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Posts posted by Kinetos

  1. how can you propose to give meridian 1 of the most terrible and annoying guns in the game (Miter and Buzlok), hind is barely decent but could get better.

    Arbiters: quite odd for arbiters to sell a bow dont you think? allthought tiberon would be great, panthera is just a big nono

    Suda:hmm.....why not supra?

    but honestly i agree that new weapon would be cool for them, as long as they arent as terrible as Red Veils were in the beginning

    Because DE said they want to use syndicate weapons to revitalize old underused weapons.

    Suda already has Supra.

  2. I don't picture the Sentients using swords and daggers. Umbra perhaps, or could be from a time before even the Orokin. When did whatever happened to Earth happen, and how? If Earth was nuked, and if that was pre-Orokin, Dark Swords could be made after that catastrophe from irradiated metal.


    The Swirling pattern on the blades look a whole lot like the patterns on the Ack and Brunt with the alternate skin.

  3. They have said they want to pick under used or under rated older weapons, so I doubt Boltor would be used for Hexis because its Prime is so popular, same with Soma.


    Hind would be likely for Steel Meridian, or Buzlok. I don't think I've ever seen either of those.

    Ignis could also be possible.


    For Hexis I could see them picking Attica or Tiberon, hardly ever see those, other than my Tib, but I really would hope for Tiberon, because I like it a lot, but not so much Attica.


    Rakta Cernos certainly fits the older underused category. It will probably be buffed a lot.

    Tigris is by no means a weak gun, but it's duplex auto means people love it or hate it.

  4. <---- This guy. Over all he's very balanced and versatile. My second favorite frame by preference and play time, and first PA, as well as buying the standard one after playing the tutorial as him after coming back to the game having started with excal before the tutorial was introduced..


    His first 3 abilities are mostly perfect, only need fine tuning.


    Shock ----- Wouldn't change anything.

    Speed ----- Get rid of the FOV or include in the Settings a way to turn off FOV changes on ability use.

    Electric Shield ----- Maybe as an augment, but let the shield follow Volt's camera. Recasting could drop it in place.

    What is the slit in the shield supposed to be? Please remove it? It's visually distracting and doesn't seem to serve a purpose.


    Overload could use a rework, or replacement. Not sure what I'd want. As long as it isn't a Press 4 to Win (Miasma, Peacemaker) or Press 4 to Seizure (Exalted Blade, World on Fire). Maybe bake in Capacitance to the base ability or rework it to charge damage similar to Ballistic Battery or Maim I think is Equinox's ability, or what's the melee mod that stores expended power to add to the next melee hit? Add placed Electric Shields and other players and objects that can be arced through like the lights?



    Umbra ---- Not really excited, before Umbra news, you knew what frames you could dump forma into without it being a waste if you want to only forma the best version you can get: All Primes, and regular Excal. Now... idk if putting forma on Excal is worth it. If Umbra is a skin, I'll be happy. I just won't get it probably. I'm satisfied with my Mordred Immortal looks. If Umbra is a separate frame, will it be able to use the Immortal/Proto/Prisma skins and alt helmets?



    Companions ----- Diversity, they shouldn't be identical, but the degree of usefulness of similar abilities we have varies too much, while the mechanics don't.

    Shade and Huras are basically the same, except in every way they differ, Huras is far superior, larger detection radius, and it isn't line of sight either.

    I would assume Kavat's will have at least 1 variant with stealth, I'd like it to be somewhat different than Huras and Shade, but still useful. Maybe Kavat cloak would silence guns and guns wouldn't break the cloak, but abilities would break the cloak instead?


    Helios can scan, and that's unique enough for him.

    I mainly run Huras, Raksa, or Helios.




    What I really want is a good auction/exchange system with appropriate limits and safeguards. I like building, modding, fighting. Haggling and speed reading simulator aren't fun.

  5. No. A lightsaber copy in Warframe would be cheap and out of character. While you dismiss Gram and it's smaller cousin Plasma Sword, it's not far off from a lightsaber, actually, those glowing edges ARE lightsabers.

  6. that's only because you can't activate its second shot by releasing LMB while sprinting, you just have to click again (big deal).

    So what you are saying is "its broken because it's broken and that's no reason to fix it"

    It is inconsistent with every other firing function in the game. Sprinting but want to shoot? Ok, just do it! EXCEPT FOR WITH THIS ONE GUN IT WILL ONLY WORK HALF THE TIME.

    Big deal? If a real shotgun was this unreliable or required so much working around it's flaws, it would be more dangerous to the user than to the target and no one would buy the model if they knew about it beforehand.

  7. Your whole wall of text means nothing to me... i don't understand anything....

    It doesn't work like you think it works.

    You said you can't shoot if you are sprinting, but with every other gun, you CAN, even with the first shot from Tigris. Sprinting does not prevent shooting. Shooting does not prevent sprinting.

    Only one can be done at a time, but trying to do the second action while doing the first cancels the first and starts the second.

    EXCEPT for Tigris second shot which doesn't cancel sprint if it's active, instead delaying untill some completely unrelated event turns off sprint.

  8. This is actually a very interesting idea. I wish it didn't need to require an augment, but if it did it could still be balanced. SPectral scream still kind of needs a rework, but I really like this idea. Though would the base elements be buffed if you had matching energy and attachment energy colors or remain the same?


    Edit: Misread the last sentence. Perhaps longer duration and stronger procs? More damaging, longer lasting, and such?


    I'm not really sure. Increased proc chance? It it's an augment it would need degrees of effectiveness too for when it's rank 0-3. + 5% proc chance per rank?

  9. no because sprinting goes over shoting regarding priority.

    Just tested wilth Tigris and Gammacor.



    While running, toggle sprint on.

    Press Fire, starts firing and sprint toggles off.

    Press Sprint, stops shooting and toggles sprint on.

    Press Fire, starts firing and sprint toggles off.

    Press Sprint, stops shooting and toggles sprint on.



    While running, toggle sprint on.

    Press and hold fire, first barrel blasts, sprint toggles off.

    While still holding second barrel, press sprint, resumes sprinting.

    Release Fire, nothing happens. This is the problem. It should shoot and stop sprinting here, but it doesn't.

    Press sprint to turn it off or press aim button, which also turns off sprint, gun fires. This is also a problem. I didn't do any action since trying to fire that should cause it to fire, but it does anyway.

  10. And Tenno assault rifles, not counting LMG-like Soma, or Corpus built Braton, or dart shooting Boltor, there are none right? Would like something that looks like a cross between Furis, Tiberon, and Karak.

  11. Allows Chroma to use compound elements by combining Warframe energy color and Attachment energy color.


    Spectral Scream and Effigy would straight up switch damage types to the compound element.


    Elemental Ward would keep the mechanics of the Warframe color, but the damage and proc would be the compound element.


    A Red/Blue Chroma would behave differently than a Blue/Red Chroma, although both are Radiation Chroma.

    Red would still do the health buff, Blue the shield buff, and the debuffs would be the same too, except for the elemental damage and proc are Radiation.


    I have yet to think what a Red/Red, Blue/Blue etc would do, but should it do anything?

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