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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Many peoples hates the oprators I am not finished yet the quest because I have my own lore for this and i don't want listen all the day and see all the day a kid saying stupid things. Elder players knew this and they had their own stories how operator look like and we are using our warframes as suit and many peoples have problems with the created lore.

    His point is right to not be forced to do a quest which needs another to finish it. That quest could be separated without any harm and just do that if you want to acquire a frame.

    This is forcing to do something what you not want but as I see the comments many of you guys just haven't fantasy and you accept everything what DE made. 

  2. Thanks bunny for the fast information.


    I missed the devstream but for me that fact is disgusting now we are forced to do the second dream if we want the titania. Literally the first quest where you need to do an obscure quest and become babysitter before you can do a quest which introduce a new frame. 

    Hopefully they will change this because this won't make the game more popular and this guarantee many peoples will pass the quests and buy titania instead of farming her.

  3. All Prime stuff mr 0 because of Prime access and everyone can buy it who have Money. That is why primes wont get Masters lock but should be. DE will not change this in fact they are getting their money from PA. Forgot to mention if you buy Prime access then you can bypass the mr needs. That is how some mr rank 2 guys wield soma prime for example.

  4. Larger maps and tile sets would be nice to fill them with more secret stuffs and it is a good option for more parkour. Sadly this game won't be a wow or Firefall or any other game which have very large open places and you can explore them. Lore wise maybe with more quests or more fitting the planet looks maybe a base on venus or more alienish planet surfaces.

    Partly introduce a cover system for combat and places for snipers and  for "more" stealthy approach.

    If they even make a larger maps we can use our parkouring ability more. Sometimes annoying on earth for example the non visible walls and wall bugs where you can fall out from the map. Personally I would like more exploration in the game and relic hunts. They can also introduce with the larger maps more place for animals on earth so maybe we can get more companion.

  5. There is nothing wrong to use weapons by your choices. That is nt your fault if a weapon and frame stronger than others it is the development fault to able to do that. This is not a moba game so not really see a reason why should everything locked into lanes and categories like you are support you don't need kill.

    Of course this game meant to be frag as much you can as much weapon you farmed or bought via money. There will be always matches when you will be angry because others kill more than you and you will hate those combos. Someone already tried to beat an ember and saryn in infestation missions? I doubt but still not seen a nerf pls ember thread there.

    Accept the fact this game never be balanced because new stuffs will ruin that balance in a matter of time. 


    Peoples like to use weird words to clarify their rights.

  6. GTX49 - Flora Warframe 


    Other hand there is no any solid info only just personal tastes and opinions. I like both in designs but the fan made miss some basic what the devs using. If the devs sharing their working metholds then the enthuisiast fan concept makers can make their own frames and that more likely could fit into the game.

  7. I am for the more community based frames. The devs can write a full sheldue how they are work on the frames and what need to be done if fans want make a frame. With those parameters almost everyone can make a frame and the quality is guaranted only the design will be different.

  8. This is again a worthless addition but will happen. That is not surprise the grind increase because they got investements from Leyou and if someone give you a lot of money in time they want benefit from their investements. The devs cannot do against anything because they pact the deal so they can only silently nerfs things and re re reworking things which is mostly working fine instead making whole new content. The cores were fine things and served well years by now and I never used wiki to tell me how many cores need for me to level up my stuffs. Same with the first Solar map. The grind is the same and sligthly increase and there is still no peoples on the desired maps when you doing a public run. I have no doubt the grind will remain because otherwise they cannot repay the invested money.

  9. I am using a plenty of weapons most of time for fun. I like the basic weapons and those still useful at higher levels with a proper build. I like my mk1 paris also it is useful in low up to pre high levels and the fast charge rate and the better status make it useful.

  10. As Oberon main I can say tweaks needs for Oberon but this fact almost true on almost all frames because they not scale the frame abilities for the enemy level and peoples complaining mostly because the frames cannot beat easily lvl100 and above enemies. On those levels almost all frame die easily so I personaly suggest look around the scaling first and if that is done then the devs can up to date all frames and the future frames at least can be balanced around that fixed system. Oberon have it's uses his halloweed ground could be mobile and need some minor tweaks on that ability also some stat boost for Oberon and any other frames would be welcomed because those stats out to date and without utility mods you are literally one shot. The armor scaling and how it work should be a look around.

    Limbo also could be a fine frame most of the complaints is peoples interrupted to use their abilities while cataclysm active and cannot pick up stuffs. This could be solve simply and he also need some stat buffs like others.

    Hydroid is could be a fun full cc frame but his armor and other stats just not really good enough for long survive. The first is decent but not bad the second ability have it's uses and can you use for charge or escape depend on the situation where you are. The third ability sometimes funny but need a team which camping around him while he use the ability and that also could be a little bit better (more damage) which is scaling aswell. His ultimate is like Zephyr ultimate which is too often random and miss the target otherwise could be fun in situations but not scaling with the enemy level so in a certain level cannot kill mobs just stun them.


    All around frames not problem in this game the game itself not balanced yet and the majority of the frames needs 2-3 or more touch to be viable but as I said before they need to check their game mechanics before reworking anything. Work on something twice or three times is cost a lot time and materials so that's why need to do someting once but perfectly. This is what DE cannot because they always ruining their balance.

  11. I saw this room far enough but a plenty of tenno not really look around what they have got.

    There are a lot of secret room or just an empty room but if you take your time and go through the map and not rush like the peoples 99% in this game then you will find miracles too.

    The bad is there is no reward to do this so if I were DE at least give a chance to find something rewardful to those room "except" the rare containers which is nice thing but more rare and more openable caches.

    There are potentials which underused so they abandoned the secret room ideas because not so popular.

  12. I can wait I have a plenty games what can make me happy till they release the fairy girl.

    Also I am wondering if they also worked on another frame as a bonus or they are working on more frame currently like in the u17-18 part.

    Be patient my fellow tennos.

  13. Remember the time when pressure point was 21% damage boost then they realised that is bull krap then they buffed to 120% at max.


    BTW the primed mods are bandaid powercreep mods and some other mods like the fury was way better before they decided to nerf it then added later the primed version which gives 5% less than the normal before the nerf. So there is no logic here and often they doesn't know what they are doing.

    The only reason why the primed mods exist is their credit and core sink nature if you bored out and cannot do anything else you can rank up these stuffs. Really not know why they are make things like this.

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