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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. 18 minutes ago, (PS4)Mofojokers said:

    Setting some type of music per room.

    Message boards.

    Animal area that you can store your pets that then roam the halls.

    Docking area and animation.

    Hire NPCs guards , sellers etc

    Tonnes of new room tilesets.

    Launch missions from clan.

    Weapon testing area.

    Changable testing area.

    Links to current vendors found on the relay.

    Warframe customization room.


    Archwing sandbox area outside of the dojo.

    Submerged area for water controls.

    Buildable obstacle courses.

    Ship hanger to the side of the docking area allowing others to check out your ships and the inside area.

    Allow the tables found on the ships to be built for the dojo.

    Etc etc etc

    This guy gets it.

  2. No real reason to change the damage mods work because these are needs to make the weapons more powerful than they could be without. The compensation is hard for the damage loss if they removing these mods because there is no guarantee they can compensate this with level up with damage or something like that.

    Other fact if they think they will fix the mandatory mod problem then they fail in their modding system because then we get some other slots for free while they give us the damage which lost as mod form. Overall they just make it more powerful and more power creep if they removing the mandatory mods.


    Then they could do this with the warframe ability mods and with the nightmare or corrupted mods aswell because those all are mandatory and make us stronger.

    The other possible solution is nerf everything into level zero then your playerbase will rage because our arsenal will be garbage and our frames turn into puppets without any damage dealt. Another solution is they buff the worse mods and those mods which no real benefit for us just change into something which could be useful. They need to look up to their mods and what those mods givesus because their ability of balancing is poor and they need a guide for it.

  3. Limbo Just needs tweaks and let other peoples pick up the loot Inside the globe. Oberon needs tweaks and probably his halloweed make a mobile ability otherwise he is fine. I dont like the specialist frames so I hope they will keep in this way him. Peoples complain on Oberon because he is not a Trinity which was broken with her instant heal everyone with her blessing. Lecta is a good meele on my eyes. Vauban passive also bandaid and need to be changed and give him more armor.

  4. I am on the side the frames need resistances to the said elements but not full immunity. The resistance mods mostly unused because there are no stats and space for them so there is no reason to use them. If the devs want these to be used They should add mod slots dedicated for resistance mods or utility only then these mods can be useful sometimes. It would be a simple addition and that does not make more powercreep than the op weapons what we have but increase the survivalibity in normal levels.

  5. Those resistance mods would have a use if these mods impelemnted into the warframes and the resistance can be improve by adding a different character customization extra like how diablo and other games have. Stat points can be distribute into these stats "all type of resistance and hp-shield-armor" and you can increase these within a certain level for example : 1 level is 1 point which can be distributed to the stats like this : 1 point mean +5% to any resistance if you wish boost your armor then +10 armor if hp and shield then both can be +25/25. This and the current unused mods can be worthwile because afterward the stat boosts they can increase your resistance up to 80-90% max.

    Currently there is no stats for the resistances or hided but if they just want to do some worth for resistance they should consider this as example. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Beggining said:


    I'd rather have them remove MK1 stuff and add MR as appropriate to the starchart, to be honest. It gimps the newbies.

    I would not say these weapons bad except the lato which does very little damage. This weapon need a lot of forma to be viable. The mk1 braton often outperform the regular braton because of the better accuracy and higher magazine and there is little differences in fire rate and damage atleast u can build on slash. Mk1 bo is almost the regular one only 5 dmg minus but good status and crit on it. The mk1 Paris also have its uses. Better status than regular and better the charge only disadvantages the damage output but can carry Peoples up to 40-50 levels.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Beggining said:

    Maaaaybe they'll buff the plasma sword because it was showcased in The War Within trailer? :D



    ......I'm kidding, of course.

    Yep but sadly nope. Another my mention is the mire which is a fine sword but the major problem it does mediocre damage only. The toxic damage is nice and can you combine with electric and make instant a corrosive sword but the status and the crit is not so great on it. Biggest advantages it's speed which is very fine for a one handed sword. 


    I can also agree with the Tiberon, great lookin weapon but no choice to make it crit or status only just for raw damage which is itself not enough in the higher levels.

    Then I didn't say anything about glaives, machetes and a lot of class which needs some buff.

    That is sad for me such a nice looking sword like dual ether and ether sword deals very low damage. The only nice in the speed and the bonus against infested but otherwise that is not so useful in high levels aswell.

  8. Nice addition. We need also change our weapons and frames in dojo for duelling. Own mods or marked mods for sentinels with New sentinel weapons because the Current Arsenal for them is low. As option to switch the old parkour moves and New ones any time during the Mission. More slot for emotes and let use these when we are in our liset. Let make these happen.

  9. For Banshee mostly need only tweaks on armor and on health\shield Stats and replace or make her ulti mobile and reduce the Energy eats because that is by far the most Energy eating ultimate in game. If They remove it then They should add an ability which works similar like nyx second or equinox day form ultimate.

  10. More slots won't hurt but before they need to do something with the mod system itself because we have mandatory mods and if those gone they will be replaced by other mods which become mandatory and this problem recreate itself. I know they invested time and money it but they need replace the mod system entirelly with skill tree and passive ability system. Also the weapon and frame modding need more visuality and able to mod in every part.

    More slots maybe mean more mandatory mod but hey everyone using ability boost mods and on every weapons have the 2-3 classic mod. The variety can be only improve if the frame-weapon stats be more balanced and reduce the differences between and then the mods also be balanced and not give so much plus compare to each other. If this can succed then the latter mods and things can be balanced around it.

    The current slot system is just reduce the option for more variety both in weapon and both in frame side. Balance is not mean we need reduce slots instead increace them and balance the mods itself.

  11. It is an excellent and obvious idea but sadly the devs think other.

    This is silly when you just log in and just want collect the daily login reward or just play a little then you waste a full booster just because in that period you haven't time.

    Boosters should be stackable and activate it when you want to use it with other boosters aswell.

  12. All types of weapons needs some batch up because we need some new balance when the possible dmg 3.0 comes and we don't know yet if DE will or can do it right or mess up everything. If the base stats of the weapons improves a bit and not add more disadvantages to them like how DE treat every weapon despite it is already bad or god like.

    Daggers need more speed and little bit more damage maybe some improvements in their critical and status for crit/status builds.

    Throwing weapons like kunai and spira - hikou need a little bit more accuracy and maybe some extra ammo up to 300 instead of 210

    I see the same treatement for semi auto and auto pistols because a lot of dual secondaries eats up a lot of ammo. An aklato is maybe not but it could be fast enough to eat ammo and the same amount of ammo like lato uses is just laughable and still not talking about the furis family or akzani or akstilleto. Weapons like nukor is just bad because or low critical or low status and there is no really purpose to use it. Others like lex need some speed up and a smartly built in recoil reduction because the aiming with these is teribble.

    Tysis mostly okay maybe needs a little bit more on damage part but other wise it is a nice weapon.

    Orthos and polearms generally need some more love because the tonbo and orthos prime mostly outclass all others except jat and serro.

    Glaive and Kestrel is a good example how a weapon class can be obsolete in this new gameplay. Those weapons cannot go through nullies shield like most other stuffs and does very low damage and their attack animation is mostly slow and need to sacrifice damage to utility to be more useful.

    Old weapons need a general stat up and additional extras which makes these weapons more unique.

    Heavy weapons is so so because their attack speed is low and you cannot really use against enemies more than infested but chargers can hit you before you can hit them and does damages on shield. Too low the attack speed and range and overall the heavy blades faster and does more damage. 

    Bows mostly fine the only thing is what I wish to them more crit and maybe more mods to boost their stats wisely. Even more bows for different elemental damage and one for all around bow with fast attack speed. (almost like mk1 paris does but with better damage)

    Snipers need to be lethal otherwise their role is totally messed up because there is no real place to use them more effectively and at least need a mission type where this is the duty to eliminate boss units with snipers.


    Braton and burston family need more weapons in it and need some hybrid weapon from choose. Braton need a clear damage boost and a little more crit and status and that is fine mostly burston is almost okay just need some more status or crit.

    Stradavar is another good example for bad design but good concept. Damage boost and more critical or status and more ammo pool or more magazine capacity. 

    Aegis is another type of weapon which needs more damage reduction with shield block and more damage for instance with more status or critical. Another stuff what needs is more weapons in this category.

    The old dual swords need more balance because those are mostly out to date and beginner weapons but those should be at least in pre high levels and higher levels.

    One handed swords like mire need more damage and then it is a fine one handed and weapons like plasma sword need a massive speed and status boost to be viable other hand it is an absolute garbage weapon and not better than mastery foddering.

    It deserves also a better look and a dual variant aswell.


    The list can goes on and I can personalise which weapon what needs mostly to be viable but that is a long time to collect all these stats. 

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