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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. I think it stems from whatever change DE made to implement the green "fully scanned" glow.

    I didn't see that glow when I tried to scan a wall of Chargers and Runners despite knowing I had more than enough scans of each.

  2. And I don't just mean after I revive mid-mission.

    Right from the very start of the mission, he's scanning everything in sight--things I know for a fact he wasn't scanning twenty minutes ago.


    This suggests that either Helios and/or the Codex are broken somehow.

  3. With Focus on the way and it hopefully having a massive impact on the game, what steps--if any--do you plan on taking to remove maximum Mastery level disparities between those with exclusives and removed items and those without?

  4. Well if they released Excalibur prime for $250 I wouldn't mind...  barring one condition.  


    Current Founders Excalibur Primes would be upgraded to Excalibur Prime Prime.  


    So we can prime while we prime, while we prime while we prime!!!


    No one would be able to get Excalibur Prime Prime, except founders.


    Excalibur Prime wouldn't be exclusive, but Excalibur Prime Prime would.


    Thoughts???  XD


    To be honest, I thought that was what the Proto skin was going to end up being--an exclusive skin for Excal Prime that only founders could get, or an alternative frame to EP that shared Mastery with the Prime one so as to silence the Mastery issue while either giving the founders a fancy reworked skin (because EP needed one) or introducing a new shiny for the rest of us to get.

  5. @Yezzik

    For the mastery I see no issue with that, especially with the founders gear as they will never be returning.

    In fact I support that idea.

    They should do that with all of the event items that they will never return for sure.

    Maybe as a cheap BP in the tenno lab or something that is one use only, or something else.

    For the other events items that they do want to return I just hope that they do it sooner rather than later.

    Kudos on having a sense of perspective.

    In my case, I'm thinking ahead to the Focus system and PvP/competitive PvE development.

    If Focus is a game-changer, then--to use right now as an example--Founders have a power boost I'd have to wait weeks, if not months, to counteract.

  6. I can't even remember the last time I saw a Powerfist, and I'm not sure I've ever encountered a Flameblade at all.

    How the hell am I supposed to find Eximus versions of those enemies and all the other super-rare ones?


    The Eximus versions shouldn't even show up in the Codex as separate entries--they should be part of their base versions, and should share the same scans.


    And as for the amount you need to scan anything, there's no point having it be so high. Just make it so you only need to scan anything once, and jack up the price of scanner charges if you must. We'll all still be hunting after that one last enemy forever anyway, so there's no loss for DE.


    God help us all if DE make unique scans worth Mastery.

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