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Grand Master
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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. If you ask a dozen people this kind of question you get a thousand answers.

    IMO, only weapons I've tried

    Best melee depends on what you're fighting

    Vs Infected: Dual Ether, Dual Zoren

    Vs Grineer: Dual Ether, Amphis

    Vs Corpus: Amphis

    Best secondaries

    Bronco: great damage, fastest reload, very ammo efficient. It's a shotgun, so medium range at best.

    Lex: Pocket sniper, ammo efficient. Kinda slow.

    D. Viper: Fire all the bullets! Amazing DPS but you will run out a third of the way through the mission.

  2. I hope they stay as separate but related universes.

    I personally found Dark Sector to be ok at best, only memorable due to one gimmicky weapon and the art direction. Unfortunately I never got to the end due to multiple save file corruptions and game breaking bugs. I don't remember anything about the main character so I doubt he was very interesting.

  3. I'm getting bored of the whose sword is sharper contest.


    Any sword can kill in the right hands. Can we agree Tenno have the right hands?

    Also I drew a Tenno Rapier!



    Base Damage: 30 (armor piercing)

    Base fire:1.2

    Charge Damage: 75

    Charge Speed: 0.6

    Special: Charge attacks include a short dash (about 4 meters)

    I have no idea if that's balanced or not :P

  4. Some ideas to fix movement

    1. As MJ12 said the movement speed should be somewhat normalized, allowing slow frames to keep up better.

    2. The roll should change into a diving lunge instead of a useless Captain Kirk roll. It would be faster than sprinting but hard to control, since it would be moving in long straight lines. It would be best used to catch-up on straightaways and dive out of gunfire.

    3. Dash attacks are limited by warframe speed.

  5. ^Grose^

    But anyway, more varied enemies with powerful but dodgeable attacks and special defences are what this game needs imo.

    The Grineer missiles and sticky bombs need to be two or 3 times as powerful as they are now. I haven't been bothered by them in ages.

    The Corpus are pretty good about this, Moa and Osprey work really well together to keep the battle field fun and dynamic. The Mine Osprey could use a damage buff though, and maybe faster mine detonations.

  6. (playground mode activated)

    Nuh uh. Your everything is dumb.

    But seriously you do need justification. Why are rapier style weapons any dumber than katana style ones? Or hammers, axes, and whatever Gram is supposed to be?

    More choice is always good.

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