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Posts posted by Kinetos

  1. I can see why people would like this.

    Perhaps a more elegant implementation would be having you appear kinda wraith-y (In the mythical sense, not like the weapons) from your perspective. Not completely gone, but faded, or completely sheathed in energy... Maybe how rifted things look?

    This way, you can still see what you're doing, as well as clearly tell when the power is activated. In case the timer and visual distortions aren't enough ;)

    This would be nice. I use white energy on my Loki so I can see him better. None of his abilities have eye bleeding effects so white energy is ok.

  2. I think it would be useful in certain situations but certainly not all. If you needed to place several stationary shields, the Shell augment would make it cost a lot more. But if you need to move around and only need 1 at a time, it will save energy by not having to cast as often.

  3. Electric Shell

    On first cast, spawns an Electric Shield that sticks to Volt's camera, like Odonata's Energy Shell. On second cast, The Shell sticks in place as a standard Shield with the remaining duration of the Shell. Maybe no cast time on the second cast?


    Kinetic Barrier

    Reduces initial Duration of the Electric Shield, but regains Duration every time an enemy weapon hits it.


    Extending Shields

    Casting cost of Electric Shield is switched from Energy to Shields

  4. I like it. I'd just feel bad for any Sahasa-Sunika that gets Ferocity + Savagery, and anything other than Dig and Unleashed would be pointless anyway. Unless they rework one of them.

    A couple mixes that interest me are Huras-Raksa with Protect and, really either Hunt or Stalk, and Raksa-Chesa with Howl and Disarm, or Sahasa-Chesa with Dig and Retrieve. Or a Sahasa-Raksa with Dig and Protect. So many intriguing possibilities.

    This would give me incentive to breed more, as currently I don't care about base appearance so once I get 1 of each breed I'm done.

  5. The Stat: Resistance


    Shields should have an additional stat on a warframe: Resistance.  (As Armor is to Health, so this is to Shield) 

    Most frames probably would have a standard value for this, randomly selecting 100. Valkyr would have a lower one, like 15. Mag, Volt, [insert other frames with high shields or abilities/augments that affect shields here] could have higher Resistance, like 300 or so.


    The Mod: Reactive Shields


    + Shield Recharge

    + Shield Resistance


    Shield operates more efficiently by actively predicting and focusing against incoming damage.

  6. Agreed with maikkeli.

    The fancy futuristic weapons with one off sci-fi mechanics are not my favorite. To be a good weapon in my opinion, it has to be simple, versatile, reliable. Tiberon fits that and is probably my favorite ranged weapon in the game, but it's not very "sci-fi".

    A pump shotgun would be a good weapon I think. And with the reload mechanics alone it would be different enough. But why not also have it be sci-fi, without sacrificing the 3 properties I mentioned?

    I say make a new Tenno weapon that uses pump shotgun firing and reloading mechanics, but fires energy waves like Fluctus or Exalted Blade.

  7. I personally think, that this is a nice idea, since there's no impact whip (as far as i know)

    But I'd like to see a different design.

    And it reminds me of Sauron's mace, as Magistar does ^^


    Yup, I'd have no problem with different models as long as it's still a Tenno impact whip similar to this.

  8. How to make a chain mace:


    1. Cut the business end off a Magistar.

    2. Cut the bottom of the handle from the same Magistar.

    3. ????

    4. PROFIT






    Slower than the other whips, more base damage, mainly impact. Chance to rag doll. Slam attack has the same smash that the Magistar, Fragor, Jat Kittag have.



  9. You do know that both of crimson dervish's combos add only add two hits, and iron pheonix adds 1

    Iron Phoenix does not just add 1 strike. Regular combo is slash, slash, stab with impact proc. Pause combo is the first 2 slashes, then a short ranged spin slash, slash, slash, slash with an explosion that procs whatever the sword would proc on a smash.

  10. I would like to see more of how the infestation works too. Is it the airborne spores that infect and turn people into infested? Or does it require contact with an open wound? Or can some infested inject spores the way the Borg do?


    I mean, it probably wouldn't make a big difference in a match, like, if hundreds of them are spawning, what does a few extra from turned Corpus and Grineer make, and would they necessarily turn fast enough to take part in the same battle pre infection and also full infested form? I don't think they'd transform that quickly.


    But quest/lore could be added to explain this sort of thing.

  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draugr


    Draugr are a type of undead in Norse mythology.


    They are similar to zombies, but so much more. Skyrim didn't do them justice.





    So, what would I want to see in a Draugr themed Warframe?



    A bit of an Infested theme.




    A kind of a mix between Hydroid and Nekros. Thick forearms and lower legs and upper torso, thinner lower torso and upper limbs.


    Default color theme, dark blue, brown, black, dark blue/green energy.

    Should have a special auxiliary attachment similar to Nekros and Valkyr which looks like seaweed.


    Could be Male or Female, I won't choose.






    Affected by Range, Duration

    When active, allows Draugr and nearby allies to walk through locked doors, removes collision with enemies, protects against traps, and protects against grapples. Affected characters glow with Draugr's energy color.

    Augment could damage enemies phased through




    Affected by Strength, Range, Duration

    Creates an aura around Draugr. When enemies enter it, they take Radiation damage over time and take Radiation Proc.

    Augment could add panic like with Ember's Fire Blast augment.




    Affected by Strength, Range

    Nearby credit and ammo drops have a chance to be turned into health orbs.

    Augment could exchange health orbs to energy orbs



    Toggle, Duration

    Affected by Strength, Duration

    Draugr increases their size and bulk and fights with bare hands.

    Physique changes from like Nekros to like Rhino, the air around Draugr fills with spores (visual fx only), armor increases, movement slows, size scales up, increases aggro.

    Combo: Idk, similar to hysteria, but no energy claws, just punches. Heavier slower ones though. and a charge attack that's similar to the Infested Ancient's ranged punch, including the limb stretching.



    Shield: 90

    Armor: 200

    Health: 150

    Energy: 150

    Sprint Speed: 1.2



    Instead of Oberon parts, *infested* eximi could drop the parts for Draugr.


    That or tie it into a quest.



    So, you know that genetic research we grabbed from Tyl Regor for Alad V? Well, we use it on a Tenno that had fallen to the infested and while it isn't completely successful at restoring them physically, they are restored enough to rejoin the Tenno in their fight for balance, with new powers.


    (read this thread in a Scottish accent)



    Claybeg and Targe - Tenno crafted Sword And Shield


    This sword and shield concept is based on the Glaive as well as 1700's Scottish basket hilted broadswords and round targe.


    The term Claymore has been used commonly to refer to this type of sword but it more correctly refers to a Medieval Scottish Great Sword, while Claybeg refers to the smaller early modern sword.



    The shield folds and shrinks to store itself as a compact disc on the user's left arm, and opens up when equipped to form a large round, sharp edged shield. Additionally, when channeled, the targe emits 3 energy spikes and the outside edge of the blade rims glows.


    The sword is based on Scottish, British, German and Italian broadswords of the 1700's. These were heavy military/cavalry cut and thrust swords (compared to civilian rapiers of the same period) with increasingly decorative basket style hilts. This one features a simple fullered blade and a sturdy basket hilt decorated with a Lotus emblem. When channeling, the fullers and lotus emblem glow. There are 2 sugatra attach points on the sides of the basket.


    targe v2 stowed



    targe v3 equipped



    targe v3 channelled



    sword v2



    sword v2 targe v3





    Damage types:


    10% impact

    40% puncture

    50% slash


    Higher attack speed than Ack and Brunt.

    Total damage similar to Ack and Brunt, maybe a little less.


    I think both Sword and Board stances are the same polarity, so... use that polarity for the stance slot :P


    low status chance, good crit chance and multiplier.
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