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Posts posted by Kinetos

  1. I don't think it would be useless, a fair amount of a melee weapons utility is tied to its animations, stances, which aren't like other mods or equipment, If a sword user is proficient in more than one fighting style with 1 weapon type, they can change without having to like, idk, sharpen it or install a different grip?

    Plus, multi stance use would allow DE to make some very specialized stances that could compliment existing ones.

    Tempo Royale for AOE and slash damage, but add a new halfswording stance for shorter range stance with damage changed to puncture and increased crit stats.

  2. Like Tempo Royale but sometimes wish you had some of the attacks from Cleaving Whirlwind or Rending Crane?

    Or wanted to switch between Blind Justice and Decisive Judgment on the fly?

    I think this could be done.

    Add a slot like Exilus to melee weapons. It can hold stances, but costs capacity instead of giving it.

    In mission, if you are using this, press secondary fire while not mid combo and with melee equipped to switch stances.

  3. maybe you could aim while still sprinting at full speed but the screen will shake more (you know cuz you running).

    Don't think aiming and sprinting and shooting at full speed would work. If shooting while sprinting is a thing, reduced accuracy would have to be a thing. Aim should suppress sprint still but not cancel it.
  4. IMO, beta is an old term from a different era of development where a product moves from one stage to another till it's done, although there may still be maintenance.

    With something like Warframe, to me beta means "we have a minimum vision of what we consider to be a full game, plus lots of extra stuff, but we don't have all that minimum baseline stuff yet"

  5. I think the current multishot mods should be restricted to shotguns, no melee multistrike, and fix the problem the mods are being used to cover up.

    Serration etc should be removed too.

    Point Blank could return as a corrupted mod that increases base damage, but decreases it more when falling off.

  6. Soma is highly dependent on crits for damage, if you haven't, try using Point Strike and Vital Sense on it to boost its already high crit chance and multiplier. It's a great gun, only reason I don't use it a lot is I also like my Tiberon, Tigris, and Karak Wraith. (Telos Tiberon or Tiberon Prime needs to be a thing ASAP)


    It will probably be a while before Karak Wraith is available again as it was just recently released for the first time for an event. I do recommend getting it whenever it comes back though. If you like the Karak you'll love the Karak Wraith.

  7. One problem with this is that the Tenno are infested. they can't be infested again, it is why the infested bosses say stuff like about Tenno sharing the same flesh.

    The Hunter sounds good, but he would infest the Tenno, it will be more like the Stalker and just try to kill you.

    Don't they urge us to join them though? Even if we are related to them somehow currently, we aren't in the hive. They could still try to assimilate us.
  8. It seems no matter how often you participate in infested outbreaks, you never get infected, and the hive never retaliates.

    So my idea:

    After you help fight against an outbreak, you are marked by a new infested/mutalist Hunter. If he kills you, you are infected. Visually, you are forced to wear an illiac set with random colors. Your health type is set to infested flesh, but you have a specter you can deploy an infested eximus specter once per mission, and you'll have a high chance of attracting a second new hunter squad, maybe from Red Veil armed with Wraith weapons. If they kill you, you return to normal. Also have a special mission available so you can disinfect yourself if you want.

  9. I've only seen 2, well, 2 spawned in missions... First one was when they were first added to normal missions. Didn't know what it was or even notice it even while being in the same room for a while. Attacked it a few times, didn't do any damage, left it alone and extracted. Other time a clan mate killed it before I could find it...

    What is the trick for killing it? Other than Hek/Tigris?

  10. Omg true im excited for the skin again, the concept art looks much better though, i wish they used that shade of blue instead of that green but whatever lol.

    it's nowhere near finished, it still needs normal maps, materials, textures, and since that is a sculpt, it will probably be reduced in poly count, and probably have some more details add too.
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