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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. Already told you this but yes, I want to see Gungnir in the game and not the ridiculously dark and edgy frames that are plaguing the design council right now. 

    This statement right here makes me want to upgrade my founder rank just to vote those down.

  2. Being a big fan of the Infested I've been doodling more forms for them to try and kill us with.





    I know the current pallet swap is a placeholder, but I thought I'd do my take on what they could look like. I pictured them as the "lich" to the charger/runners "zombies"


    They stride elegantly across the battlefield supporting their lesser brethren, but if you hit the weak spot on their chests they go berserk and become brutal killing machines.



    Grineer Runner




    A midboss kind of enemy, rarer but more powerful than the Ancients. Only a couple would spawn per level. 


    Conjoined Reaper



    It would be kind of an upgrade to the Charger. Slow and plodding when maneuvering, but lethally fast when moving in straight lines. It would attack by kicking with it's upper body or trampling charges.


    Conjoined Spider



    A massive assassin that rapidly darts across the battlefield, capable of turning invisible and laying speed debuff traps.


    Conjoined Centipede



    The true powerhouse of the Infected. Slow, but capable of dealing massive damage with it many flailing limbs and lashing tail.


    What do you think?

  3. The general idea of how sci-fi shields work is that they use energy to oppose force, correct? Well decompression causes the air to push against you with thousands of pounds of force. I don't want to do the math right now, but it's like a heavyweight boxer punching your entire body all at once. I think that would strip shields rather quickly, even if it wouldn't be that lethal, due to being spread out.

  4. Rollers don't need to be removed, but they need a serious rework.


    My suggestions.

    No more stun on contact. They have to do their special attack for stun

    Normal attack- their current bladed bounce animation, more damaging than it is now but with no stun

    Special attack- the roller spins in place for a moment, building up momentum and glows red hot. It makes a gunning engine sort of sound as warning.

    It then leaps, stuns and deals heavy fire damage.

    Self Destruct- when brought below 50% health the roller begins to beep in warning and then charges at the nearest player. If it makes contact it explodes like a claymore, dealing massive damage with poor AOE.

  5. There is so much that could be done once they fix the stunlocking.  Allow them to scale walls and boxes to better chase tenno.  Allow them to drop in from above with little warning.  Give them something so that they are engaging to fight.  I would gladly have them deal more damage if they could no longer stunlock me.  And if they could deal damage they would better fit in with the grineer anyways.


    That sounds fun! Could they violently explode when killed? That would be amazing. No knockdown though, just heavy damage.

  6. I'd suggest making them have less HP, larger hit boxes, be a little slower, and only do damage or stagger when they actually attack (i.e. leap w/blades, not just touch), but to do a lot MORE damage. Turn them into a threat rather than annoyance but make them practical to deal with.


    I like this solution, particularly the last part. Why would just touching them stagger anyway? They aren't going that fast.

  7. fire rate is fine, decrease accuracy. 

    Keep the accuracy, but give them a momentary delay. This way they can't hit a fast, erratic target. This is how id software programmed the enemies in their old games, and I think it worked really well.

  8. If they did make it, it would be best to release it with a pack of other weapons with different properties. Keeping it from being the sole focus of a re-enforcement and making sure the description was clear would hugely limit any hate on for it.

  9. Also, you would definitely want to reduce the chance to 'jump' on ranged weapons, while having a higher chance to 'jump' on melee weapons.

    This way a Grakata wouldn't spit lightning everywhere and annihilate an entire platoon of crewmen in seconds, but someone running into that same group with melee would have a chance to down them all before dying.


    I would consider that a feature, not a problem >: )

  10. I was making a joke of Halo because Halo has Grunts, and even though they don't have Plasma Rifles, people will still (hopefully) get the joke and that was also the first game that went into my mind

    Ugh, sorry for jumping down your throat. I don't like Halo, and forgot they had an enemy called that. I thought you where implying that he got the idea from Halo, rather than it being one of the oldest sci-fi cliches ever.

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