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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. The halloweed ground the only ability on oberon what could be better and mobile ability like an aura instead of a static ability. The first is almost okay with the cc and damage dealing the fourth ability is just like mag crush ability and have chance to give orbs so not that bad.

    The healing ability is not bad overall most of the times the argument is the healing rate, distance and this ability is not instant heal like trinity/equinox heal.

    I think that it is fine on this way it is maybe the travell time could be reduced or just removed and then it is a nice ability then they can rework the trinity instant healing to something normal then adding to her some ability instead of her first.


    On stat I would just suggest some more shield and hp as base his armor is okay maybe up to 200 but all other frame needs this treatement mostly the 15-50-65 armored frames.

    100 should be the minimum otherwise no real reason to use steel fiber and some frame need to be more tankier.

    Also adding resistances to each frame all of kind of resistances.

  2. I have no feelings about this. More streamer can introduce more player to the playerbase which overall good for us on other hand bad if got players with toxic levels.

    I don't really care a person is veteran or newbie in a game because we all are choose the same game for fun. No matter how much the knowledge there because always have new ones and those whom not learn constantly in time will leave.

  3. This is true and all sentinel needs tweaks and buffs to make them viable. The other what really needs is an arsenal improvements. Some of their weapon needs a buff and they need a larger pool to choose from just a number say 8 to each sentinel. Different types and roles and then they can actually kill on higher levels too. Just need more concept and balance to not make op weapons.

  4. 4 hours ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

    I would love to see mandatory mods removed (and refunded obviously) with damage 3.0 because I can never find enough slots on my weapons for all the specialised mods we have. If people rage about that then they have personal issues lol.

    Me not because this currently gives us power against our foes and it is still works better than nothing.

    If they removing mandatory mods then they should remove slots for compensating the removal because if they remove directly the mandatory mods on weapons and they add that damage to the weapons just as a passive level up thingy then they created our arsenal more powerful because we can add 8 other mods into our weapons which can make our gear more powerfull than was before damage 3.0.

    Same with the warframe mods because many peoples using the ability mods and the system built to use those mods to boost our gear on warframe but this cause again slot problems and you cannot build your frame for survivability which mean those mods which supposed to help you instant become worthless and stay everything in the pre touched state. I am sure you won't add a intruder or thief with or maglev on your frame if you have more slot to choose from "bad example : warm coat" which gives you literally nothing.

    If they want to keep the mod system they need buff all those mods which currently uttery bad or underwhelming to a level where you can consider to use them but then again those mods will be unbalanced and others were balanced before turn into unbalanced and we talk about again powercreep.

    I imagined the future when peoples call for nerf because that filthy intruder mod too op and you need less second to hack (my avarege is 5 sec).


    A damage 3.0 would be nice but not on the way how the devs imagined because for it they need or nerf everything to be equally bad and gives minor extras or buff the bad mods to a level and remove the current meta mods equal frame/weapon/sentinel etc or they could just drop the mod system which seems just recreate the powercreep because they release mods which overpowered (current mods underpowered or just non so useful). Because they eat slot and you don't like when you need sacrficie mods which makes you survival. They releasing mods and not compensate it with slots or just adding passive buffs which gives you slighty extras.


    They worked with the mod system so they won't remove it but that would be happen if they want stop the powercreep and instead making a skill tree system where you can make more personalised choices and boost your weapon-frame passively.

    If they not do this and just removing the mandatory called mods without removing slots and balancing the damage output then they made worser the system and the community will blame them again for making that system unbalanced.


    Personally I prefer the skill tree systems because that gives more variety if executed well and can be balanced better than this current working system. There is good examples and as well have bad examples for the skill tree but I would consider to use it instead of this.




    Another thing is what do we really want from the game? Skill based game where just the hardcore skilled players can live with the choices or we want to make a fun based game where thousands / millions of peoples can play casually and just enjoy the game without making it too difficult or too lame.

    The balance is not easy personally prefer the more casually approach with skill and non skill required missions. I would like to see also more logic-puzzle based game modes and mission types and more social life within the game with improved dojo-relay mechanics.


    Edit : Sorry for the wall of text.


    Ps : I know the subject is not exactly this but this is close to the topic and can be work as a solution or a little hint.

  5. Partly agree with the op there is something wrong with that mentality. The problem mostly is peoples like to make their opinions and they hate when their confort zone is beign touched and many peoples react badly about changes. So many peoples cannot give constructive critic or feedback because the english is not their mother tongue and cannot explain well their thougths on things or not comprehend what changed and instead of trying explain and talk about it they begin arguing and drama on things. This is a primitive tool to make more attention on that specific subject. Those whom treating others are mostly warm headed persons whom feel their presence is enough to make changes. In the real life luckily these threats won't happen but this is a bad tendency which comes from the anonimity on internet. Socially these persons are not fluent and they cannot reduce their frustration other ways. As I experience there is no better or worser communities because in every community have different types off persons whom react differently when a change come.

  6. For this would be nice an option to select body types for example each frame given a 3-5 type and you can choose from. Sadly I know there won't be any better character customization but it would be very likely.

    Also Titania looks unrealisticaly slim. Yet this topic about the body types but a fun fact Titania's head is inspired by fly. Look at her face close enough and you can find this funny fact.

  7. 1 minute ago, SolaireTheSunWalker said:

     vacuum was the real problem because if you saw the chart DE put out the other day it was 52% use on carrier prime and 26% on normal carrier. That's being compared to the rest of the sentinels are like 8% - 4% and gets lower. Normal carrier has the same stats as basically any other sentinel so why does it have 26% when the next highest is 8% ? It's clear what the problem really is that's laziness or not wanting to miss loot 

    Partly lazyness from peoples and vacuum but the survivability is also a good point because there is carrier and wyrm prime which have better stats for survive but mostly carrier prime.

  8. 1 minute ago, LSG501 said:

    Lets be realistic, vacuum is not the real problem with sentinels but it's being used as a band aid to try and fix the bigger issue that the sentinels are completely unbalanced and half the precepts on anything but the carrier don't work properly meaning most people just go and choose the carrier because it survives longer especially if they have the carrier prime with the higher stats, with the other 'assistive mods' added to the loadout.

    Precepts apart from vacuum end up being pretty pointless once you get to a reasonably high level anyway and like I said the stats of the others are weaker so it means they get killed easier. 

    It is a good point.

    Also have metal fiber which almost non used because most of sentinels have low armor.

    Another issue the sentinel arsenal which is pretty lame and that supposed to be make them more survival than they doesn't use weapons. They haven't a real arsenal as example the deth machine gun is so weak and on high level with the almost zero crit-status you can't use it so long. Raw damage also bad and the rest is just not durable enough to survive on high levels. 


    Until this not changing the sentinels will be in the same state.

  9. I also liked the passive vacuum but this not change so much because who still used another sentinels will use it whom want carrier will use it. The loot is now for all sentinel but eat a slot which is not likely but at least you can now choose from ammo mutation, scan, hiding etc. My opinion is the passive with 5-10 meter range still okay solution because you won't be lazy to go and collect and at least that range enough for you not dance on the loot.


    Each sentinel has use and Shade still better than carrier in terms of use because the invisibility good for finisher and you can revive your fallen mates which is more benefical in my eyes than ammo mutation in the same situation.

  10. What about just add more face variety and add more body type?

    Also that persian is not as ugly as abominations but I can feel you guys why don't like it. This not mean noone likes it because some person would like it just all rng. And the genetic values can be changed alot cuz this is a random generated stuff so you cannot do against it. It is mostly luck if you can get a pleasureable form of your pet. That's why I am stick with my sentinels at least used to their look.

  11. This is mostly a Good change instead of 3 types of vaacuum. The frames also would be able to Take loot from increased range but maybe They did it to promote the using of sentinels because the majority was unused. And lets talk about the sentinel 2.0 which not happend yet. We need more sentinels and all need more survivability. New mods and finaly New sentinel weapons for Each sentinel because these are mostly krap in higher levels and no variation at all. This is more deeper issue than the loot range.

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