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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. True. It's not objective at all and entirely up to the devs. We are just arguing over opinion but that's fun, isn't it?

    As for pump, none of the shotguns are. They even mentioned that in the last livestream. The sound artist made a mistake when he added a racking noise.

  2. Yes, when wielded by super strong space ninjas. It fits within the established universe and makes sense within it's internal logic.

    The Tenno are superstrong, so it's best to make weapons that can take advantage of that.

    If their strength enhancement is only equal to modern CNT, they could manage a bow draw weight of 15,000 kg! Granted the arrows should look more like a drill bit because fetching is going to do nothing at the kind of speeds a superstrong archer can manage.

    That doesn't even take into account the electromagnetic acceleration it has in its lore.

  3. I'm not extrapolating 60 years into the future. I'm talking prototypes we have right now.


    Look, I'm just saying I don't think a bolt action weapon fits the tone, aesthetic, or technology level of the setting. The niche of slow, accurate, powerful rifle is better filled by a more setting appropriate weapon.

  4. And combo powers, tech burst cryo explosion, fire explosion, warp explosion, there are so many great abilities of varied scope and use in ME3 with amazing synergy.


    Really when you think about it ME3 mp is light years away of any other online co-op game.


    As for the weapon animations you are obviously wrong, guns feel a lot more meaty and authentic in ME3 than in Warframe.


    Maybe if you spend some money on the game they will have some of the 30 - 60 million dollars it needs to match a cash bloated, EA suckling sellout. Oh yeah, I went there XD 

  5. Bolt action rifles not used?


    For any sort of long range shooting people don't use gas operated semi-automatic/automatic rifles. They use bolt-action rifles. They are more accurate. Please don't speak gibberish when you don't even understand what you are talking about. Unless in the next thirty years people find a way to create a portable coilgun or railgun, bolt action rifles will sure as hell be used. Even then, who knows how the weapon would operate.


    I know exactly why bolt action rifles are currently used.

    -fewer moving parts, which means easier maintanence, greater ruggedness and few (if any) jams.

    -semi-automatic rifles are gas operated, bleeding of a small amount of the bullets propellant. That decreases velocity, and therefore accuracy.

    -autoloaders are looser than manual actions, further decreasing bullet velocity.


    -institutional momentum


    This is a sci-fi universe with the energy density required to have energy shields, pew pew energy guns and anti gravity pets. Railguns and lasers are only too big to be man portable in real life because they need huge generators. Clearly the Tenno have small enough generators to have such weapons.

  6. Yeah sure, they are strong enough for it. That matters squat in terms of game balance and purpose. Having Twin Lex, would be dumb. Lex is a designated accurate hand cannon. Giving you two of these is silly and sort of defeats the purpose of the gun. This isn't Lato, Bolto or Viper that you can just shower the enemy with shots.


    Not to mention how absolutely insane this would be with Banshee's Sonar, for something that isn't even a main weapon.

    I think you may be in the wrong thread. This is about bolt action rifles.

  7. False equivalence. The Tenno have the raw strength to cut through a 7-8 foot tall man wearing enough armor plate to bomb-proof a humvee, and you think that somehow means low tech is better? 

    With upcoming advances in Carbon Nanotubes, real life power armor will be at least 200 times as strong as a human, 50 times as fast as a human, and 20 times more resistant to bullets than kevlar. The Tenno are far more advanced than we are, that's probably peanuts to them.






    It's Science fiction, have some imagination.

  8. Yeah, no bolt action rifles please. They wont be used in 30 years let alone 300.

    Railgun, Laser, Particle cannon, Heavy Bolter, Gyrojet, Plasma caster, etc. so many sci-fi weapons you can choose from, why settle for a relic?

  9. The thing is, from the sounds of it they don't bother to extract you if you fail a defence mission. Lotus says extraction is coming soon blah blah blah. If your cryopod explodes they probably shrug and consider the location overrun. Therefore no loot.

  10. I want to run faster, kill faster, and melee more. The game currently feels like a mix of Doom, Devil may Cry and Unreal Championship. They should play that up more, not turn it into a Mass Effect clone.

  11. Perhaps make a more high quaility version of the old model, then use both models, with the more 'front line' places having the more mechanical design and more 'backwater' using the 'organic' design. Heck, just mixing the two up would work fine for me, give them more visual verity to them.

    Yes, an improved old model would be great. You know the Crysis nano-suit with it's exposed nanofiber muscles? Something like that for the legs, but covered with translucent coloured armour panels over the thighs and shins.

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