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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. Copied out of my Moar Dakka! thread out of laziness :P


    Laser Carbine – shoots a beam of highly focused photons at a target. No recoil, hitscan and perfect accuracy are balanced against low dps.

    Particle Cannon – a sniper counterpart to the Laser carbine, this proton accelerator deals far better damage but eats sniper ammo like candy.

    Flak – a very powerful single shot pulse shotgun. Although it has absolutely terrible spread, the Flak has a trick up its proverbial sleeve. When the trigger is held down the powercore is launched out of the barrel, detonating into the usual cone of pulse bolts upon release. The pulse core moves very slowly and touching anything prior to detonation destabilizes the core, wasting the shot.

    Torus – this energy shotgun fires a burst of five plasma ring vortexes. These rings expand outward into a narrow cone with a maximum range of a dozen meters. When one of the rings touches anything it pops, dealing moderate damage. 

    Drunk – when fired, this five barreled energy weapon spits out drunken energy blobs that careen around unpredictably. Although it can be difficult to use at long ranges, if all five projectiles hit the damage it deals is extreme.


    Misc. - Gyrojets, Pew-Pew guns (I know coming in v8), and a Metal Storm HMG.

  2. This game is still in open Beta. The Devs are adding new content all the time.


    Upcoming tile sets in version 8 (out this upcoming Friday)

    -Grineer spaceships

    -Orokin time-space warps

    -Tenno Dojos


    I don't know what their plans are after that, but I'm sure environment diversification is at the top of the art department's to-do list.

  3. Ha ha, that guy looks so much like the Dread Pirate Westley!


    That reminded me of another dueling weapon I've never seen in a videogame before.


    Dueling Shields






    I think they are super cool looking. I don't know if they really have a place in this game, but they are neat and I thought I'd share :)

  4. Yep. We need more skill guns, not tons of "do everything" weapons. It's why I find the Paris so satisfying. When used properly you feel like a badass. When used improperly you die :)

  5. HALO ALERT!! sorry, had to be done


    Or Doom, Quake, Star Trek, Star Wars, Predator, The Culture, Fallout, Xcom, Terminator, Warhammer 40k and a thousand other sci-fi series with plasma weapons that work that way.

  6. To identify with the Tenno they should be human or slightly above. Average human features would be the best way to accomplish this


    What about District 9? Or Loony Toons, My Little Pony, Disney movies or a thousand other things? Are you so narrow minded you can't identify with anything that isn't exactly your race?


    Do you have any concepts or reference images that supports your idea?

    My premise is that Tenno are at least partly human if not fully human (by human, I mean h0mo sapien-sapien). They may not be h0mo sapien-sapien, but I think they are either a decendant of humans (ie h0mo sapien-sapien) that has evolved into their current form (h0mo sapien-???). Or, they may have cross bred with other sentient species (h0mo ???).

    The problem I have with the cross breeding theory is that in nature, to cross bread and be able to produce viable offspring that are capable of reproducing, the species must be the same. Therefore, humans cross breeding with an alien species is not likely.


    Genetic engineering and Transhumanism can easily lead to drastically divergent "human" sub-species in the next hundred years or so (fingers crossed anyway). No inter-species love needed.

  7. there are already female warframes :D


    Yeah, but we would like to play all the frames as women, and I'm sure plenty of men would prefer to play male even if they really like Mag/Saryn/etc. powers.


    Are.... You guys sure you're not screwing around DE?... I mean, alternate sex has been brought around about a gazilion times by now, 3 times on Livestream only and they all have the same awnser... You guys are pranking them, aren't you?


    No, it's just something a lot of people really want. Vague statements on the livestream aren't enough.

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