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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. The spwans are fine, the slow trickle of mods and the long drag of upgrading all the mods so you can become reasonabily powerful is the issue. The massive emphesis on mods for getting ahead in power (assume your a reasonably skilled player) is causing the solo gripes of many players.

    So what? The devs have repeatedly said the game is intended to be played in co-op with a clan. They want to balance the game for that play style. They where nice enough to let us play solo, but they don't have to give soloers special drop rates.

  2. Part of the problem is they only have two models right now. I'm hoping that DE does something like the old Technocyte designs from Dark Sector.






    They are probably the most distinctive techno zombies I can think of. Pity the game itself was bland and buggy.

  3. Heck, I'm pretty sure even that isn't realistic, if I remember my 9th grade science correctly the distance between planets past Jupiter goes up by several orders of magnitude. (as in, with a Pluto orbit of the same size as shown in that picture you wouldn't even be able to see the orbits of the inner 4 or 5 planets.

    It is to scale, look real close at the lens flare from the sun, you can see a bunch of orbit tracks mashed in together.

  4. I haven't had the misfortune of playing with a Trollban yet.

    The worst I've had was a silly bit right at the end of the snow outpost where one launched me off the map with a well timed bounce. It was more funny than anything else, due to the lack of consequences for falling out of the map.

  5. how about some alerts with materials ? or how about some log in reward materials ? still better than 20 shotgun ammo boxes e.e

    The devs said they where going to do just that in a previous livesteam, although I don't remember which one. Hopefully they haven't changed their minds.

  6. Also consider that while some frames are expensive, some of the older frames are much cheaper because demand is lower, while the demand for vauban is very high right now and making him cheaper would cause an overflow of the frame appearing in game.

    In my experience this weekend I've seen 1 or 2 Vauban in every game I've played (not counting my own). A ton of people where more than willing to drop 300 plat on him.

  7. I just want to point out the loss of immunity to status effects (disruption, knockdown, toxin, etc.) was an unintended bug. They are aware of the problem and are working on it. I'm pretty sure iron skin is also supposed to stack with the power strength mod allowing 100% when maxed.

    I know it's a little frustrating they update on friday leaving us with a buggy weekend but the hotfix is coming.

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