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Posts posted by (PSN)Stealth_Cobra

  1. Yeah, it would also fix the annoyance of being in Cetus and having to go back to ship when night drops to switch focus school. That or let us buy a hut in Cetus with an operator chair.


  2. I remember a GDC panel with the creator of Magic The Gather where he gave a retrospective on the lessons learned over 25 years of making magic cards... And one of the cornerstones of the whole talk was how when you design a system or mechanic in a game, you try to build somethjng that what your userbase will understand instinctively, based on our own cultures, experiences and so on.

    Everyone understands Good and Evil. Light and Dark. Everyone understand that a flying creature cannot be reached by a non-flying creature that doesn't have ranged attacks or weapons. You don't have to explain for hours what a zombie does, there's a big, shared pop culture most people have that make them understand instinctively that it's a reanimated dead thing that will try to eat you.

    Case in point, I feel the "Light/Dark" system worked as intended in all previous cinematic quests, and it worked totally differently in "The Sacrifice".

    I also felt the options had been inverted by mistake, and was forced to choose dialogue options I didn't like because I wanted to stay "Dark" , even though the dialogue options that sounded cool and evil were "Light". In fact, I actually chose options I didn't like because I wanted to retain my dark alignment, that to me tells me the options were misplaced or wrong. Telling Ballas the circle was broken when I wanted to tell him to squirm like a worm because I wanted to stay Dark sucks.

    I get the Yin and Yang thing... That said, I feel going against to commonly shared and understood concept of light and dark in a morality system is a mistake, exactly what the Magic the Gathering creator warned about when designing game mechanics. If Your game mechanic is obtuse , hard to understand and defies the common undertanding, people will either misunderstand it or consider it as broken. No use a fighting against a whole fanbase of people who grew up watching Star Wars and whose understanding of light and dark is rooted in occidental religion and philosophies.

    Then again, can't stop DE from creating something called a "Zombie" and designing it like a Japanease Schoolgirl, just don't be surprised if people are surprised when the Zombie notices the sempai and wears a miniskirt.

  3. Yeah, making them replayable at launch adds alot more testing, since you have to account for quite a few variations and potential issues during replay. Since DE usually wants to ship the quest as soon as it's done to us, the replay ability usually gets added in later down the road.

    I agree though, really can't wait to replay it. That said, I would rather get a pass on all the older quests to make them replayable , especially Vor's Prize... Granted it's a complicated one, since it involves picking up starter weapons and such, but I do think it's kinda nice to be able to replay your origins, even if the progression is not saved afterwards.

  4. C'mon we waited since 2015 for umbra, having us farm for his parts would have been like adding insult to injury...

    Besides, there's a gameplay and lore reason for giving us Umbra in the quest... We're supposed to use him during the quest... It's his quest after all. Imagine if you had to build the frame to be able to finish the quest. That would suck, and would drag on the quest over days.

  5. I also found the Sacrifice lackluster, especially when you consider it was announced a year ago at Tennocon and that Umbra had been released since 2015 in Chinaframe... Find it really hard to believe to took them a whole year to do an hour long quest the reused existing locations and a new frame that's a reskin with minor differences.

    That said, I'll give DE credit for delivering some cool content along the way, including Chains of Harrow which imho is much closer to Second Dream and War Within in terms of quest quality and scope than Sacrifice ... But mostly the Plains, which did reinvent many things in the Warframe universe and manage to give player alot of new stuff to do. I also think most of the energy is currently being funneled on the Venus Open world, so I'll give DE a break, since that's imho where most of the content and stuff will probably drop.

    In the end , my main issue with Sacrifice is that it comes after a six months or so content drought and it fails to adress said drought in a meaningful manner. Logged in, did an hour long quest, logged out. Heck, didn't even really need to level up the new stuff since it was already lvl 30. For vets dying for new content, this really didn't help much.


  6. It's a huge needless forma sink imho.... Making you waste 10+ formas and the time it takes to level them up on frames you had already maxed previously.

    Even worse, asides from Valkyr and Umbra, all the other exalted weapon frames are non-primes, meaning you'll have to do it twice when the prime version comes out... Or simply do like I'll do and leave these frames untouched with no formas on their exalted weapons until we get the prime variants (which means I probably won't be using Wukong, Titania, Ivara, Mesa anytime soon).

    I think DE should have given these exalted weapons more modding points to make less forma necessary and maybe jive us free formas to compensate. Heck, I think we should have gotten the ability to choose our initial polarities on the exalted weapon when we equipped the frame as a grandfather clause.

  7. My quick review (Some spoilers):

    Lore -

    I enjoyed the lore for the most part. Wasn't really surprising for someone that read all the codex and pieced together the pieces over the years, but it's great to have confirmation and explanations on these things. Liked how it was delivered too, up until the end, where I felt it ended very fast and on a cliffhanger. Kinda like where the plot is going, although I felt dissapointed that the big confrontation with Ballas was such a short sequence in the scope of things. Gave me a supreme leader Snokes feel. Didn't feel satisfying. The end twist was kinda cool, although I'm sure some people will not enjoy it. Would rate the lore stuff 8/10... But it did feel kinda short.

    Gameplay -

    This is where it kinda falls apart imho. The sacrifice was teased at Tennocon last year... which means we all waited a year for this. I think most of us were expecting an update akin to the Second Dream and War Within. Quick recap on those updates and what they offered.

    Second Dream offered a new tileset (LUA). Said tileset had cool exilus mod to farm on it and a new enemy faction on it (Sentients). It introduced operators, rivens, sorties... Plus added quite a few new weapons.

    Likewise, War Within gave us a new tileset (Kuva Fortress). It evolved the Tenno from a special ability you could use every two minutes into a fully playable character. Added quite a few new weapons, had a cool boss and added a new gamemode (kuva extraction).

    In contrast, The Sacrifice doesn't really do anything new from a gameplay standpoint. No new tileset, no real changes in terms of operator combat, we get a new frame, which I'll talk about in the next section, a single new weapon and that's about it... Consider the quest is at best 2 hours long , that's not alot of lasting value. Feels like the classic structure of most warframe quests, which is going to existing tilesets and doing a couple tasks in them to progress the quest lore until we reach the conclusion... Compare this to all the cool sequences and twists in let's say War within... And it kinda falls short imho. 5/10

    Umbra -

    Well, we've been waiting for it for three years, does it live to the hype ? Not really , at least to me. It has been brought up over the years that Umbra too time to be ported from china frame because it would be it's own unique frame... But I feel it's the same Excalibur we all know, but with a different skin, a couple special mods and some sentience while playing as operator. I would give him 6/10 ... Should have reworked his slash dash and his radial javelin and maybe do minor tweaks on his exalted blade to really make him it's own thing.

    Conclusion -

    Coming into the Sacrifice, I was expecting some things to shake the existing warframe formula. I was expecting a new tileset (since both previous cinematic quests had them), I was expecting maybe operator melee or another evolution on that end, I was expecting umbra to have new powers, I was expecting stuff like the new Two Handed Katana, Ballas's sword, more new weapons. I was expecting some new gamemode to keep me occupied as a veteran after finishing the two-three hour story quest. In a sense, I was expecting a mini expansion of sorts, especially after a year of development time. As such, I'll have to rate it 7/10 overall, and mostly because the lore and presentation of the quest.



  8. Yeah it's annoying they keep adding new stuff to the plains to force people that already did something a gazillion times to do it yet again for new drops and rewards.

    Couple examples:

    * Not too long ago they added new trophy, which forced me to redo tons of fishing, mining and other plains grind I had done a gazillion time already because it now counted for a trophy.

    * They then added new zaws, which forced me to farms tons of ressources again and to grind cetus rep and standing yet again.

    * They added the ghoul fragments to force me to run plains again to fill in my new fragments.

    * After doing like two hundred eidolons, they added the tridolons and gave them action figures, forcing people to get back into eidolon fighting...

    * Then a couple weeks later, they added the arcanes to the eidolons, forcing tridolon hunters to run them again like crasy...

    * And now, once most people have farmed the new eidolons for weeks, they add pigment to force you to run them again.

    * Likewise, after killing tons of beasts when POE launched, tons of beast when the trophies were added, you still have to go and kill tons of beast yet again for pigments now...

    I "get" it, Warframe is kinda lacking in terms of content for vets lately, so they add small things to do like farming a couple new mods here and there , doing other things and such... But ugh, forcing people to constantly return to the plains because you add a small new thing kinda sucks.

  9. Agree with the previous comments. Here's what I would do with khora.

    As stated, move BP to market.

    For the other parts, invert the drop percentage so that rotation c has a higher percentage,  rot b gets medium drop percentage and rot a has the lowest percentage, since running rot a is much faster.

    Maybe make it something like 15 percent rotation c, 10 percent rotation b 7.5 percent rotation A.


  10. Honestly, Khora is not the worse offender. Mode is easy, the drop % are low, but still somewhat sane (I mean, about 6% drop rate means you should in theory get the rarest parts after 20 tries)... Which I'll admit it too low, but not ludacris low at least when it comes to averages.

    What's absolute bonkers are the drops for the Braton and Lato Vandal... Seriously, 2% drop chance after 8 waves in a mode where most public groups end up failing to reach wave 8.... That means , assuming you never ever fail to get to wave 8, it'll still take you on average 50 games to get the part you needed... 50*8 rounds... Let that sink in. And that's if RNG is neutral to you... Imagine if you miss you drop after 50 runs... That's possibly another 50 runs before getting another drop... Plus if you fail even a single game, it's possible you missed your lucky drop and won't get another for yet another 50 or more games... Such a low % rate would be ok for a wave 1 or wave 2 drop, but on Rotation C... No way... That's plain evil... Now add all the games where either the team will disband or fail to get enough kills per second to get to wave 8 and you got yourself a recipie for frustration.

    Asking people to play 25 minutes for a single 2% chance of getting the part you want is insulting.



  11. Please just add an option to disable it for now... Kinda like the vomit-inducing new archwing controls that made people sick, we should have options when it comes to new features that hurt our comfort and enjoyment of the game.

    You will still get your data and feedback with it being optional, it just won't be something everyone will have to suffer through on a daily basis for weeks. The fact that it's the only major new feature of this update doesn't help either... Feels like you broke something just for the sake of getting feedback on how to unbreak it instead of releasing something that was properly tested and found adequate by a panel of testers, focus groups and internal devs.

  12. Looks awesome, love the fact we're getting a vampire finally, although his kit doesn't feel like what a vampire should have.

    Main issue I have once again is that it looks like another of those frames that pretty much requires usage of your 1234 on every mob you encounter to deal damage....Which begs the question ... Why not just melee or shoot said enemy. Faster, doesn't waste energy.

    To me good frames have four distinct abilities that all work individually , yet get better when combined. Each ability has it's own purpose.

    Like let's look at ash, he has a spammable armor stripping Shuriken, a one hit kill teleport, a damage mitigation stealth move and an aoe room clearer.


    Vlad has a marking feature that does something not clear, a mist form I don't really understand (doesn't wukong have one already), some odd crowd control that doesn't seem reliable and putting people on the ground, then forcing you to kill them to hopefully detonate nearby enemies. None of them look that cool on their own, and even when combined, seems convoluted at best, clunky at worse to tag, mist form , convert, put to ground then detonate every mobs.



  13. As a PC and PS4 tenno :

    1 - I had almost no issues with the old PS4 control scheme. I could keybind the keys to get a perfect feel, with only a couple of buttons that were restricted from being keybound where I wanted them. Navigating all menus were a breeze and it felt responsive and easy to use and master. Made  a couple topics over the years about the issues the old system had, none of the feedback was ever addressed... But it was minor issues (like the fact you could not keybind gear wheel to the touchpad, etc).

    2 - On PC, I could keybind and get a very similar experience from what the PS4 version was offering , with a few notable problems , mainly the fact that many of the nice things from the PS4 version (shortcuts to scroll tabs, dpad support, etc) were not working and navigating the foundry and mod screens pretty much required usage of the mouse. I made quite a few comments over the years asking why PC didn't just port the working , existing console controls, yet never go a response. Always boggled my mind that there was a perfectly fine version running on consoles, yet PC players were still stuck switching from controller to mouse everytime they had to do any foundry or starchart exploration.

    3 - Fast forward to now, tried the PC version changes when they came out , hated them with a passion, felt even worse and more clunky than before.. And now we're getting the same terrible scheme on console, which used to work fine. Downgrading a perfectly fine control scheme so you can try a slightly better PC control scheme is a big loss, and it is INFURIATING for loyal fans.

    So yeah , I'm really pissed. I get that you want to put a new coat of paint and redo the hud and controls, but virtual cursors are a big no-no. Use the Dpad, shortcuts, inspire yourself from the old tested and true formula that worked on PC instead of thinking just turning a joystick into a mouse will make a great player experience.

    The whole point of a control scheme is to make things easy. Forcing you to slowly navigate a cursor all over the screen everytime you need to click something is the epithomy of bad design. Works with a mouse, since a small micro movement of the wrist will move cursor directly to where you need to click, but console have built tons of strategic shortcuts over the years to streamline menu traversal (like using shoulder buttons and dpad to cycle and navigate)... Throwing most of this in the dupsteer is dumb, and you need to go back to the drawing board and revert those changes.

    I know DE and apologists will go "there's new menus coming soon, it might work better with them"... To which I will respond with the following ... Is it really a good idea to destroy a perfectly fine, working control scheme and interface just to sell us a gold and black shiny new interface ? Hell , to this day I still think starchart 2.0 was way easyer to read, it had clear indications of each ressources avaiable on each planet, showed a small logo showing exactly where extractors was deployed, you could scroll from a planet to another by simply rotating the dpad, the mission type and faction was readable at a glance instead of looking at small abstract logo and having to manually scroll on every node to find the mission type you want,  it was embedded into the ship as a cool holographic display (just like the Marketplace was also a cool holographic display).

    Same with how mods used to be displayed. In the past, each mod had it's full mod art being displayed IN COLOR in your inventory. This made it quite easy to find the mod you wanted, as you remembered the mod's art and could see the color at a glance. When interface 2.0 hit, what you guys did was to make all mods greyscale, make it so they only show full art when highlighted and coloring them by rarity instead. This meant now scrolling through your mods require to know every single mod's name. Nowadays, I can barely find the mods I need and I'm constantly forced to use the search feature because the existing system is so much worse at displaying mods.

    My point being, if your goal is to gradually make the game less and les s usable, you're doing a great job !

  14. Here's how the pitch meeting probably went :

    DE PC Version Employee : PC has been struggling with controller support for years, let's find a solution to finally get full working controller support on PC...

    DE Console Version Employee  : Well, PS4 and Xbox One have a perfectly good, finely tuned system that works perfectly with a standard controller . We could just port their tried, tested and true controller scheme on PC and call it a day...

    DE PC Version Employee : Nonsense, let's do a whole new setup that relies on a virtual cursor and forces player to use joystics as a virtual mouse, plus has tons of issues out of the box that will require numerous hotfixes to patch into being-half usable. That way it will appear new and edgy... And people like new , shiny things.

    DE Console Version Employee : I really don't get why we don't just use the Console version's control schemes , it has all these shortcuts, every button is mapped and it works just fine. Console player are used to it and there's tons of documentation on how it works. Heck, it's basically just taking the existing PC controller scheme and adding a few shortcuts.

    DE Lead Employee : You both make good points, but we woudn't be DE if we didn't rework a perfectly fine system to make it more convoluted and clunky to use. Let's do the new setup AND change the setup that was working fine on Console, that way both will work bad EQUALLY ! Console to PC parity achieved !... Then we just have to wait for negative feedback to pile in on our barely usable system and poof, in six months of constant hotfixes we'll have a slighty worse than before control scheme and everyone will be too jaded to complain about the remaing issues.


    Seriously though, I know the official "excuse" is that the new hud and menu rework is coming and they want an unified control scheme to go with it... But in that case, they should have shipped the new control scheme at the same time as the new menus... Instead of screwing the existing menus by adding a new control scheme.


  15. Umm in that case, I think Consoles gets the better deal overall.

    1 - While you don't get 75% off plat purchases like on PC, there's often PSN and Xbox Live sales on plat which end up being somewhat similar (well, it's more 50-60% rebate).

    2 - For expensive purchases, you can get 75% off them (making for example deluxe skins really cheap).

    3 - Finally, console have the tennogen stuff costing plat instead of real money, meaning people that do alot of trade can just trade for them whereas on PC you have to spend real life money on tennogen.

    That said, the only thing that really annoys me is the fact the 75% off rebate doesn't apply on most of the stuff I would want to buy. Want to buy riven slots, slots, tennogen stuff, bundles, well tough luck because all of this doesn't work with the rebate. I left tons of these rebates expire lately because my wishlist is full of stuff I want, yet there's pretty much nothing that's not a tennogen creation or bundle.

  16. It's all borked... Not gonna pull the full data , but a quick glance shows stuff like this.

    - I used Regular Ash for 18.2% of of 2363 hours of playtime, amassed a small 20 million xp yet hilariously i've only killed 2053 people using him. That's rougly five kills per hour playing Ash... Sure was an efficient ash player back then.

    - In contrast, I used Ash Prime for 28% of my playtime, but got 145 million xp and killed 123000 enemies. That's 185 Kills per hours... A credible amount compared to five kills per hour, don't you think...

    - Likewise, I have tons of frames with 1.5% usage , yet that have way more kills my my regular ash's 2053 kills.

    - I used Regular nova for 4.7% of my playtime, gained 5 million xp using her and killed 15000 enemies.

    - In contrast,  I used Nova Prime for 4% of my playtime (Less), yet gained 94 million xp using her and killed 350000 enemies. So I used her less, but I somehow gained 89 Million more xp and killed 33500 more enemies.Same frame, roughly same build...

    It's pretty clear to me that the data is borked, with older frames have most of their XP and Kills not accounted for... Plus with wierd usage percentage not representative of anything.

    And no, I didn't leave my client afk for days or anything like that... Besides I don't really care about the % usage that much , it's more the rest that boggles the mind.

  17. Wish they would make it so that mastery rank would level up item to that level after putting a forma instead of giving you the mod slots, but still having to level it up to 30.

    Granted, the argument could be said that a MR 30 player could litterally put six formas in a row on a weapon without having to relevel it... But would it be such a big deal anways ? Imagine the plat DE would make off the vets that currently are often too lasy to sink formas into weapons because it's alot of work. People would burn their forma stocks in minutes and then would be stuck with a 24 hour build time on successive formas, pushing them to buy new formas.

    The last few levels are the longest to level up anyway (you can get to lvl 18 in a couple of minutes in leveling hotspots).... So I feel starting at 25 (current max MR rank) and having to do the last five levels would be fine.

    Only negative would be the fact that's alot of gametime that would be shaved off from veteran's daily logon routine (but it would give more time for actual meaningful stuff like doing content you care about).

    Or, DE could actually give decent XP for most missions in the starchart, that way people would not have to grind the same tileset/dark sector for three hours and they could level up their gear organically (instead of playing a whole day with a lvl 0 weapon only to have it lvl 6 by the end of the day).


  18. Stats are definitively bugged and glitched. I have weapons with zero kills even though I used them alot, frames I hardly ever used coming up as more popular than frames I've used more extensively, frames I litterally use all the time with less kills than frames I never ever use, the amount of aberrations I can see by taking a closer look at the individual weapon stats clearly shows that something was wrong at some point, making the whole system kinda useless ,as it's not representative of the actual usage of weapons.

    Honestly it's a minor issue, but i would like an algorythm that checks ever thing you ever leveled for aberrations and attempted to "Fix these" (Should not have a weapon with 232 kills being more used than a weapon with 123241 kills).

  19. Just won't happen.

    PC version can hotfix and update whenever they feel like it, meaning they can add new baro items the day baro comes, for example.

    Console versions get updates later because they have to essentially port the changes to consoles ,test the changes, then it goes to the certification process, then it gets deployed.

    The four week delay is pretty much a buffer zone to ensure that Console has the items in the code by the time baro actually comes to console.

    So yeah this will never happen, at least not this generation. Who know, maybe next gen Sony and Microsoft will allow live updates of some systems with minor certification (but probably not, since they don't want to get sued if an update bricks consoles).


  20. 1 - Video game movies are usually terrible

    2 - What makes warframe's lore interesting is the fact that it's mysterious and you have to fill in the Blanks. Hollywood is all about origin stories and explaining every single little detail.

    3 - Waframes are essentially mute... They would make bad protagonists. Unless they want to spoil the twist and hire child actors in a strange movie about transferrence.

    All in all, it would proably do what it does to all video game franchises "Making the game look worse by association with the terribad movies".

  21. Haven't played the new controller setups, but I still don't get why DE just doesn't port the perfectly functionnal PS4 controls to PC... I mean, it works essentially great for nearly everything... Yet PC has been stuck juggling between keyboard , mouse and controller for years.

    I'm all for all platforms getting proper controller support, but sometimes you just need to use what's working already instead of changing everything for every platform.

  22. 1 minute ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    The 2% drops are more than reasonable. Onslaught is great for focus and xp. If you are solely farming it just for Lato, then you will burn yourself out. Forma weapons, try new setups, farm kills, focus too...

    I had every focus school done prior to the release of onslaught, and I just farmed using different setups. You can also trade duplicate parts. I applaud DE for not making it too easy to get. Grind is the core of this game and you either accept it or move on. Lato and Braton aren't going anywhere, so take it at your own pace. DE should only raise the drop chances to match the release of onslaught at 3.16% as shown here:


    The gamemode does not drop ressources. It does not drop mods, it does not pay credits. It gives focus, yes, but focus has a hard cap anyway, and it's more fun killing tri eidolons and getting tons of arcanes anyway if you want to get anything done with your focus.

    Haven't tried leveling there, but I know only lvl 30 frames can enter, so I doubt it's really useful beyond maybe leveling a primary and secondary through passive xp gain while you abuse your fully leveled melee weapon to wreck havok. I also feel like a mode like this is not suited to being undergeared and a liablity to your team due to your low DPS. So many public games I get into fail to get past wave 6, unable to kill enemies fast enough and struggling to stay alive for some reason... Probably because they are leveling gear instead of coming there with their number one setups.

    The mode only pays you once every two waves, that's a single reward every like 4 minutes. Said reward is usually a relic, which I already have 600+ I don't run because I have all the primes anyway and nobody's buying anything that's not vaulted in trade chat. The only rewards I care about in this mode are the new stuff (guns, khora, peculiar bloom)... All of which have very low drop rate percentage. Even worse, when I do get the part I need, there's still a good chance some guy will drop and I'll get unable to connect to host and lose it.

    The typical game of onslaught will last me 20+ minutes, netting me three or four relics I don't care about and nothing else (maybe like 5000 credits for some reason). In every other warframe game mode, after 20 minutes, I have credits, mods, endo, plus tons of other stuff for my effort... But not here. Only a single relic per two waves and some capped focus...

    And ... 2% is a very low percentage on a gamemode that lasts at least 20 minutes to get into rotation C. That's 50 runs x 20 minutes ,or 17 hours of farming on average, all this for two mastery fodder guns. That's imho not acceptable.



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