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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. You have to put your cross-hair over the enemy to scan it other wise you are just sitting there.


    Tested, and incorrect.

    It's not doing anything at all; it doesn't matter what I do or don't do.


    Edit: Okay, I managed to get it working.

    By playing Solo.

  2. Yes, my max-rank Investigator is the first precept in its list. The other two are Guardian and Regen--my Helios has no other mods installed. I've given it all the time in the world to scan the many enemies swarming around me, but it just won't. Even when I leave them alive, it just won't.


    I've had 49 Codex Scanner charges for ten minutes now.

  3. Well of Life should heal in an AoE, based on Range. It can't be my only means of keeping the party alive mid-Blessing AND still be junk.

    And Blessing now is gambling with the mission every thirty seconds. The DR should be based on Power Strength, not on how close to death I let someone get.

  4. I don't like having to gamble with mission success every thirty seconds or so. I'd prefer it if the damage reduction was tied to Power Strength instead of how close I let the party get to death.

  5. why does this thread persist?  This is a simple matter of you missed the bus, sucks yo be you, get up earlier next time.


    Also no, no, no, and HELL NO!

    You paid for three items the rest of us either chose not to or didn't have the chance to get.

    I ain't disupting that.

    What I am disputing is that you'll now be getting a player power boost over other people that will keep resurfacing until whatever level the Focus system stops at.

    That could very well be 30. You didn't pay for that power boost--people trot out the picture of the Founder page every so often, but nowhere on that page did it say the Mastery from those exclusive items would also be exclusive.

  6. See, I wouldn't mind actually getting to hit the 20m mark.

    But all I get are people who absolutely gotta must leave after five or ten minutes max, and people who refuse to wait the extra twenty seconds or so for the next reward to pop up.

  7. Name Suggestion: Bubbling Avenger


    Behaviour: The corpses of dead Infested that are not destroyed dissolve into a semi-liquid form that seeps into cracks in the floor. There it pools, growing stronger the more Infested are killed and not disposed of correctly. When it has reached full strength, it bursts forth from the floor with a thunderous howl, a gargantuan monstrosity of twisted and molten flesh that half-melts to force its way through ventilation shafts to chase its victim down. It will also passively absorb nearby Infested that die or are near death in order to heal itself.


    Attacks: Fixates on the nearest Tenno it can path to when it spawns, charges them at incredible speed, and begins punching them until they die and then selects a new closest target. Needs no other attacks--its punches also deal Viral, Toxin *and* Corrosive damage. Merely being in its vicinity deals these damage types as well, and any contact with the Avenger's "skin" is even worse.


    Environment restrictions: Should spawn roughly around dead Infested; no spawning in unexplored areas. Requires lots of corpses.

  8. Tenno?

    Do you wanna ride a kubrow?

    Come on, let's go and fight!

    You never log in anymore

    Come play some more

    A new patch hit last night

    You used to be a ninja

    But now you've stopped

    I wish you would tell me why!

    Do you wanna ride a kubrow?

    It doesn't have to be a kubrow...

    "Go away, Lotus."

    "Okay, bye..."

    Do you wanna ride a kubrow?

    Or save the Red Veil from Death's halls?

    To win this war I need you too

    Because the Grineer have

    The Corpus by the balls

    ("Hang in there, Darvo.")

    It gets a little lonely

    All these empty nodes

    The starmap soon will die...

    (tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock)


    Please I know you're out there

    J3's been asking where you've been

    He says "We're back" and I fear for you

    They've come for me too

    Please help me win

    We're running an event

    With no RNG

    What would you like to do?

    Do you wanna ride a kubrow?

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