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Posts posted by (PSN)Stealth_Cobra

  1. Yeah , love my operator.It's really a gamechanger how they changed the clunky and terrible operator 1.0 into something I actually am using more and more to clear missions all over the starchart.

    Operator Advantages:

    1 - Immortality at the press of a button. Perfect to hack, revive or just to block incoming damage. Having an alternate form that never uses lives when dying is awesome too.

    2 - Steath at the touch of a button. That plus the amp is silent makes them pretty good at stealth missions.

    3 - Great mobility. Being able to teleport six times in a row very fast over a long distance is really great and speeds up clearing of many missions tremendously.

    4 - Energy restoration and other cool abilties , like to restore a frame's health with the right arcane makes them great to buff/heal your frames.

    5 - With a good amp and a couple arcanes, operators are actuallly pretty much game viable and capable to solo 75% of the starchart (they start to struggle after lvl 60 enemies).

    6 - They feel fresh and give a new feel to the game. Especially fun for vets who have been running these quests for years. Also , they get their own operator challenges , like Eidolons, Kuva Syphons and defeating Kuva Guardians.

    7 - While it's tedious to unlock these waybound passives , arcanes and amps, it also gives us vets new progression objectives, which is important because after a while , us vets can get bored when all our frames are maxed with numerous formas, are our weapons are filled with maxed weapons and there's not really anything left to max and develop. Having a totally new secondary form you can improve can really help bring more longevity to the game.

    8 - Operator can actually be made somewhat tanky with the right passives and arcanes.

    In the end, I think DE kinda nailed operator , and will probably keep improving it even more as time passes. I'm assuming in a year, operators will be even more badass and it'll feel like playing a tag team match where you constantly switch from operator to warframe as both have their pros and cons.


  2. I wish they just added a terminal on Maroo's bazaar where you could, let's say, put up to 10 sets of items for sale at a fixed price.... Then you're free to leave and play the game and people are free to browse the items you left there and purchase them. You get a message in your inbox when a trade occurs.

    At this point, the only reason I can see why there isn't an auction house of some sort is because DE probably fears that if they make an auction house, people will try to undercut existing prices, which will result in people posting their items cheaper and cheaper to get a sale, which in turn means items will cost less and DE will make less plat... That said, they fail to see the fact that people would do way more trades overall, so I'm guessing they would make just as much profit overall, because it's quite a chore currenty to lurk in trade chat for hours to get a seller of the thing you want ,and people just give up getting some items because they don't want to suffer through this.

    And while yes, there are websites for trades, truth is , as console tenno, sadly there's very few people using the websites , and the people there tend to overprice stuff, which suck...

  3. I've been an advocate of a hard mode star chart after you clear each system being unlocked too.. Although that would split the userbase and probably make it harder for newcomers to find activity on some planets... That said, it makes no sense to me that most systems end up being too low level to be worth going to for veterans.

  4. I really like what DE did with the new operator.

    Main issue so far is the amp scaling with endgame / heavy armored enemies, but that can be fixed by either releasing stronger amps or even better, making a modding system for amps...That said, operators are surprisingly viable on most of the starchart once you get a decent amp, the important waybound passives and a couple operator arcanes... And I've been having alot of fun doing operator only runs, something that was simply not possible with the old operator and all it's problems.

    As for improvements, I still think the basic operator mobility could be improved. Even with the run speed passive unlocked, the operators move slowly compared to frames (slightly better when you slide everywhere). I know they are space children ,but they should feel as good to manoeuver as frames do. That said, void dash is really great and it does help offset the fact the operators are kinda slow and clunky to control / jump with by default... But still, in an ideal world, an operator would be more fluid when climbing/jumping/running around the map, instead of being a slow and cumbersome star chart that teleports all over the place to offset their meh base mobility.

    Another thing we really need is operator melee. I remember how psyched I was when we got the Kuva Scepter after the War Within... Yet in the end it was just another warframe weapon and not an operator melee weapon. We now have an operator gun, we need operator melee to really flesh out the operator's combat options. Granted, one could say that the void push attack is the operator's melee/close range attack... But it's not as cool as a proper melee attack.

  5. On 1/8/2018 at 12:48 PM, TheGoodDarius said:

    Amps are basically just fancy weapons, you can go without problems just using the standard one, but the Zaws are pretty damn good, plus you can make them how you want, and if you worry about the stats and parts, there are plenty of builds and data tables that tell you want kind of weapon you get

    Umm, no... The mote amp is litterally the worse weapon in warframe imho. Low dmg and a clip that's depleted in a split second, it's not even capable of wiping more than one target without having to wait for the reload time.

  6. I believe someone has confirmed while exploring the outside of the orbiter that there's actually a door frame behind the hospital bed capsule thingy in the infested room, meaning they could build another room there if they wanted (remove medical bed capsule thingy), make a new door leading somewhere else.

    They could also probably add a couple doors (or elevators / ladders)  near where the void console and empty corner are. Woudn't be the first time they expand the orbiter (remember how before the second dream, the ship stopped behind the arsenal console)... Then poof, new update comes and magically there's two new corridors leading to three brand new doors.

    Personally though, I think the most elegant solution would be to turn the big round engine glass floor thing in the middle of the corridor with the three doors into an elevator that goes down one floor to a whole new floor, since it would avoid the feeling of having the ship spreading in horizontally in many directions.

  7. It's important to separate two things:

    - Issues with tutorialisation.

    - Issues with how the new user experience is handled.

    I think Warframe struggles with both, but the tutorialisation stuff is imho not the biggest offender, as you can always "google it". There's ample documentation on everything, and I think most gamers know where to find the info when they need some info.

    Thus, to me , the true issue is how the new user experience is handled. Honestly, during Vor's prize, this is fine. Game slowly introduces most systems with a small narrative that pushes the player forward and teaches him the basics. Where it gets problematic is what occurs after the questline is done and the impression it gives to a new player.

    A - The player has litterally zero good mods after vor's prize. Game is so busy awarding crappy damaged mods it forgets that new player have nothing and they need all the essential mods. DE needs to scrap damaged mods and instead reward player with the proper essential mods. A new player should finish vor's prize owning at the very least serration, split chamber , hornet strike, barrel diffusion, point strike, fury, redirection, vitality, crit mods, flow and streamline, etc. Also, maybe give player some starter endo to get the mod upgrading going on.

    B - Game does not award proper elemental mods. In a game where elemental mods are pretty much mandatory to deal proper damage to most factions, it's actually extremely long to get a full set of elemental mods for primary/secondar/melee weapons. Game also doesn't teach you about elemental combos and how to mod your gear.

    C - MK1 weapons are absolute trash and give a terrible first impression. Even worse, people might actually waste catalysts on them, not knowing how they are basically trash tier weapons. C'mon guys, just give us a regular Braton, Paris, Bo, Kunai and scrap the MK1 starters. Giving players inferior versions of weapons that are already pretty much trash tier weapons outclassed by their primes is kinda insulting... It's like giving you a broken, rusted version of a kitchen knife and hoping you'll enjoy cooking using this.

    D - Tutorialize how to install catalysts and reactors and give starting player a free catalyst and reactor. Forcing new player to wait for a catalyst and reactor alert to get their starter frames to snuff sucks..

    E - Having an empty foundry when you start the game is dumb. There's tons of somewhat cheap blueprints for weapons and gear that should be awarded for free upon getting the foundry segment. Expecting a noob go through all tabs in the market looking for blueprints that can be gotten for credits is dumb, and it gives the initial impression that everything is paid for in platinum and nothing can be built. This would also help tremendously in the early hours , as credits are really hard to amass, and having let's say 20-25 free blueprints in the foundry would save a couple hundred thousand credits for new players.

    F - I know you guys think the addition of junctions were brilliant, but they absolutely suck imho. Gating player progression through the starchart by constantly forcing them to complete unclear and menial tasks is one of the worse new user experience decision you did. What's an eximus ? How do I scan a fragment ? What's an AXI relic ? So many questions , so many obstacles. What exactly was wrong with simply defeating a boss to unlock the next planet again ? Why did you have to make unlocking any planet a grindy, tedious chore. There's already enough grind without having to grind planet unlocks.

    G - Another big issue is the time it takes to level up frames and weapons on the star chart. You just started playing , you just completed vor's prize, chances are you're still lvl 7 with your frame and gear. You haven't even unlocked all your abilities yet, and given how slow you are leveling, chances are most player will quit because it's such a bore to just level up to 30. The fact it takes like clearing 4-5 full planets to even get your starter frame to lvl 30 makes no sense in a game where's there's so much leveling to be done. It kinda pushes new player directly out of the game, since they feel they are not getting anything done.

    H - You're trying to sell this game with a strong melee combat, yet you're too cheap to give players a free stance mod for their starter weapon, meaning people button mash a slow quick attack and fail to see the melee combat's depth.

    I - Likewise, in a game where you pretty much need an aura mod to get full mod capacity, you're too cheap to give players a free aura mod they can equip from the start , even if it's a crappy aura mod nobody uses. Considering new players have 0 MR (meaning they start with zero modding points), no catalysts and reactors (meaning they do not get x2 modding points) and no auras and stances, this means new players litterally cannot equip any mods for most of their initial playthrough with their starter frame.

  8. Honestly, stop whining about this. For years us vets had to do our tests with no practice feature being available. We actually had to study youtube videos before trying the tests, then we had a single chance per day to "nail it"... I remember on some of the hardest tests taking me more than a week to get done because of the stress of knowing you only get one chance and having to figure out on the fly exactly what to do.

    Nowadays, anyone can just go to a relay, go to cephalon simaris and practice the test until they can reliably complete it numerous times in a row, then quality for it. Minimal stress, ample time to practice, no reason to fail any test anymore. And if you do fail it, well, too bad, you should have practiced it more to make sure you could reliably nail it before qualifying for it.

  9. The only thing I kinda miss is the old skill-based double wall jumping technique that was mandatory to reach numerous secret rooms and hidden paths:

    Nowadays, feels like no skill is required, just run up any surface, none of that timing based backflipping madness like before.

    ... Still objectively much better today though.

  10. Conditional "Yes"

    - If they introduce a token system where instead of getting a random arcane, you get a token you can exchange for the arcane you want/need.

    - If they can design future raids to be non-cryptic / obscure / allow public groups a chance to clear them without screwing it for everyone.

    - If they can make them actually fun to play on a regular basis (aka not a crowdcontrol rehash of existing tileset scenarios where you press buttons and a clustemess of confusing infested corridors with obligatory archwing).

    - If they allow random matchmaking and put less emphasis on perfect team setups (don't want to spend half an hour assembling a team of exactly the same frames each day, want to be able to use my favorite frame, not just choose frame X to do role Z.

  11. It always bugs me how almost nobody mentions the operating costs of keeping an account active. Sure , it's free to play, but if you do the math, if you stick around for the long run, that's alot of plat sink that are pretty much essentials you can't really avoid paying for, and new sinks keep getting added.


    Waframe Slots : 34*20 = 680 Plat to be able to play all characters.

    Reactors = 20p Each, pretty much mandatory on everything you want to use, you probably won't get enough for all your frames, sentinels, kavats, archwings, even if you play for years with a phone app notifying you everytime one comes up on alerts/invasions. Probably another good 650ish plat for the average user.

    Exilus = Another 20p, not mandatory, but once again, you'll never get enough from alerts to put on all the frames. Definitvely a couple hundred of plat of exiluses to be bought over the years.

    Weapon Slots - 12p per two weapon slots. There's like 350+ weapons, granted some can be deleted as they are MR fodded /inferior versions, but still a big plat sink. Assuming most player will keep at least 200+ weapons, unless you really love building weapons for 24 hours using resources leveling them and deleting them afterwards.

    Catalysts - Another 20p per weapon if you want to be able to use to their full potential. A couple alerts a months awarding these versus, like, 350 weapons, just do the math... It's impossible to have enough for all the weapons, and even if you're picky on which weapons you put them on, you'll probably resort to buying quite a few of these during your account's lifespan.

    Forma - Slightly cheaper with the bundle nowadays, but the fact remains a new player needs alot of forma just to craft all the clantech stuff, and that's not even taking into account the fact countless frames weapons require 5-6 of these to reach full potential... Can only make a single one per day, everything from dogs to archwings use these. Even if you stockpile 350 bps by playing in the void all day, you'll only be able to craft one at a time per day, yet most vets can use 5-6 formas per day on multiple weapons.

    Riven Slots - Expensive as hell, Rivens themselves are already expensive purchases to get the ones you want , but you'll need to pay for the slots to have a big collection of them. And since riven have huge mod costs, you'll need the formas to accomodate them... So you're often spending plat on the riven, on the slot, on the formas... Triple dipping of sorts.

    Archwing Slots - Used to be free, but now monetized

    Archweapon Slots - Used to be free, but now monetized

    Operator Amp Slots - New feature, new monetisation.


    Quick note:

    The usual free to play defense argument is "you can trade for you plat" , so technically you don't have to "pay to progress"... But to me that's a fallacy, in the sense where someone somewhere bought that plat and is, in a sense, paying for your own progression. You're technically exchanging your time/experience playing the game and acquiring stuff with someone's currency, which he has purchases with real life money, in effect making him pay for your progression. Regardless of who paid for that warframe slot, someone did pay for it, in the end....

    Again, I mostly like the system, and I'm not here to be overtly critical of the buisness model, which is mostly fair, but I just want to people to stop blindly calling it "free to play" and acting like there's not a gazillion systems put into place to guarantee DE will get a somewhat steady steam of plat being spent in the market. An account will never evolve beyond mr4-5 without spending platinum, since no slots means no mastery and no mastery means no progression.

    It's free to play if you only want to use two or three frames and weapons, don't mind waiting for rare alerts and using unpotatoed stuff for months and don't mind staying a low mastery rank level player locked out of many weapons and features, but if you want to get deeper into warframe, someone will have to pay these operating costs. Might not be you,  you might manage to get people to trade you that plat, but someone's still paying for your progression.

  12. On 12/24/2017 at 5:38 PM, GnarlsDarkley said:

    PoE is a side activity. You don't NEED to do anything there. If fishing and mining bothers you, just don't do it.

    The only "real" thing you miss is the Amps and Teralysts which won't give you anything outside PoE

    Not entirely true though. Someone that doesn't like mining and fishing  and decides to ignore these things will be unable to get/do the following things:

    - Won't be able to get proper Amps, which allow the Operator actually be usable to clear starchart missions up to a somewhat reasonable level (mote amp is just plain terrible).

    - Won't be able to get Zaws, some of which are best in slots for their weapon category.

    - Will be missing a huge chunk of mastery points since they won't have all gilded zaws and amps.

    - Will be missing out on operator arcanes that can do cool things , like fully healing your frame at the press of a button, zaw arcanes, some of which are really cool and amp arcanes, which can really make the amps even stronger and more versatile.

    - Won't be able to use archwing charges (since it requires fish parts).


     During operation plague star, we had ways to turn standing into eidolon gems/fish parts, which imho was a great feature, as it allowed people to progress and get stuff done in the plains that would require a ridiculous amount of time fishing and mining by doing bounties instead. Granted, the bouty itself was a huge bore and I'm almost getting nam flashbacks thinking about it, but I do think it should become a permanent feature... Let us purchase resources with our regular cetus standing.

    Just give us a trader where you can exchange rep for gems and fish parts... In an ideal world, mining, questing and fishing in the plains should all yield similar returns in terms of time investment... Someone could mine for X hours, turn it into X standing, then use X standing to buy X fish parts. Likewise, someone that hates mining and fishing could just run bounties all day and then convert said standing into the ressources he needed.

    Heck, might as well introduce a quill cores to cetus standing conversion system too, that way eidolon hunters can actually do what they enjoy (hunting eidolons all night every night cycle) and then convert them to cetus rep, then into gems or fish parts if they need them. Cause right now, I have pretty much everything I wanted to buy from the Quills, and this means any future cores I get are kinda useless to me unless new quill stuff gets added in the future.

  13. Just had an issue with the grineer ghouls mission too... Got to the last part of the quest, where I was tasked with defeating three waves of 30 ghouls in like five minutes, counting the time it takes to move from a spawn to another.

    The first two waves worked fine, killed my first 30 ghouls , moved to other spot, killed another 30, then time was running short (about one minute thirty left).

    So we get to the last spot and none of our kills would register. We pound like 40 ghouls only to fail mission with 0/30 ghouls killed in the last part.

    TLDR VERSION : Grineer Ghoul extermination can be borked and spawn ghouls that do not register as killed when killed, in effect breaking final part of the quest.

  14. Sorry to Necro this topic, but issue is still present in latest PS4 update and it's really killing my fashion frame.

    I was happy when I heard you guys added the ability to have multiple customisations at the same time on operators (Eyewear, Earrings, Etc)..

    However, what I wasn't expecting was to lose the ability to have my Kiteer Atmos Mask at the same time as I'm wearing my Ceno mask for some reason.

    What i don't get is that it worked fine in the first version of POE that hit consoles, you could wear both the ceno helmet and the Atmos Mask and it looked wicked. It also looked pretty cool to combine the Atmos Mask with the Grinner Mask.

    So if you could please restore our ability to fashion frame our operators to their max potential PLZ ! I just want my cool new Quills Helm + My Baro Mask + My Eyepatch.


  15. I don't really get the point of damage 3.0 myself. I get what they are trying to accomplish, but I have a feeling it will litterally have no impact whatsoever.

    People look for the most min-maxed builds. If you remove a couple near mandatory damage mods from the equation, new mods will take their place. People will do their testing on the remaining mods and will figure out the best-in-slot replacement to the old mods and in a couple of months it'll be exactly the same situation, but with a few different mods.

    In the meanwhile, this would create extreme frustrations in the community for the following reasons :

    1 - People have sunk numerous formas over the years to build their weapons to peak performance. Let's say for example they remove serration and barrel diffision... That's two V polarities that are no longer needed. Let's say the replacement people find are two - 90% Elemental Mods... That forces everyone to reforma most of their gear.

    2 - Likewise, in a split second, this would litterally invalidate 4 years of build videos for most warframe streamers.

  16. What's the point of an open world if you're not free to do what you want in said open world ?

    Join private groups with friends if you want everyone to do the bounties and hate people doing something else... But if you do random matchmaking, don't get pissed if one or two people wander off every now and then to farm rocks or fish a couple fishes.

    You don't need 4 players to complete these bounties anyways... And it's actually a smart tactic to pair up with friends with different goals to get things done faster. 

    Like , often, when I mine or fish, I usually join a friend that does bounties so it's two birds one stone, and vice versa when he has to fish or mine. We also did bounty / eidolon groups a couple of time where two people do the bounties while the other two weaken and hopefully capture the eidolon... That's smart matchmaking and strategic time investment imho. 

    Having four people facepalming a LVL 1 bounty serves no purpose, especially when all rewards asides from Gara parts are useless. I'm 100 percent ok with all three other players mining and fishing these missions. Why waste four people's time when a single person can do the task and the others are free to do something else.

    In the end, at this point we all did these bounties a gazillion times solo , so I'm absolutely fine with people that want the rep but prefer to farm something else.

  17. The absolute dumbest thing is the mod codex not telling you what each mod does until you actually own the mod. What's the point of having an in-game list of all mods in the first place if if forces you to google each mod you are missing to see what they do.

    Asides from that, pretty much nothing is explained in regards to most systems. 

    Game should tutorialise equipping mods, leveling mods, should give you reactor and catalyst and show you how to equip them... Should start with a foundry with some stuff in it... With perhaps a first craft given free of charge to teach players how to craft and rush items (free first rush).

    Should also have a small modding tutorial, perhaps giving players a few somewhat important mods from the start (serration, split chamber, elemental mods, life strike, etc). Cracked mods kinda stink honestly.


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