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Grand Master
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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. Having played all the Mass Effects I can say with some certainty the AI is not the greatest. It is serviceable, but it isn't much if any better than Warframe's. Hek, in the first one the AI only knew one move, run around randomly and shoot non stop.

  2. Here's an idea. Have fun with the game. If you lose shrug and go I/we will try harder and kick more &#! next time. Run Pluto, train a bit, find gear that suits you better, whatever it takes to have fun. If you are having fun isn't that reward enough?

    If you still aren't having fun after all that, then it's your problem and you may have to accept that this game wasn't for you. 

    You ran that risk when you paid for it during Beta, a period no game has made it through completely unchanged. Sometimes you have to accept time and money has been misspent and live with it.

  3. I'm very confused by these threads. I thought it was weird you ever got anything for a failed mission. If you don't succeed you don't get rewarded. The farthest I've ever made it in a level appropriate Defence mission is 10 and I'm OK with that.

  4. > Posts image of a Grineer-tech shotgun.

    > Hek, Councilor Vay Hek's signature weapon.

    > I am 12 and what is this?



    I think he meant as a replacement for the Tenno Strun all the yellow Grineer currently carry.

  5. "Hey look guys! I found this ancient sword in a ruin!"

    *breaks sword on Corpus box head* 

    "Oh, yeah, our swords are made of metamaterials for a reason."


    But seriously, I wouldn't mind the mechanics you propose, but it should fit in with the weapons already in the game.

    Call in Malskanis, make it look like a fusion of bone and plastic and give the scabbard eyes and I think it would work out very well. I'd buy one.

  6. I'll repost my ideas from an earlier thread. I think they are fairly reasonable and provide a wide variety of locations that fit many locations within the Sol System.


    Rocky (large asteroids,moons,planetoids) Burning wateland (Mercury, Io) Frozen wasteland (Europa, outer system) Cloud cities (gas giants) Sandy desert (Venus, Mars, Earth) Underwater (Europa, Earth) Forest (Earth, Habitat domes) Abandoned city (Earth, Habitat domes) Orokin ruins.


    I would also like planet specific skyboxes, one for planetary surfaces and one for ships, stations and habitats.

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