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Everything posted by ItzVy

  1. Hey, on PC, Drifter can use Obsidian cosmetics. https://imgur.com/a/N92qeMV
  2. Merged account experience so far: - Merged my PS4 account in - Works perfectly fine - Got all of my loot and warframes - Multiple copies of primes, oops - Got MR XP and have to do all tests for met mastery ranks, I am at MR 20 rn with 1,305,324 mastery - Open world rank doesn't seem to have came over from console afaik This process was really simple and easy to understand, if you have an issues, Warframe's FAQ and instructions have been very clear, just be patient. PC Prime Access, not Console. I just have like 4 excaliburs and a dream now LMAO
  3. I'm pretty plat from all platforms EXCEPT Nintendo Switch will be merged. Any future microtransactions will most likely be the same price as they were before.
  4. Can't find the tweet, most likely removed, so daily isn't confirmed but still an option.
  5. I think one of the devs had posted on twitter that Cross-Platform Save will be rolling out DAILY, assuming there aren't any other major bugs. I cannot find the tweet, probably was deleted on Fridays when it got delayed due to the major issue, but I don't doubt DE is as ready to get this into our hands as we are to have it.
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