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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. I can't say it was worth or worthless to wait because I passed the Second Dream quest so without that I won't reach this but as others spoiled what mods added into the game then I can surely say there won't be powercreep reduce you just introduced new mods which outperform others in game. 

    Also I waited for the infested frame in this update but not given it. So my mood dropped to do this stuff. 


    Going to kill something.

  2. If they wait another week for the release it won't be problem also but that is also not a guarantee they can release without major bugs. Complex updates can easily mess up the current version because they haven't time to test it because they are still working on it and only later when they released can we test what is work what isn't. That is why we are the testers here so prepare for rage and salt on high level concentrate.

  3. To be fair if They remove the damage boost mods then other mods which dormant now or in the second-third line will become mandatory. This is just a bandaid solution and then they should look at the warframe mods too because all ability boost is mandatory so They basically should drop this modding system because recreate the same problems as we have now. Some times ago I talked about this but It seems I need reply myself. If They remove these damage mods then in return they need add as weapon passive stat boost which mean if they want to keep the messy balance then they should remove slots because the passive mods plus the other mods which takes the place overall gives you more powercreep because you can add more damage like addition into your weapon. Then the players will cry again how DE dare remove slots and why those stuffs so powerful again. Honestly the damage and armor scaling is a mess in this game and peoples butthurt most of them who got and maxed everything in the game and find the game too easy. Other side is there are peoples whom like the current system and dont want any changes. My opinion is still if they remove the mandatory mods then they not solve the problems instead make another powercreep. They should remove the mod system and replace it a better monitorized system which not creates huge gaps between us and the enemies. That could be a step for the skill based game but honestly I dont know why this should be the priority. This game is not decided yet if want to be a mob shooter game or a skill based game where the player itself can make the difference instead of the gear and frame abilities. Everything what they can do with the current system is patching and make bandaid solutions until become a messy thing. They will not remove the mods because they spent time to make this system but they added mods which op anothers are garbage. There are pretty much stuff in this game which is halfbacked and not overthought.

  4. I have not problems with his passive but I woulg give him a different ability and keep this ability as active for a beastmaster frame who can tame the wild animals. Just for this needs a huge variety of wildlife to keep this frame interesting.

  5. There is a lot of possibilities because one theme can be used multiple times if they are enough creative to use that theme. Also still is a lot of fan concepts out there and there are always new and new ideas so there is no real limit in warframes only if they bored out and trash the game after got enough money. "joke insert here".

    Basically their choice is how much frame could be my bet around 100 but the more is always good so why we limit them to use ideas? I wish they would work a decade on this game and keep alive it.

  6. I spent to the game roughly 17k plat and still left a little for save if needs / urgent the situation. I have no regret with these purchases because most of them spent on slots and potatoes and back in time I farmed a lot so I can finaly go without fear to play fun missions however I am not max ranked and there is a lot of content left. I like to achieve my goals slowly because that grant less burn. My only flaw to spend money on Nekros and Chroma but these purchases still was reasonable and I am enjoying them. Nowadays I have no luck with dc-s so I need to be fond how and where I spend.

  7. Not really matter because they can do it as they wish just we used the patterns as a fix point. Other hand what you think in this long period they cannot make more than 1-2 frame? Remember when they developed that 4 frame so i am not surprised if they develop again more frame in the same time. 

  8. I like this concept draw and the abilities maybe will be interesting enough. Personally don't think this frame will replace the typhus concept but strongly close to it. My only wish for this frame the name should be something than typhus because I don't like a good concepts butchered by the devs because there is a lot of good concept still exist out there but I am afraid if my creation choosed I would like to give them knowing that can change like the zephyr, chroma, gunslinger frame. There is also other nice concepts which should be in game in the form they imagined but there are butthurt peoples whom will cry on anything if they don't like a frame and talking about how copy paste it is. I can tell you guys every ability is copy paste from something and in time and number of frames this variety will improve but the core mechanics are the same and many ability will be similar. I don't like when peoples cry about lore and frame look and theme because there are tons of way to use a theme differently all depends on the creativity. 

    There could be as many frame as they can release if they are enjoyable in gameplay and looks good enough. Also who thought this game is space ninja game then I can tell the advertising and reality is different because nowhere was any ninjaish frame in this game history because all come from mythology-elements-items-animals etc. The gamestyle may be but the frames never was ninjalike if they seriously wanted to make a space ninja game that should look like very different. 

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