMO, this would make things really stressful. I used to play a lot of Pokemon and I would save in front of a legendary, catch it, check it's stats, turn off the game, then repeat sooo many times to get a "good" one. That was annoying and I was able to go through multiple tries in a minute. Imagine doing that only once every four days or even two days if they let you see the stats right after it hatched....


    My reaction if this happened:


  6.    I got this last night too and tried again a couple times with the same result. I sent in a support ticket with my EE log. I couldn't take a WF screenshot, Steam screenshot or use the Print Screen button to show what was going on. Had to ctrl+Alt+delete to get out. it was a bummer. 



    EDIT: Thank you, [DE]Rebecca |


  7. I don't think it would make that much sense lore wise. the stalker is a ruthless killer assassin that does what ever he wants. heck he even barges in the void doesn't get mind controlled and and splatters the corrupted all over the walls just to get to you. 


    the g3 don't make that much sense to me either as all of mercury is grineer controlled. as for the harvester Im pretty sure you got your wish as from what I hear he only spawns in corpus tile sets.

       Not sure why it'd have to be made a lore issue or even part of the lore in the first place. It wouldn't even need to be mentioned in the codex or anything like that lol just makes sense to me to have only the first and lowest level mission to not not spawn these powerful characters. Just having it not happen on this node wouldn't case any waves or disruption that I can think of. Only place that would need to be mentioned it is the patch notes.


       Currently, Stalker wont target a player with a Mastery Rank of 4 or less and when I return to Terminus, I often have a similar or less conclave rating than a rank 4 player. So maybe a better solution would to tie it to conclave rating instead of rank? (also, that is a bit of a lore issue although admittedly not as much as what I initially proposed.) 



  8. Another possibility is that they're born with some sort of defect, possibly something along the lines of advanced aging (2 days from a puppy to full grown? That's pretty fast).

       This I like more. Since the Kubrow have shields that can take bullets, they should be relatively protected from ambient radiation (I assume). I agree that our Kubows aren't really clones either so I like what you said about their aging. I think that accelerated aging -then stopping the acceleration- would be more troublesome for our llama bat dogs than other theories I've seen. 

  9. The answer is Radiation Poisoning


    Of course it's not significant to kill them outright, but radiation poisoning damages the structure of DNA. It can lead to cancer and all sorts of harmful mutations (the majority of which cause death). 

       Or superpowers. Anyway, this is a interesting theory. Ordis needs a tune-up or maybe we can have a Liset buying mission with Darvo as the dealer/car salesman under the assumption he has come across shiny new parts and whatnot through shady means. I dunno

  10.    I'm sure many other players have experienced this. You go to cast Wormhole, you're aiming where you want to go and have a clear shot. You cast it, then the beam from your Wormhole goes straight -sometimes downward- to the nearest railing (or just the edges of most objects) as if it they were magnetized. This has been around a while and unless I'm mistaken, it isn't as bad as it used to be but it still exists.

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