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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. How would it harm the community? just how would it harm the community? 


    Probably trolls using name changes to avoid their reputation, opening people up to more griefing. Just guessing.

  2. That is something they are definitely working on. In the next couple weeks they plan to release Grineer spaceship, Orokin ruin and Tenno Dojo tiles. Beyond that we don't know, but even more will be coming soon.


    Watch the Livestreams, they give previews for upcoming content in them.

  3. Ancient Wraith



    These rare beings float above the battlefield hurling psionic missiles at the enemies of the Infested.





    Large floating sacks that protect their precious cargo with flailing poisonous tendrils.


    Nauseous Crawler



    These disgusting Infection Forms are so corpulent they can barely move. Larger but tougher than the current version.





    This dangerous creature has been twisted by the Technocyte into a living wrecking ball.





    Meh. This looks more like something that should be driving Investigators of the Cthulhu Mythos insane, but I'm posting it anyway!

  4. I guess the actual danger is to keep the warframe from having whatever liquids it has to just boil out. Similar to all live organisms (we assume that warframes are biotech and are counted towards that group), I guess the biggest danger in open space for them (aside from ionizing radiation, which also could be the point) would be whatever liquid they have suddenly beginning to boil in the extremely low pressure.


    I'd like to think the Warframes had skin strong enough to keep their fluids pressurized and prevent ebullism. It's kind of crazy to think a space faring culture wouldn't do that in space combat, no matter how comfy their ships are.


    I'd rather the health damage was removed entirely and just applied to shields.

  5. Spears weren't really used to make spinny-slashy attacks. If they include spears they should be long reach, armor piercing single target heavy damage dealers.

    I'm not apposed to polearms like a Naganata or Glaive-Guisarm being used like you propose. They where actually made for slashing attacks

  6. Because no one is $&*&*#(%& enough to attack someone with steel armor using rapier. Rapiers were effective against targets with leather/ no armor. Rapiers were effective because heavy armor couldn't save you from primitive shooting weapons.


    No one weared heavy steel armor in time when rapier was invented - it was useless. So then cuirass was invented to protect from pistols (not rifles). But with creating new weapons cuirasses became useless too. Nothing could save you from bullets - no need in armor. This where rapiers became popular because it could pierce the whole human body with ease.


    But not heavy armored Grineer. Or Corpus robots.


    Yeah, and katanas can totally cut through tanks right? (sarcasm)

  7. Kid's will cry about anything. They sign up for a PvP match (even with consent), if they get 1-2 hit by an ult or by a hek or whatever, they will get frustrated. Without thinking they will try again therefore causing more frustration. The cycle will become never ending. I'm not saying that mature people will go off and cry about how OP something is, sure it could happen, but I'm more worried about the younger players of warframe. The ones who cannot restrain themselves from a rematch or whatever. THIS is why I am slightly worried. Yes this PvP thing has great potential, but at the same time I can see a few things that can go wrong, as I've already mentioned.

    Who cares what a bunch of immature people whine about? The Devs aren't going to listen. Every community has a vocal minority that everyone ignores and I've seen worse bunches than that.

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