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Everything posted by Alexis_Walker

  1. like many others have pointed out, magnetic's effect on shields is redundant when toxin bypasses them entirely, and magnetic is utterly useless on non-shielded enemies while toxin continues to have an effect universally on everything... honestly i feel like the best solution to the magnetic problem would be to outright replace its effect rather than trying to tweak the one it has. for example, you know the mini magnetize bubble status caused by void damage from amps and xata's whisper? what if we simply make that the status effect of magnetic damage? then it would be useful against all factions and be actually worth considering using as a form of cc as well as for its damage. perhaps the size of the magnetize bubble could be tweaked based on the number of status procs for balance purposes, such as being about the size of a grineer roller at 1 stack and a little bigger than the current bubble at max stack. the only challenge then would be figuring out what to replace void damage's status with... perhaps some sort of effect like banshee's silence that temporarily disables eximus abilities? that would be really useful for fighting eximus enemies as operator.
  2. honestly if we're talking taking duviri things that exist in one way and giving them to the player, the thigs i wanna see most are that lil bunny hopping around my ship, and a combined version of the kaithe mood coronet ephemera thing that changes to the different versions depending on the current mood cycle ingame... like when its the anger cycle it would appear as the fire one, the sorrow cycle would turn it into the icy one, etc.
  3. imagine being the one player in existence that actually bought Grate Prime
  4. so for about half a year now ive been trying to make a habit of checking ticker's crewmate stock everyday if i can... been hit n miss but ive kept close to it... in search of my ideal crewmate for on call summon.. specifically a steel meridian elite with the aoe heal 500 on kill perk and all her stat points into combat/repairs/endurance. absolutely NO piloting or gunnery points.. i dont really care about her health or shield values but the more the merrier. anyways so far in all this time checking ive only ever seen a grand total of 2. 2! elite steel girls with the correct aoe heal on kill effect... and neither of them had the correct stats. so im just just wondering if anyone has any idea what the drop rates/chances are in terms of how they are rolled each day or how much longer i might have to keep checking before i eventually get the one ive been looking for... any feedback would be appreciated even if its just a guess.
  5. well from what i understand in terms of what warframes are physically made of, theyre basically super advanced cyborgs. start with a normal fleshy organic human base, and add infested spores (aka literal nanobots) to physically reconfigure their body at the cellular level to add the metal aspect, add the circuitry that enables them to be programmed for shields, ui overlays, transferrence and other such things... so the way i figure prettymuch all warframes would have fairly comparible material properties as the organic fleshy cellular base they started with, just a bit stiffer than usual since every cell now also has a microscopic layer of metal to it, but still has a very much cellular structure. so not full on liquid goop like the T2 Terminator, but not completely rigid Robocop either. just... mm. i guess the android girl from automata? like... that kinda texture. flesh+
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