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Everything posted by SuperLuigi1025

  1. I am a Nintendo Switch player which I can't trade or receive platinum from other consoles. So what do I do there because if I did what you said to do I am going to just end up angering others because they won't be able to buy something from me due the restrictions for Switch players. I think a good fix for this would be to put a toggle in Warframe.market that tells everyone you have Cross-save enabled along with a toggle that only let's your stuff show to others who also have cross-save on the same console for the Nintendo Switch players. That or DE should try harder to get Nintendo to agree to let us trade platinum with other platforms at very least even if they don't let it be shared between the same account.
  2. I am talking about making it even more weaker on other frames to make up for removing the lighting part of the ability.
  3. Remove the lighting part of Eclipse but make it something like 30% or so weaker on any other frame that isn't Mirage.
  4. I made a PC account to link it to my Nintendo Switch account so I wouldn't be if I am trading an item for an item I wouldn't be limited to just Switch players if my friends start playing this game and they aren't playing on Switch. Until they either change this or I can get a stronger PC so I can run Warframe on it or unless they force Cross-save on everyone trading and selling is going to be a nightmare for me. Even the wording on the on how cross-trading would work were confusing. I thought it just meant I can't trade platinum to other consoles/PC not that I would be locked out of trading with the same console all together unless they the other person has cross-save enabled.
  5. Happy Tennoaum! If anyone on Nintendo Switch wants to gift me anything. My IGN: SuperLuigi1025 My wishlist only has the Zephyr Harrier Collection on it but I am fine with stuff like Forma and other things like that too.
  6. Same here and I only done 2 my first Sister had an Ephemera while my second one didn't. Wouldn't be surprised if my 3rd one didn't have one either.
  7. Add in Mag Prime and Frost Prime then maybe I would buy it. Other wise for skins even with the plat increase still doesn't feel worth it to me.
  8. Finally they fixed the Conquera Ephemera was starting to think it would never be fixed. Can finally use it without it hurting my eyes.
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