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Posts posted by (PSN)Stealth_Cobra

  1. I think when you click "Plains of Eidolon", it should open a menu similar to when you're on a node with multiple missions.

    The options would be :

    - Free Roam (Do incursions, goof around, do whatever you feel like with randoms, basically what we have now)

    - Eidolon Fighting (Option only appears five minutes before night comes and dissapears five minutes before it ends). Maybe put a sortie esque level requirement to join these (lvl 30 frames with lvl 30 gear).

    - Fishing / Mining (Maybe requiring owning a fishing rod and / or a mining tool.

    To acheve that , the game would need a system to establish what players are actually doing in their game. I guess it's not that hard to flag the fact group A is currently fighting an eidolon, group B has been fishing for the last 20 minutes and group C has one dude doing incursions, one guy fishing and one guy running for wisps.

  2. I have literally never gotten a single decent reward from doing bounties since I started doing them, and I've been doing them prettty much since release.

    - Zero Gara parts- Not a single one.

    - No new set mods - Zero !

    - Obiviously no greater eidolon lenses .

    - All of the new stance mods I've gotten were from enemies and not bounty rewards... So no stances from the system either, unless you count common stances I have 25 copies as decent rewards.

    - I've gotten one or two lenses.... Probably the best "rewards I've gotten" (Disclaimer , I have a gazillion lenses from sorties).

    - I've gotten tons of crappy noob mods... you know, mods that drop from any enemies and could simply be added to the enemy drop tables in the plains.

    - I've gotten tons of credit caches... Which is insulting since credits should be a default reward for completing missions on cetus, not a "Reward"...

    - I've gotten tons of nistlepods, which are useless since I have hundred of them by simply running around the map.

    - I've gottens quite a few wisps, which once again feels useless since it's faster to just do a quick run of all plain lakes and get 3-4 per run (more if you have booster and cat)

    - I've gotten a few breath of the eidolon, which are probably the "best" rewards i've gotten, in the sense where they are needed and it's the only way to get them as far as I know... Still don't have enough to buy anything with them tho...



  3. I really don't get DE's reluctance to fix this issues, especially since trophy/achievements already prove that the acquisition rate for focus is absymal and that nobody invests into the system as a result (only 0.2% percent of the PS4 userbase have fully unlocked all nodes in a single tree after more than a year of playing the game, that tells you something about focus acquisition).

    I absolutely get that then want the system to be a long term objective... That's already enforced pretty well with the daily cap, requiring a player to max it for almost a full year to unlock everything. What I really don't get is the 2% conversion rate from lenses... Why have a 250k cap when most missions give 800 focus?

    DE doesn't gain anything by forcing people to grind focus for extended periods of time ? They won't sell more lenses, and forcing your fanbase to do 1 to two hours of tedious grind does not make players stick around for longer... It just makes people give up and ignore said system after hitting the cap for a week or so.


    Solution is simple :


    - Massively improve the % conversion rate of focus lenses. I'm talking about at least 20% conversion... Maybe even more with greater and eidolon lenses. I would go 20-25-30% myself.

    - Remove convergence orbs. They are too arcadey (why do I have to run after an orb to gain focus for my operator ?) , constantly force you to abandon objectives and backtrack and they keep appearing at wrong timings when there's no enemies anyway, they suck.

    -  I think lenses put on Operator amps should give even more Focus.... Maybe 50% conversion.. That way people would actually be rewarded trying to use their operator to gain focus... Which should be the main thing about combat operators, you use them , they get better ?

    - As for the "what happens a year later when many people have all lens in the current focus tree".. Well, guess what, you add new nodes then !!! It's not like the operators are perfect, and you can always add new, more expensive nodes, more levels for popular nodes, more waybound nodes to increase operator damage... If you want the system to be long term, update it regularly instead of hoping people will stick around farming it slowly for the next five years.


    Conclusion : The slow acquisition rate of focus was fine on Focus 1.0, precisely because 95% of the focus trees were useless and as such , people didn't need to max them out. I think you guys did a pretty good job making most nodes in Focus 2.0 relevant, but you haven't touched the focus acquistion rate in the process , which is a huge mistake since it was fine when you only needed energy regen and being invisible on two trees , but now that you need to unlock at the very least all waybound nodes and almost max a couple focus tree to be a peak efficiency operator.. It doesn't work. The solution is simple to implement, you just need to do it.

  4. 24 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    I currently play PoE on PC using an old XBOX controller. So, my comments may not be relevant, but putting it out there anyway.

    The only way to switch to the operator is by D-pad section. I run with D-L, D-R to scroll through my abilities, then a second button (RB) to trigger them. While a dedicated button would perhaps be better for switching, I do not have any issues with the current system. For me, it works fine. 

    In saying that, I have never tested it with a PS4 controller. 

    This is the easiest solution I have. But, it is how I have always played, so, it works fine for me.

    For pc, I use the following setup with an Xbox 360 style controller (pretty much identical to my ideal PS4 setup, but gear wheel on the share button instead of on touch pad since an Xbox controller doesn't have a touchpad... :


    Basically, the only important features I'm missing are the "Open map" and "Mark Map" functions... Which are not frequent key anyways. Feel it's about as good as I can get the control scheme on and it's really cool to be one key press away from all your abilities.

  5. TLDR version : Since you can't keybind the gear wheel to the touchpad, it restricts your possible keybinds.

    Since POE has you constantly switching from operator to frame, we need the ability to bind gear wheel to touch screen (as it will free up one important key to put operator on).


    Analysis of why the issue exists:

    Let's look at warframe's controls (Note: We're talking about setups witout the Powers Menu here, as this frees many keys with the tradeoff or requiring numerous button presses to activate abiltities).

    * L1-L2-R1-R2 are occupied by Aiming / Shooting / Quick Melee and Sliding... Can't put operator there... Obviously, as those are your "triggers".

    * Face buttons (Triangle Square X O) These buttons are your other "important buttons", usually where most users will put stuff that's key ,but doesn't required to be pressed constantly... Things like jumping, swapping weapons , context sensitve actions/reload and another free slot that can be used for something (FREE SLOT 1)

    Dpad - Four buttons, four abilties... Seems like a perfect match. Sure, you can bind something else there, but I found it's the best , most logical setup, especially since many abilities requires pressure sensitive keys (Ivara's quivers, Vauban's mines, etc)... You need four pressure sensitive keys for your abilities, and these are the best slots for that.

    Touchpad - Here we have five keys... By default, abilities are often bound there, but most people will agree it's a bad spot to bind warframe abilties because touchpad swipes are not really precise and it's impossible to do "held" abilities on (see point above about using the d pad). As such , I will consider these keys as free slots for now... Free to bind other stuff (But as you'll see, most of the stuff won't be possible to bind there for some reason).

    Options and Start - Cannot rebind these.

    Joystics R3 and L3 - One of them will usually get the run toggle ,while the other is usually a free slot (FREE SLOT 2)


    Now that we've established the basics, let's look at what's left to keybind, and why this becomes a problem.

    - Secondary fire - This is a somewhat important key to keybind, ideally you would want to keybind it to a proper button you can press (not touchpad swipe)... You also don't want to keep pressing the Touchpad down everytime you fire... As such it has no choice to be placed in "FREE SLOT 1 (Joystick)" or "FREE SLOT 2 (Let's say Square button)"

    - Operator Mode - Another function that needs to be put into a key that's easy to hit multiple times, especially with the new operator rework. Ideally, the best keybind would probably be "FREE SLOT 1 (Joystick)", as pressing a joystick in the middle of combat is easy and it's perfect in terms of ergonomics.

    - Gear wheel - Another mandatory feature... This is where it gets complicated. You cannot currently bind the gear wheel to the touchpad (even touchpad press). This sucks , because it means you're stuck keybinding it to "FREE SLOT 1" or "FREE SLOT 2"... Which in turns means you'll have to put either secondary fire or operator change on Touchpad Press.. Both rather inconvenient. Binding the gear wheel on the the Joystick Press is very annoying , as you often hit it by mistake while moving camera and you can trigger unwanted dance emotes and gear wasting"... Likewise, binding Gear Wheel to the Face buttons also kinda suck, as you're putting a menu key on a part of the controller usually used for actions, not menus.

    - Other useful features - Stuff like "Show Map" , "Map Markers", "Show Teammates", "Show Progress", "Gear Shortcuts (Example Shorctcut or an energy pizza or a synthesis scanner) can easily be put on the touchpad... But sadly, gear wheel cannot for some reason....


    Here's an image of my ideal controller setup (not possible currently due to touchpad restrictions on what you can keybind on touchpad).



  6. 8 hours ago, KiteoHatto said:

    Here is what i don't get, how the hell are you guys getting so little focus for ANY mission.

    You want to hit max possible daily cap as if it were a god damned your given right to do so, in other words you want to minmax with the least effort required.

    You're acting as if Focus grinding is the only thing to do/grind in warfame each day.

    When you add in the sorties (half an hour/45 minutes daily), the raids (1h-2h daily depending of the quality of the groups you get), syndicate / cetus / quills rep farming, leveling up gear and putting formas, farming Kuva to reroll those rivens you get on sorties, adding focus farming 250k per day is imho a huge deal, particularly with a system which such a slow gain per mission on average. That's alot of daily stuff to do, and time spending grinding a focus counter is time spent not doing something else, something more fun or productive.

    And the reason we're getting "so little focus for any mission" is because honestly, the affinity gain on most of the starchart is really bad as it is. It litterally takes ages to take a frame  from lvl 1 to lvl 30 by simply clearing starchart missions... And then you add the fact these so called lenses give you 2% of your affinity gain as focus and you got a recipie for slow focus gains. Those small affinity numbers get even more negligeable when you're only getting 2% converted into focus.

    In the end, there is litterally no reason why DE can't make focus lenses give a much higher percentage back on lenses. Heck, they could probably raise it to 25% conversion and it would only make it so that more people would hit the cap daily, which would be a good thing in the long run.

    Truth be told, trophy data proves that only 0.2% of the PS4 warframe userbase has "Fully unlocked a focus tree"... That means 99.8% of the userbase has not even gotten enough focus to unlock all nodes in a single tree. And we're not talking about "fully maxing a tree", we're talking about putting a single point in each nodes. This proves that acquistion rate is abysmally low and that pretty much nobody has gathered enough focus after more than a year to afford to even purchase all the abilities... And now they made the costs even higher without signigicantly increase the acquisition rate...

    But hey, I guess 99.8 percent of the userbase are too lasy...

    And no, 255 days of grinding focus at least 1h-1h30 with a specialised focus setup per day is not imho a reasonable time commitment for a regular humain being with a life, a job , friends, families and obligations. That's nonsense... And this is coming from someone with 2000 hours into his account (the equivalent of a full time job playing warframe for at least a year).

  7. 3 hours ago, KiteoHatto said:

    Then you pretty much don't play the game if 10-30k is all you get. 

    Why should no effort be rewarded ?

    Besides, focus has been farmable for such a long time already, not like you lost all your focus 1.0 points and have to start fresh. Unless you know, you didn't play back then either.

    That's bogus. The normal focus gain on a "regular" mission goes from 400 to 2000 focus, with an average of probably 1K per mission for most users just playing the game normally and completing tasks with a couple lenses equipped on their gear. Telling people they do no effort when the do 10 to 30 missions a day for said focus is a little insulting. Doing 10-30 missions a day is "effort" in my book, and the focus system should be designed so that someone that plays that many missions per day should almost be guaranteed to hit his daily cap... It's insulting to complete a ten minute mission and be offered 768 Focus for your effort, frankly, especially when most abilities end up costing 300k/400k and up... And asking people to hit a 250K daily cap when the average is 1000k, that's even worse. Even if you can consistently get 7-8k per mission, that's still 32 missions a day to hit that daily cap.

    The fact that any player that wants to hit the cap pretty much has to combine the best lenses + a booster + A series of increase affinity by melee attack focus nodes + a technique to cheeze the game into keeping the 500% affinity bonus up for pretty much the whole mission and use extremely strategic focus convergence orb usage sucks... It restricts frame usage, forces players to spend 1 to two hours a day in the same mission solo doing menial farming, and it's frankly no fun, but hey, it's the only decent way to get focus, so we're stuck with it...

    What topic creator is asking is basically reverting all that crap about the 500% bonus evaporating whenever you hit an enemy while in stealth , plus the fact that enemies seeing dead bodies now become alerted and killing them breaks you 500% counter unless you put everyone asleeep without being seen. I agree with TC... This change broke stealth for many frames and it feels finicky and exploitative to try and manoeuver around these changes.

  8. I'll make this quick.

    Currently, with the PS4 version, the touchpad has alot of restrictions with what functions a player can bind to it. The biggest offender is the fact the player cannot bind the gear wheel to the touchpad (neither touchpad press or touchpad swipe is possible). This forces player to bind the gear wheel to Dpad, face buttons or on joystick presses.

    With POE comes a greater emphasis on Operator switching.. Meaning a player will want operator activation to be bound to a key that's easy to hit. What I'm getting at is that while it was fine to bind operator mode to the touchpad press in the past, now it will be tedious to hit that every time you switch during operator combat.

    So can you plz enable more varied bindings on the touchpad to free up other keys for operator change form.

  9. Damage fall-off and damage negation are two different concepts.

    Only noticable at over 300 m also hints that fall-off will not occur before 300m, after which damage will lower based on distance.... Not that you will deal 0 damage at 301 meters.

  10. I think DE missed the memo where trophy data on ps4 shows that 0.2 percent of the user base has fully unlocked a focus tree (not fully maxed, just put single point into all nodes after a couple years of focus farming).

    This means 98.8 percent of the fanbase was not invested into focus, yet DE made the new system require insane focus grinds in all trees simultaneously... Meaning even the .2 percent that invested in the old system is now discouraged by the 70 million more rep they need to grind while the 98.2 percent sees this as a brick wall on their operator progression.

    The only reason slow rep gains were somewhat ok in focus 1.0 was because most skills and trees were essentially useless. Now that you expect players to unlock and level most nodes in all trees, you need to lower the costs and increase the acquisition rate.

  11. Well, it's always the same problem of double and triple dipping for everything.

    If there's one thing that kills any feeling of progression ,it's making it so that pretty much all the standing and resources you accumulate for the first few weeks are are all going to be wasted as syndicate level up tributes. It's not fun to not spend any standing and just pile it up so you can sacrifice it to level up your rep level...

    But some will say "You get a reward every time you level" up... Yeah, but he reward is not worth the investment you paid. When I sacrificed 22k standing and a decent amount of resources on my 2nd reputation level , I was offered a selection of meh items, mostly one time use blueprints, and the most expensive items on the list were 10K... That's still 12K standing down the drain... And that's not even counting the triple dipping of actually having to build said items using resources and credits in the foundry. So you pay to unlock the ability to buy stuff that will then require stuff to be able to be built.

    I still feel standing should not be consumed. Players should be allowed to spend the full amount they gathered. Like let's say I just amassed 99k standing, I should be able to get 99k worth of stuff when I level up my syndicate.


    Same thing happens with focus 2.0. Once again, you gotta pay a constant and considerable amount of your hard earned focus just to unlock capacity slots.. Meaning you're once again double dipping for slots and abilities.


    And there's the quills, which is probably the worse offender, as the gains are very small, requiring farming of something that drops only at night... And once again, enjoy double dipping as you spend thousands of cores just to level up your syndicate enough so that you can finally farm even more cores, this time using them for actual purchases.

    In the end, removing these double dipping things would really help alleviate the tediousness of leveling these features.

  12. Well ,they can't really have different drawing distances for enemies based on individual PCs specs in a coop game.

    I'm sure there's a reason for these limitations ,and I'm guessing the sniper zoom nerfs were done because of these limitations. No use giving players the impression they can snipe from 1500m away if enemies do not spawn at that distance.

  13. I don't mind... It's a big plain, and I think it's important that people are free to do whatever activity they feel like doing.

    That said, players should be able to extract at will without requiring other people to leave too... And new people could then join to fill in the ranks.

  14. 17 hours ago, AdunSaveMe said:

    This is incorrect. Being required to use your operator for anything is forcing. Especially kuva. Kuva is required for many many things that are not connected to operators, yet they are still mandatory to gain it. And there is no other reason to use your operator because it simply isn't fun enough to appeal to very many people, so these things exist to force you to use your operator.

    Both of these (operator-mandatory mechanics, and that being the only reason to use it for most people) are issues.

    Still think people are over-exaggerating that whole kuva thing. Just because the system forces you to button press for a split second to change form, void dash, then return to your frame four times per kuva syphon doesn't feel like enforcing a playstyle to me. It's like saying the game forces you to like puzzles because you have to hack one or two terminals every mission.

    That said, I'll admit this update does feel like it's pushing operators too much as a cool thing when in fact, they are pretty much exactly as before, only slightly faster and more indispensable... Now I have to switch every 20-30 seconds to get my energy passives, and I have to spend a huge portion of time in operator form to even be able to damage eidolons... Plus now I need like 80 million focus to get my operator to full potential so he's capable to not be a squishy, slow child.

  15. My two cents on how to fix the bad drop tables for bounties, plus a few other suggestions.

    You guys really need to:

    1 - Give a reward every bounty. Incursions give a reward each mission ,why don't bounties ? Likewise, incursions should have access to all the same rare drops as bounties.

    2 - Remove all newbie mods from the loot table. Put them on enemies or in crates on the plains, not as end of mission rewards. Same with set mods and other non-rare mods. Putting everything on the same loot tables dillutes rewards and I honestly have gotten a single stance or set mod, zero gara parts and nothing worthwhile since the update dropped, only credits, endo, bronze mods and a couple wisps.

    3 - Credits and some resources should be awarded for every bounty, not as as reward, but as a small incentive to complete them. Getting let's say 1500 - 4000 credits from completing each mission would add up to a decent amount over time and could help newbies progress, especially if you pair these with resources being given.

    4 - Maybe consider moving gara parts elsewhere or making a system where a player that already owns gara does not get her parts as a drop.

    5 - Replace all the clutter you removed with pretty big bundles of plain resources (60-100 fish oil, 30-40 of a particular stone, 10-15 eidolon cores)... That way people that don't like mining and fishing can progress by doing bounties.

    6- Maybe bring by the old system of a drop checklist like in old sorties, like each time you grab a reward, it gets "Checked" out and it's no longer a potential drop until a daily reset.

    7 - Ideally, introduce a system where the more bounties you complete, the better the chances of getting rare rewards. This would make 5 part bounties very appealing, plus would help people stay longer for incursions, as they would keep getting more chances of getting better drops.

    8 - Allow player on the plains to talk to Kanzu and trigger another bounty chain without going back each time to town. It's tedious as hell as it is now.

    9 - Make it so that the game saves your drops after every bounty and every time morning/night starts... That way if you crash or have any similar issues, you don't lose potentially hours of fishing/mining/progression.

  16. Can't believe this hasn't been hotfixed yet, roughly happens every two games or so I join after going back to town after a bounty and coming back out.

    That couple with the fact I have seen nothing in the patch notes about fixing the issue where armored vaults are invincible and then they never open after you complete the mission, making it impossible to finish said bounty... Ugh. I swear half of my bounty attempts failed because of this.

    Please fix both these issues asap.


  17. I really hope they do because I haven't gotten a single twitch drop on my PS4 account after days of watching twitch stuff.

    Actually, I've gotten the Syandana at the start of the event, and just now, I went to my account page on the warframe forum and it was saying "your account is successfully connected to twitch account cannot find account"... Then I relinked my account and I got the wisp... But only the wisp, nothing else.

    Keep in mind my Twitch account was correcly linked. For example, I got my free frost prime on PS4, got the syandana, and I verified before the event and the acccount was correctly linked, so the problem is not on my end.

    I also know for a fact that I should have at least 40 -50 different rewards from stream watching because I also have a PC account and I was running the same streams for both PS4 and PC version in two different web browers and on different twitch accounts.

  18. That's what happens where the devs and the streamers they invite use cheated accounts with 50 million in focus schools to showcase their new feature ... When in reality, based on PS4 trophy data, only 0.2% of the userbase has unlocked all nodes in a single focus tree (mind you, unlocked, not maxed, just a single point in all abilities).

    Can't stress that enough. 99.8% of the PS4 userbase has NOT even unlocked all nodes in a single focus tree, yet the devs are confident that asking players to max out focus on five different trees to improve upon the default operators they released a year ago and that everyone complained were - Too Slow -Too Squishy - Not fun to use - Had energy Issues.

    Shows a misunderstanding of what the fanbase wants and their commitment to focus imho. Putting operator improvement under such a grind wall is frankly insane, especially since most of these chances were almost mandatory (like making operators having more than 100 hp in a game with lvl 100+ enemies).



  19. I think it's a different situation that what happenned with Kuva Fortress, personally.

    With Kuva Fortress, they released a kick-&#! new tileset, but gave player litterally zero reasons to go there because it basically offfered almost zero rewards (and didn't even have kuva on it... what's the point of a kuva fortress if you can't farm kuva there).

    I feel like Plains has the exact opposite... It's like DE said "We want them to spend the rest of their lives in the plains", so they made everything extremely tedious and annoying to grind and get to force you to spend time there... But to be it's been a day and I feel like "meh, that's just too much work for so little payoff" and I already feel like quitting and playing something else. Heck, there's about as much grind in the plains as in the rest of the whole game alone (a whole new set of materials, a gazillion blueprints to buy using standing and that each require a heavy number of farmable resources... Everything reeks of tediousness.

    Whoever is is charge of balancing these rewards (probably scott) needs to take a hard look at the numbers and look at actual player data.

    Like, WHY THE HELL DOES FOCUS 2.0 require players to max out all skill tress when trophy data from PS4 show that 0.2% of the playerbase unlocked all nodes in a single tree (btw, unlocked all nodes, not maxed all nodes... I'm sure that data would be dramatically lower). I mean, I'm no expert, but shoudn't that tell you it's a terrible idea to make a new system that requires heavy investment in all focus trees to reach max potential, something that 99,8% of your fanbase didn't do because it was grindy, tedious and kinda pointless... Maybe there's a lesson to be learned here, maybe people don't like the operators that much... Maybe focus gains are too slow and tedious to gain... Maybe people don't feel like paying for greater lenses and they feel like the affinity to focus conversion ration is skewered...

    But alas, for some reason, there's always someone at de that thinks it's reasonable to ask for a million mutagen samples for a hema, that it's fine to make players spend million of focus just paying for the way capacity slots to even be able to sink points into actual focus abilties...

  20. It's just that all the grinds add up to a gigantic grindwall of tediousness, honestly.

    Let's just do a quick look at how many layers of grind you have on most stuff in the plains.

    First you have the first layer of grind, which is the initial "let's grind affinity for both cetus and the quills". In this phase, you'll be doing a gazillion repetitive bounties and farming sentients at night for days just to get the required standing to even unlock the ability to buy all the stuff that's being sold by merchants in town. In essence , you're sacrificing aka wasting huge amounts hard earned resources just to unlock the ability to have access to the full inventory of stuff these vendors sell... Which frankly kinda sucks since you only get one reward per 3/5 waves of bounties and it's usually some terrible garbage like 4000 credits or a vitality mod.

    Then there's the layer of farming the standing to actually buy all these blueprints and components. In a sense, you're paying a second time, since you always paid huge tribute to unlock the ability to buy stuff.

    Then there's yet another layer , which is gathering the components from the world and actually crafting said items using said blueprints you farmed for... Still requiring a third layer of farming on top of the first two layers.

    And that's not even talking about Focus 2.0 and fact you require like 30+ million focus per three to max a single tree ,and need to invest and level up all trees to max out your operator and fix most of the glaring issues they have (low hp, low mana pool, slow movement speed, etc).

    So yeah, having you sacrificing fish oil every time you want to fly is just a small spec in the grand scope of grindy tediousness brought by this update, but for some, it's the drop that broke the camel back.

  21. Yeah, have to admit there's quite a lot here that is infuriating.

    1 - Extremely high focus costs to get focus 2.0 abilties... And DE expects you to delve in all tress now, even though trophy and achievement show like 0.02 percent of the playerbase had unlocked all nodes in an old focus tree. Doesn't help that most of these "focus updates" feel like band aid solutions to core issues about operator (that they are slow, have low hp, have low energy pools, kinda suck as default).

    2 - Once again , double dipping for everything... Want abilties, buy focus capacity update first ,then buy these expensive as hell abilties (400k for a mid tier update when I get like 1000 standing on average per mission). Want all those expensive things the vendors in town sell, well stat by farming like 300000 standing with them just to unlock the ability to buy the most expensive stuff.. Sick and tired of that crap.. Paying twice for essentially nothing.

    3 - A bounty system that gives a random reward after multiple missions again... After all the complaints about the sortie system... And yet again, you guys put crappy rewards like 4000 credits, vitality, point strike to infuriate people.

    4 - No way to trigger cetus bounties from the plains. The loading times from plains to town are really long... And you give us the ability to join free roam, yet when we get there, we still have to go back in town to activate the bounties.

    5 - Multi step bounties which you can fail if you mess up a single part of said bounty... Especially hate those stupid "protect the drone" things... They take ages as the drone moves really slow, and in most low-tier mission levels, these drones have very small shield and hp pools, meaning they often get killed by enemies offscreen and hidden by bushes shooting 360 degress. I also had a couple instances of the stupid target unable to reach it's return point, in that case it walks back up to cetus door and nothing happens... Meaning you broke your quest chain.

    6 - No periodical autosaves after each mission / every x minutes. And only four lives. Had two crashes in a row just now after spending like an hour each time in the plains... All the loot , resources and xp I had is gone since there are no mid-time saves. Had similar issues with the harder bounty... Completed 4 out of the 5 bounties solo only to run out of lives, get a mission failed message and I only get standing, gone are the hundred or resources I had farmed in the last hours. This isn't a mission based game anymore, adapt the save system to aknowledge that.

    7 - Lack of tutorialisation on pretty much everything - I know warframe was never particularly good at introducing new features, but we get no inbox messages for anything, we get dropped into cetus not knowing about the secret operator room, no clear reminder about the focus rework and how to get back into fighting shape... The Glass Frame quest only seems to start at night and after doing a bounty if I get this right, and getting to the eidolon hunter room requires completion of the quest, but it's not mentionned anywhere. Focus tree talk of quills without telling you what they are, no tutorialisation on how to defeat eidolons or sentients in the plains, no explaination on how to mine and fish, leaving you to figure it out by yourself... Basically nothing is tutorialised. Weren't you trying to attract new people with this update ?

    8 - Slow performance when loading cetus, frame drops, extremely long load times to go between cetus and the plains.

    9 - The whole twich unlock fiasco where people have not gotten any rewards for watching streamers doing the achievements... I myself have only gotten the syndana for linking the acccounts so far.

    10 - Putting Archwing charges on a 3 day clan reaserch and requiring you to fish to make charges for it.

    11 - The overall grindyness of it all. From farming focus, standing, materials, fishes , animals, rocks, feels like 95% of what you do is farming.

    12 - The actual missions in the plain are kinda .... Meh... That's the part that hurts the most, we get this huge cool gamespace but the tasks we do in them kinda suck, and due to the bad loot tables, feel kinda unrewarding (I mean , yeah , people will run them for a while until they get their glass frame parts and new stances, but afterwards, it'll be just grinding for standing....


  22. Yeah , this whole stream thingy has been bugging me for a while. I've been on stream when quite shallow and dk got the survive one night achievement yet got nothing, had these streams lagging my own POE experience all night yet have nothing to show for it... I've seen numerous achevements being unlocked yet noting seems to have counted. At that point I just want to shut down that twitch stuff since it feels pointless.

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