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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. It will brings good and bad things together because every update can give good stuff into the player hands and on another they can remove or just worsening things too.

    My bet the Umbra frames will come in the U22-23 around I would be surprised if they release them much earlier. Also I am not hyped for another prime like collecting doing grindy missions because I am far okay with the regular frames and weapons. My only wish is they reach the 100 frame (regular) rooster and later on let us use genderswap as an option if you want to try those powers with an alternative body. My another wants is the lagless game and someday later the game implement or reboot on a better game engine which gives option for more mechanics and better graphics. Smoother and shinier but more organic textures and looks and better look to the maps-objects.

    This is far far in the current era so maybe in the next few - 10 year they will achieve these. Hopefully they won't be sold out totally and won't be bankrupt. There is still lot to do and lot of potential in every aspect of this game.

  2. It will be Banshee but all glass frame need tweaks on survivaliabity and buff their stats. This does not mean it will lose anything why play them rather balance them. The regular Banshee also need buffs keeping the earliest state stats while the game evolved is just ignorance. Back in time Banshee have not met so strong enemies now there are many who can One shot u no matter how agile u are.

  3. My opinion on this the DEvs can release the founder stuffs too and make it available the founder packs for the same price or give it to obtainable in alerts events then compensate the founders with non ingame content. They have now enough money to do this but that's time they haven't so much money to give anything than the in game content so they sold this for money. It was a bad practice because a lot of peoples who just joined later or who just not heard about the game or playing different consoles-regions haven't chance to get this. This in game content exclusivity never was good idea in any game because just split the community of that game because you can have others cant have that stuff. I am pretty sure they can give more money worthy stuffs to those whom found the game and they can have the same feeling they did a great help to make this game alive.

    Now I mean they could just give statues, real life bades, puzzles, t-shirtsm backpack etc which equal their spent money in the funding process and others can have the in game content or let them buy it with the same term for money.

    These are the best options to do this and this should not hurt peoples in feeling because they got their archievements.


    Extra: Arguing for in game stuffs is pretty much shown how mature it's community. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Darksouls40k said:

    I think u totally missed the point... I dont want damage 2.0+2 new slots... I suggest 2 new slots that only lets you put in specific mods/types of mods so certain mods dont feel so useless... From my perspective you are increasing farming needed since you use more mods so DE will like that, and we as players will feel like the system changing and evolving and using more mods so you will feel better so its win win...

    About enemies, in my perspective that is closely linked to pvp also being very weak in this game, the game design just doesnt work for that, and DE wont one day wake up and say lets convert this game into a totally different beast ...

    Like how augments should be built on warframes (you can use 2 on each frame) and like resistances could be turn into passives. For this need stats for resistance mods and stat for damage reduction.

  5. 47 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

    And what exactly makes powercreep so bad in a game that is 99% about PVE and COOP, especially when enemies tend to 1shot most frames that are not tanky at higher levels? Why nerf good weapons into the ground instead of giving the rest a chance to catch up to them? 


    What Warframe needs right now is a serious rebalancing of older weapons that stand no chance to newer ones instead of making all the time and resources people put in making their weapon the best it could be useless, and a serious rework of how the enemies scale and their AI. 

    I am on the buff and tweak everything which is not as good as the meta units because those are balanced and designed well. Those frames with low armor or bad usage could be better if they tweak them and not just touch them minor and do nothing significant like the old time weapons and frames.  I am agree with you on this but you know the hard try community and DE and their philosophy of making things. They can give us unbalanced stuffs sometimes bad sometimes op but they think that everything needs a drawback.


    In this one I see the point if they remove the mandatory mods to add space and chance to the garbage mods then they remove slots because the damage built in the weapons and the ability is added to the frames without need a slot so they will add drawbacks and in this case remove slots.


    My suggestion is the skill tree or balance mods better and add more variety on the table.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Darksouls40k said:

    I completely agree with you on this, separate slot types is a must, i think this is the best solution i have heard of, instead of the current system that makes non damage mods be left outside too many times. DE if you reading this is something u should take note of !!!

    As for the rest u said:

    I am not seeing them reducing slots at all, they want to add to the farm pile not diminish it, if anything they would be adding slots...

     The chances of disposing of this mod system its prob less than winning the euromillions ^^ that never gonna happen...

    Putting a weapon tree system on top of the mod system is a bad idea, its just too many layers on top of each other, i think that would just be bad Design

    The powercreep u mention is part of this game DNA as well as a ton of other major AAA titles so that is part of the core design not gonna change...


    True but many peoples crying the game is too easy to them others cry against because they feel this is fun to them others just don't care. I am on for more mod slot need to keep up the race with the current and future mods which coming but if they remove something they need compensate us and if they do this as I mentionned as possibly solution then they should reduce mod slots.

    Don't argue with one with me guys not I am the DE and if you played long enough the game then you know DE never add extras without drawbacks because it is their philosophy to add drawbacks no matter if a stuff is utterly bad or outperform the entire arsenal.


    And nope, actually not a bad idea because DE when started this game they used skill-mod tree system but they implemented it badly then they decided to change to this system which has a flaws from the beginning.

    Also there are a tons of good examples how can they add skill tree systems into the game which make us stronger but not op and still enjoyable the game with normal challenge.

    Many peoples crying because this is not a skill based game and the mod system is totally not support this because you cannot survive long enough on high levels to show how skilled player you are.

    Personally I see this game just a go and kill something game and skill is which last represented here. Subjective but for me the skill mean what moves you can do while you play and how careful you are. Can you sense if something bad happening and can response to the various problems what happening during missions.

    Currently the parkour part the only which works I like to shot down enemies with my bows in various types of parkour moves. The game currently cannot give much more in this part.


    The current mod system could work if they add slots to use but split them into categories and you can just put that mod there nothing more. Also they need to balance the stuffs around the game once for all and finish the scaling which is necessary if they want to us to go high levels and be viable. Abilities and weapons is very dependant on our mods and not on our skills and ability to avoid. The AI also not so good so basicaly you just go and slice them because they cannot use traps well or knock down us only in annoying ways. 


    DE often use bandaid solutions like this vacuum recently instead of making it passive which is fine because no need a slot and was an acceptable drawback with the 5 meter. Sentinels also lacks of new weapons and their survivability is very low.

  7. 9 minutes ago, -BM-Leonhart said:

    Oh look, MOOOOOAR power!!! I need it...........no, not really.

    I would like more power for the enemies though, other than the standard "just increase their hp and damage".

    You are looking for a Better AI which can make better strategies and tactic against us.

  8. If they implement a damage 3.0 then that will mean they will reduce the mod slots because they should avoid the powercreep somehow. If the gamae mods and other mandatory mods will be removed then other mods will going there and take the places but the damage output still remain the same because of the weapon level ups you gain back the lost damage. If the slots remain in the current states then we can be more powerful because we given literally with it 2-3 free slot and free damage and choice to add other mods on the table so overall that will be more powercreep.

    I am not agree the removal of the mods because removing is always bad idea from the table because these are works well against the current system and a lot of time-energy spent there to max these mods.

    My suggestion is harder because the problem itself the modding system which has flaws and not give you enough freedom of costumization. They should stay in the current and work on a possible mod solution / rebalance or completely remove the modding system and go back to the skill tree system which is literally now the focus but without the weapon-warframe-companion stat modifiers. Personally I would like if they add a skill tree like diablo or path of exile like skill tree which grants you a lot of combination and you can characterize your avatars more freely. More easy to make limits on maximalized builds and better for making more variation.

    Currently the mod system just gives you the option to deal more damage or a little bit utilize better you stats/stuffs but it has limits and often you need to sacrifice a mod for other and a tons of mods has no real use.

    If they still wish to go with the modding system then they need separate the slots into 3 type 1 for damage 1 for utility 1 for raw stats like vitality-redirection etc.

  9. 53 minutes ago, Gelkor said:

    But that's implying that there is no fun to be had in speed. Movement in Warframe is one that, for me, can accentuate and capitalize on that joy of speed and playing "the floor is lava."

    A lot of people rush not because going slow isn't rewarding, but because going fast can be fun.

    Fun is subjective, I get that, not everyone enjoys the rush of racing games, and not everyone enjoys the discovery of exploration. Warframe has both, commonly, when you play solo, you have the choice to do whichever you want. When you play with a group, you're usually obligated to go at the general speed of the group. When I group with 3 people who want to go slow, I'll hang out, if the others want to go fast, I'll do that too.

    This is also true and mostly the one solution have for this if you search for groups whom like to do what you wish to do.

    I am combining the two game mode but not enjoying rushing any mission for fast rewards because I didn't find that enjoying at all the reward is again a different thing because now the rushing more rewarding than the exploring. When they add more loot and things to explore and adding more new map tile to the table then this will be balanced a bit better.

  10. 3 hours ago, Babellon said:

    I don't know why people promote the idea that rushing is good. "it doesn't do any good to take your time and loot"? really now, in the 5 minutes someone rushes a map and makes the bare minimum, I will go to the same map, take my time and loot everything, make 10x more kills, get 10x more resources, credits and experience. I spend an hour on sabotage and come out with dozens of mods, thousands of resources, credits, affinity.

    this whole "the game has evolved into a rush game" isn't exactly accurate, its been forced into a rush game, pushed into a rush game, many players insist its all there is, they don't have time, they don't have patience, they don't have---insert what ever here---The problem is, they insist on trying to make everyone else play that way, demand changes to the game that promote and allow them to do that, and in doing so take elements of enjoyable game play from the rest of us. Its why fissures got begged into the passive thing it is now, its why mobs got reduced on maps, its why maps got streamlined and shortened, because DE wants to please people, and unfortunately the people they are pleasing, aren't helping them promote a good game, simply a fast one, that you finish quickly and move on to a new one. These are the people who after they've convinced the developers to make those changes will then come under new names and ids and complain about how terrible the game is, who will find every reason to dissect and tear down any element of enjoyable game play DE writes.

    Personally I hope that with the war within update we see Digital Extremes take more control of their game, tell these splinter groups to play the game they write and they themselves don't succumb to the demands of the crowds who want it all to be a rush game we can all hurry up to the end of. Which is all those people want, to hurry it up to the end.

    I am agree with u 100%. I am also the minority who take the time and collect everything what is possible

    The fun game is much better than rushed game.


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