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Everything posted by JargenBakt

  1. The new weapon information statistics suffers from too many hover overs to look at all the useful information. Total ammo capacity and reload speed are now hover statistics when they should be visible at all times. This needs to be reverted immediately. Same thing goes for the accuracy now using "words" to describe the accuracy with hover statistics that don't mean much of anything. I initially thought my game was bugged out until I started hovering over everything. This is not a good idea to hide incredibly valuable information from the player via a hover.
  2. Wasn't sure where to put this topic so I'm putting it here in the general feedback forum. So, I've been having issues logging into Warframe.com lately because the reCAPTCHA is always saying that it's failing. I finally managed to login, but this has been giving me nothing but headaches in trying to login. Can someone please do something about the busted reCAPTCHA that is protecting the main website. It's horrendously broken failing to actually do its job by letting people login that do actually solve the things as it pops up.
  3. If this is going to be a trend for future bosses then it's high time that Heavy Weapons become exempt from damage attenuation. Adding super bosses to the game is one thing, putting rewards behind them is another. This is going to create tensions between those who can and those who can't. The last thing we need are people asking (and begging in some cases) for carries because either they lack the skill and/or the equipment to do them. I, for one, am barely capable of even doing the super boss and cheesed it using Ivara before this change. My hands tend to tense up pretty bad during sequences like these making things even harder. I tried again after the change using Loki and just barely survived before the debuffs got real bad. As much accessibility as the dev team has added to the game, this is a complete step backwards to players who do have issues that would prevent them from doing fights like these. The super boss simply should not have any kind of rewards.
  4. Edit: I'm stupid. Symlinking doesn't work the way I think it does. So it seems that I'm requesting that the DirectX 12 Shader Cache can be moved to a separate location. Either that or place the DirectX 12 shader cache into its own folder so symlink folder junctions can work with it. Until the point where a pre-generation option exist for shaders, this is the next best thing. !! OLD POST BELOW !! Unable To Symlink DirectX 12 Shader Cache So when attempting to symlink the new DirectX 12 shader cache to a new location, upon starting the game the symlinks are immediately deleted. Either let us symlink the DX12 shader cache or add in functionality to move the shader cache to a different location. The DX12 shader cache is simply too destructive on any storage medium be it HDD or SSD. I have zero problems with the DX11 cache being symlinked as that is handle by the GPU Vendor. I wanted to start testing DX12 performance, but I won't do it at the cost of my already aging SSD. I've been having to symlink a lot of temp stuff to a RAMDisk to prolong the life of my SSD and the DX12 shader cache is on that list of temporary files I would like to have stored there. For now, I'm just going to continue to play on DX11 until this issue is resolved because I can control the shader cache location.
  5. This needs to be changed to divide the 5,000 between the equipped focus lenses else this will mess with the current focus farm methods that use Naramon exclusively for the bonus melee XP gain. And on that thought, Thrax and Void Angel enemies outside of Duviri should also be changed to function like this too. It should be set up to check for focus lenses first and if there aren't any use the equipped focus school.
  6. @Naroxas44 I started to noticed the Shader Cache problem about a few years ago when I had to start clearing it out after every major update and noticed that I was getting vastly improved load times on first load compared to subsequent loads leading me to finally disabling the cache. That's when load times became faster and more consistent and the game stopped freezing on occasion. It seems like both the GPU Vendor Shader Cache and the engine's own local Shader Cache have the exact same problems. The engine's handling of generated cached data is clearly incredibly messed up. You'd have to go and play Warframe yourself at least on DX11 without the shader cache present and with it turned off to see what I mean. There's not much else more I can say about it other than I've noticed the problem, I've replicated the problem, and I've laid it out for all to see.
  7. After some additional testing, I can confirm that the four files - F.ShaderPermutationDx11.cache F.ShaderPermutationDx11.toc F.ShaderDx11.cache F.ShaderDx11.toc - are the new cache. I went into the launcher and tested DX11 and DX12 with and without the Shader Cache option. I moved these files out, launched the game, and only on DX12 with Shader Cache did these files show back up again. The first two are constantly being updated while the other two seem to only update when you quit the game. Now, there are two ways to verify how something is written. Check the data modified on the filestamps in file explorer and/or use Resource Monitor that's part of Windows and monitor what files are currently being accessed and written to. Maybe for you it doesn't matter, but there are other people, including myself, who are wary about something being written that often for something that doesn't need to be written that often. So, after all this, I've gone back to DX11 with the GPU Vendor Shader Cache turned off because this engine clearly has a big problem with the handling of any Shader Caches being present. It's pretty clear that this engine is not meant to have a Shader Cache at all and is to generate and store everything on-the-fly in memory. It is pretty clear that the presence of a Shader Cache is screwing with the engine in a real hard way and this problem needs to be acknowledged at some point.
  8. So after playing a bit with DX12 and the new cache, the engine is still fighting itself over the cache causing longer load times, additional hitching in some places although much of it has been mitigated, and sometimes freezing. So whether or not it's using the GPU Vendor Shader Cache or the new cache... it's still causing serious problems that hardly show themselves without the cache. This engine simply has a bit problem with shader caches as a whole. Something needs to be done because caches of any kind are suppose to facilitate improvements and this engine seems to be doing the complete opposite with the caches present. I've also noticed that several files in the - Warframe\Downloaded\Public\Cache.Windows - which I'm assuming has to be related to the new cache are being updated almost every single second. If this really is the cache that's being updated, then it's incredible destructive and wasteful especially on SSDs having these files being written to almost every single second. If this really is the new cache, then a pre-generate option for all shaders needs to be implemented as soon as possible.
  9. Still no option to pre-generate all shaders from either the launcher or as an option in the graphics settings in-game. It would be really ideal if such an option existed as we wouldn't have to worry about shader generation during gameplay.
  10. The engine Warframe uses is falling apart at the seams as evident by all the shader cache issues that it's currently suffering from. For example, with the rising shader cache issues, it is making zero sense for the engine to rely on the GPU Vendor Shader Cache and should in fact generate and handle the shader cache locally where config files are stored. On nVidia at least, the default shader cache storage is set to 100MiB which clearly isn't enough. You have to go out of your way to set the shader cache storage to unlimited or off. Having a GPU Vendor Shader Cache these days has the opposite effect on this engine. So many of these problems can be traced back to the Ensmallening updates that were pushed years ago and have persisted since then. There have been attempts since then to smooth things out, but more often than not... things have gotten far worse. Is there any possibility that we could get more transparency on the engine development side of things? It's clear that compared to other engines out there, the engine that Warframe uses is really starting to suffer.
  11. Are you storing the cache locally or are you using the GPU vendor cache? If you're using the vendor cache to store the cache, please consider handling the shader cache locally where the config and log files are located. The engine already has serious issues with a shader cache (GPU vendor cache) being present at least in DX11 causing longer load times and additional hitching and freezing on numerous assets. It's like the engine itself is constantly fighting against the shader cache any time it is present. On the same topic, can we get an option to pre-generate all shaders in the game before launch and an option to also verify said shaders?
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