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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. To me Vauban feels like the next generation of frame, and if further ones follow suit then i will definitely be upgrading my founders as they are heading in the right direction.

    Personally I hope they work on making the other frames backwards compatible to Vauban. Everyone needs more fun skills to use.

  2. Don't worry, Alloy Boosters coming to the cash shop in update 8! Now open up your wallets for Gamers First.

    That seems a little unfair. Especially since they said mat rewards would be added to alerts soon.

  3. snip


    I agree with you. Mostly.


    On Armor - if they boost his armor anymore or it will make the armor mod bizonkers.


    On HP- definitely


    On Abilities - a buff to most of them is needed, stomp especially. It needs a bit more damage and a much longer duration

    Iron Skin is actually bugged now, it wasn't meant to lose the status effect immunity. Once that is fixed I think it will work great. Tanking isn't really supposed to mean immune to damage, it's just supposed to last long enough to help your squishier teammates.


    On Shields - Rhino should definitely have faster regen, but the base amount seems good.


    Speed - This one, I have an interesting suggestion for. Rhino gets twice the normal stamina, and moves faster the longer he sprints, with a max speed a bit above the average sprint.


    The only reason why ANYONE plays rhino would be for his skin. Increase the cost or whatever, just return it to what it rightfully is.


    I think the others should be buffed instead. The reason it seems soooo bad now is because it was Rhino's one go-to skill. If the others where better it wouldn't be an issue. That and bug fixing his status immunity.

  4. Rapiers certainly are not armor piercing. In fact, most duels that involve rapiers end with light to medium wounds instead of heavy wounds and death. They are not a weapon designed for war or killing people, more of a self-defense, ornamental thingy.


    You appear to confusing Rapiers, a bladed and pointed weapon designed for punching through armor and impaling organs, with a Foil, a weapon designed for sport and practice. 




    I dare you to say you could take a hit from any of those without grievous injury.

  5. I like it. It actually adds realism.

    Since the security system is automated it requires active scanning not just passive light gathering. The beams coming the camera look like some kind of LADAR system.

  6. That was offering feedback. Sorry, I suppose I should go into more detail.


    When I started the game, I didn't think the guns that could be bought with credits would be any good and went straight for the Blueprints. I never had any trouble gathering resources or keeping credits for mods and that was before the update that boosted credit earning.

  7. All three should be strong against unarmored oponents and weak against armored.  Unless you justify in a lore friendly manner, strong armor piercing properties.  As an aside to their inability to penetrate armor, they could offer strong penetration through multiple enemies. 


    In real life spears where really good at piercing armor. Other pole arms where somewhat less so.

  8. A rapier is just as capable getting a fast kill as a Katana or any other sword if the wielder knows what they are doing. It's not like it magically forces you into a one on one fight.


    If you want to see some good fighting with rapiers watch the Princess Bride. Inigo Montoya kills tons of mooks with single swipes and stabs.

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