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Posts posted by (PSN)Stealth_Cobra

  1. Still think the game should allow slotting of augments in the drift mod slot. Heck, if it were me, I would eventually even add a dedicated augment slot, since i feel many frames would benefit for the added slot and it would allow more setups with multiple ability augments (for example, my Ash uses two augments, and it would be great to be able free up slots to fit these augments).

    Yes, modding is making choices, but so many abilities have been fixed with band-aid augment over the years that it kinda sucks that you have to focus on a single ability most of the time and not spread up and get your full potential).

  2. Yeah, i'm a extremely dissapointed at this new gamemode and it's drop tables in it's current implementation.

    1 - Litterally zero drops . No ressources, no mods, essentially no credits. Who thought it was a good idea to make a gamemode where you are litterally not rewarded for any of your kills ? Just because it's in the simulacrum ? Who cares, gives us the mods and ressources we would get if we were playing anywhere else in the starchart !

    2 - The loot table - Seriously, a single drop / rotation every five minutes ? The good old, much hated rotation A-B-C system is back in full force here, where it takes 20 minutes to reach rotation C... Then you add totally minuscule drop chances like 2% chance on rotation C and expect player to have a good time with this gamemode ? Seriously, how is it admissible to expect player to play 20 minutes for a 2% chance of getting that gun part you need for another mastery fodder gun ? People are doing the math already and it can take upwards of 500 hours to get all parts if RNjesus is not kind. How is that okay ?

    3 - But , it's a focus farm - Yeah, but who cares about a focus farm in a game where there's a hard daily focus cap, where there's other alternatives to focus farm that cap that will probably be nerfed just because you want people in this mode instead... But mostly , who cares about a focus farm when the bulk of the un-capped focus is gotten from fighting tri-eidolons anyway ? If there was no daily cap, I would see this as a cool way for focus intensive farmers to let's say spend the cetus day doing this mode and then going for tri eidolons every night, but as it's now, meh.

    4 - It's kinda booring - Feels like a reskinned survival with less interesting mechanics (no life support, annoying meter that ends up dropping too fast if you get bad spawns). While it's cool that the Hard version starts at a higher level than most survival missions on the starchart, why not just give us proper high-level nodes for endgame content  in the first place. Also , maybe it's just me, but I feel like it burns out tileset and enemy type even faster than usual. Feels like a repetitive "kill stuff" ordeal where you shut your brain off and just kill stuff for no reason and purpose.

    6 - It lacks music and flavour... Seriouslly, dead silence for an endless mode gets booring really fast.

    7 - Glitchy and unstable - Numerous servers disconnects, issues with very little enemies spawning in some tilesets killing runs faster than you can say "that's fair".

    8 - Lackluster rewards - Asides from Khora , which is a pain to get and will probably end up collecting dust in a couple of days since her kit is kinda meh, what do we get here. A couple mastery fodder old weapons which would have been great rewards if they were not gated behind ridiculous RNG and a mod that puts flowers on enemies. Sure , sign me up for 500 hours playing this gamemode.


    So yeah , you can fix this by :

    1 - Make enemies drop ressources , credits and mods like everywhere else in the game.

    2 - Fix the drop percentages to something reasonable (At least 10% on rotation C, for example).

    3 - Add rewards for every wave, not every two waves.

    4 - Shave off a couple seconds per wave. 2m 30 seconds feels looooooong and booring. Maybe 2 minutes, heck 1m45.

    5 - Fix stability and host migration issues.

    6 - Put music, heck, use the liset's ship music if you have to... Just no dead silence.

    7 - Improve the reward tables by adding more stuff like big kuva bundles, rivens, maybe removing stuff like Kora parts from the drop table once a player acquires them once, replacing them with something else that's desirable. Getting a single relic every two waves... Kinda sucks.

    8 - Add a little flavor or something interesting in these modes, maybe remove the annoying decay thing and concentrate instead of spawning mini bosses, like one of the grustrag three every couple of rounds of a Rathuum contestant.... Make it something more than basically survival without the oxygen pods and with rotating tilesets.

  3. 33 minutes ago, Cosmic_Elf said:

    Yeah because of this I am going to get the warframe with plat... Gara was a grind... but not this not this mess "putting on a vay-hek voice"

    You really shoudn't. It's exactly what DE wants, and it validates their buisness decision to make the frames progressively more and more annoying to get.

    Everytime someone caves in and buys a frame for plat, it shows DE that the more annoying they make getting the frame, the more money they make...

  4. Yeah, i'm a extremely dissapointed at this new gamemode and it's drop tables in it's current implementation.

    1 - Litterally zero drops . No ressources, no mods, essentially no credits. Who thought it was a good idea to make a gamemode where you are litterally not rewarded for any of your kills ? Just because it's in the simulacrum ? Who cares, gives us the mods and ressources we would get if we were playing anywhere else in the starchart !

    2 - The loot table - Seriously, a single drop / rotation every five minutes ? The good old, much hated rotation A-B-C system is back in full force here, where it takes 20 minutes to reach rotation C... Then you add totally minuscule drop chances like 2% chance on rotation C and expect player to have a good time with this gamemode ? Seriously, how is it admissible to expect player to play 20 minutes for a 2% chance of getting that gun part you need for another mastery fodder gun ? People are doing the math already and it can take upwards of 500 hours to get all parts if RNjesus is not kind. How is that okay ?

    3 - But , it's a focus farm - Yeah, but who cares about a focus farm in a game where there's a hard daily focus cap, where there's other alternatives to focus farm that cap that will probably be nerfed just because you want people in this mode instead... But mostly , who cares about a focus farm when the bulk of the un-capped focus is gotten from fighting tri-eidolons anyway ? If there was no daily cap, I would see this as a cool way for focus intensive farmers to let's say spend the cetus day doing this mode and then going for tri eidolons every night, but as it's now, meh.

    4 - It's kinda booring - Feels like a reskinned survival with less interesting mechanics (no life support, annoying meter that ends up dropping too fast if you get bad spawns). While it's cool that the Hard version starts at a higher level than most survival missions on the starchart, why not just give us proper high-level nodes for endgame content  in the first place. Also , maybe it's just me, but I feel like it burns out tileset and enemy type even faster than usual. Feels like a repetitive "kill stuff" ordeal where you shut your brain off and just kill stuff for no reason and purpose.

    6 - It lacks music and flavour... Seriouslly, dead silence for an endless mode gets booring really fast.

    7 - Glitchy and unstable - Numerous servers disconnects, issues with very little enemies spawning in some tilesets killing runs faster than you can say "that's fair".

    8 - Lackluster rewards - Asides from Khora , which is a pain to get and will probably end up collecting dust in a couple of days since her kit is kinda meh, what do we get here. A couple mastery fodder old weapons which would have been great rewards if they were not gated behind ridiculous RNG and a mod that puts flowers on enemies. Sure , sign me up for 500 hours playing this gamemode.


    So yeah , you can fix this by :

    1 - Make enemies drop ressources , credits and mods like everywhere else in the game.

    2 - Fix the drop percentages to something reasonable (At least 10% on rotation C, for example).

    3 - Add rewards for every wave, not every two waves.

    4 - Shave off a couple seconds per wave. 2m 30 seconds feels looooooong and booring. Maybe 2 minutes, heck 1m45.

    5 - Fix stability and host migration issues.

    6 - Put music, heck, use the liset's ship music if you have to... Just no dead silence.

    7 - Improve the reward tables by adding more stuff like big kuva bundles, rivens, maybe removing stuff like Kora parts from the drop table once a player acquires them once, replacing them with something else that's desirable. Getting a single relic every two waves... Kinda sucks.

    8 - Add a little flavor or something interesting in these modes, maybe remove the annoying decay thing and concentrate instead of spawning mini bosses, like one of the grustrag three every couple of rounds of a Rathuum contestant.... Make it something more than basically survival without the oxygen pods and with rotating tilesets.



  5. I think making it so that only limbo's own shots are affected by stasis would solve most issues. Give a slight DMG increase to other player's shots inside the dome instead. That way other players can roll out of being banished and act functionally the same inside rift bubbles (can melee and shoot normally, but at crowd controlled enemies with a DMG increase).

    But as long as limbo can put rift bubbles on the whole battlefield and force everyone else to melee (which is sooooo fair when you are leveling only a primary or secondary and have no melee equipped)... He'll be kinda a nuisance imho. Frames should not affect other frames's abilities to deal damage or do their own thing. Heck , also fix frost' snow globe so that other players can shoot through them while we are at it. Nothing like trying to use a Lens on a cryopod when a gigantic snow globe makes projectiles detonate upon impact.


  6. Not to whine too much , but at this point,  there's just so much stuff that's been promised and not delivered that it kinda feels like DE could probably stop promising new stuff and only deliver on all those promises and they would be occupied for the rest of the year...

    - Umbra - He's been in china frame for three full years... At this point it kinda feels like a bad joke.

    - The Sacrifice - Teased at last year's Tennocon... So it'll be one year soon and still no quest.

    - That super awesome "Play as Stalker" gamemode that was shown at Tennocon last year, totally ignored for like a year, and was reused recently in Prime Time 200, but still is not in our hands for some reason.

    - That morality system where you could help colonies / assasinate people to influence your character tendency was hinted at like two years ago.

    - That whole system where your clan would create weekly contracts and people would run them.

    - That clan bounty / syndicate system where you would hunt kingpins and kill them as a clan each week.

    - Customisable Dojo Obstacle Courses (unless it's part of the last PC update).

    - Return of Dark Sectors ( Guess some progress was made, but it's been what, two and a half year at least till they were taken out...) . I'll celebrate when this ships.

    - Rework of the raids - They just got taken down entirely, no ETA for a rework.

    - Big Sentient arm weapons - Missing in Action

    - Lunaro ball as throwing weapon.... Guess it's about as likely to happen than a Lunaro Revival.

    - Damage 3.0 - At this point I think it's not gonna happen (They keep releasing stuff like Prime Pressure Point and new Multishot Mods).

    - Shield Rework - Who knows.

    - Moa Pet - Guess it'll ship with the Venus Open World...

    - Enemy Armor 2.0 and endless game rebalances.

    - Impact Puncture Slash changes were rejected and seem to be in limbo for now...

    - Khora - Seems to have fallen off the face of the earth since the Impact Puncture Slash changes were rejected by community...

  7. Have to agree with the other positive posts.

    Don't like the operator . Fine, don't use them... Operators are in their own progression loop/curve, meaning if you don't enjoy leveling them / getting better amps / using them, well don't use them. Granted, one could argue that now that warframe arcanes are behind an operator requires fight, they became mandatory, but I still feel you had years of trials to get these arcanes, so I'll ignore this as a downside.

    That said, anyone that took the time to level up their operators will tell you this :

    1 - They can look really cool with the proper gear.

    2 - They can be really strong with the right amp , arcanes and focus trees (no problems clearing most of the starchart).

    3 - They are really useful for long distance traversal.

    4 - They get really tanky with the right passives and arcanes to heal them every void dash... And they can heal your frame ... A godsend.

    5 - They are really fun to use... Not just for eidolons and kuva floods...

    6 - Even from a lore perpsective, they add something to the game that was kinda lacking with the old warframe of "Bland mute space ninja doing random tasks because he's getting orders from space mom". Now at least we challenge her decisions, have some depth and internal motivations and conflicts.

    In the end, having a second form filled with cool buffs and abilties is a plus for the game, and if you don't like them, you're mostly not even forced to use them asides from Eidolons (which let's face it, you do because you want to level up your operators anyway).


  8. Each of the raids rewarded the player with an exclusive emblem. That's your reward for completing each of the raids (plus the arcanes you got while doing them over the years).

    If you want to show off the fact you completed the raids, just wear the exclusive raid emblems.

    I appreciate getting a new regalia out of this, but at this point I see it more as a way to lessen the backlash associated with removing a gamemode some people enjoyed like "Hey kid, sorry for taking your allowance, but hey , have a sticker"....

  9. Haven't played with my ash that much since the rework, but I didn't really have any mana issues on my old build with base 150 energy and no efficiency. I tend to do quick, short bursts of markings and I tend to keep my energy counter maxed most of the time.

  10. My two cents on your points


    • Nerf of many popular frames (e.g. Ember, Chroma, ...) - Ember was a cheap frame, killing everything low level with no effort. I think the nerf was justified and long overdo. Chroma was also OP in terms of actual damage per shot potential and I think the balancing was needed, although it remains to be seen if the other tweaks they are doing to the frame are enough to make him viable and fun after the nerf...
    • Forced "plains" visiting because almost all new content is somewhat bound to the plains. - This one I kinda agree with. As much as I loved the plains at first, the sheer amount of time I've spent there already is making me hate them.... I mean, grinding the ostron standing, the quills standing, all those stupid eldolon gems from mineral deposits , operation plague star, putting lore fragments in the ghoul bounties, putting vaulted relics there and now putting new eidolons that drop arcanes... Feels like way too much stuff revolves about the new tileset which , at this point , I feel most people are already kinda sick of (I mean ,we all did like 300+ bounties and killed countless eidolons there already). That said, I'll take overusing a new tileset over  releasing a badass Kuva Fortress and putting zero relevant content on that uber cool new base (not even a replayable queens boss battle there, just generic missions that do not reward kuva or anything relevant).
    • Removal of the Raids as one of the few true end-game challenges and group contents. - I'm all for making arcanes easier to get and to give other means to get them that was existed before, because getting a set of ten identical arcanes from a raid was a near impossible task without buying them with plat, but I still think removing existing endgame content that some people liked running daily is a bad move , even If  I myself was not running them.... They give the example of when they removed Dark Sectors, as if it was a good example , when in fact, it proves that when DE retires some content , it takes years for said content to be reworked... My point being, if they intend to rework the raids eventually , they should have left the old version as long as the new versions wasn't finished... Besides , what's wrong in having two different methods of getting arcanes (Raids and Eidolon Farming ). I don't believe the "we need to maintain them" argument. There's been huge bugs in some of the raids for years and they never really get addressed anyway... It's not like there's a team dedicated to updating and fixing the raids.
    • Wrong priorities (e.g. letting known bugs inside game versions for long while adding new (buyable) content all over the time) - Well, adding new paid content is where they make their money, so it's understandable... Plus, it's alot less work to release cosmetic upgrades for existing content than to develop new gamemodes, tilesets and content. I do agree that for veterans , Warframe is always kinda content starved, in the sense where the team cannot produce enough new content to keep us busy. It doesn't help that the priority is often on cinematic quest which , while really fun and all, often take like 5 months to come out and last four hours of playtime, leaving you hyped for a short term experiecne that doesn't keep you invested in the long run. Plains was a great step in givcng us actual long term content and goals to grind, and I hope DE can keep providing regular new tilesets and use them properly.
  11. It's been asked numerous times, yet is mostly ignored even though it's a huge hassle / issue.

    Issues with current system:

    - It's a huge pain if you main multiple frames. Basically every time you switch frames , you have to distill and reequip to your other frame's helmet or ignore the bonus altogether. Distilling is a slow process and re-equiping the full set of ten is long and tedious.

    - For syandanas, it dramatically reduces the fashion frame variety... Basically all of my frames's A B C configs use the same booring syandana because it's the arcane I like the most.

    - For those that have sets of old arcane helmets, it dramatically reduces the fashion frame possibilities, as pretty much all the alt helmets you own are not compatible with your cool arcanes.

    - Since only one helmet at a time can wear an arcane, this once again totally inhibits fashion frame. Even if my frame has an A B C config setups with cool different looks, I'm going to pick the one that has the best arcane when doing missions.

    So yeah, just allow any frame to equip any two arcane sets the player own from the modding page or the ability page... That would also allow player to wear both two arcanes AND an old arcane helmet, which in turn would give more fashion frame options to veterans that actually own these cool helmets but don't use them because it means sacrificing one of your cool arcane sets.

    And while you're at it, make it so that raids give arcane tokens instead of arcanes. Then put a vendor in one of the relay that converts these tokens into arcanes... That way the Raids would no longer be about RNG, but about getting enough tokens to afford exactly the arcanes you want.

  12. I absolutely love the idea of an opt in bladestorm. That way people that like the old way can still use it as before, and people that want a more active bladestorm can also do this and have a more interactive bladestorm where they can fight alongside their clones. Best of both worlds, as some people would be pissed if the stabbity stab animations were removed and the invincibility period that goes along with it was removed (cause it's cool to be able to substract yourself from the battlefield to let your shield go back up when you feel like it).

    I also think it might be a good idea to rework Ash's Bladestorm augment while you're redoing the skill... I mean, all other ash augments are plain awesome, but having a bigger combo counter duration on bladestorm sucks, especially when melee combo counter mods do the same thing already. It needs to be it's own unique augment. Personally , I would love an augment where enemies that are hit by bladestorm and do not die are affected by a form of crowd control (radiation proc / blind / whatever)... That would help ash in endgame situations and would make him more of a team player / crowd control frame.

  13. Well, we already get a player home in terms of the orbiter, a gigantic clan dojo and numerous social spaces, so I feel it's not really needed.

    That said , I woudn't mind getting a small hut in cetus / venus open world where I could access my mod terminal, my foundry, my arsenal and change my focus.


  14. For the infested room, people saw long ago that there's actually the beginning of a corridor structure behind the medical bed thingy. Here's a pic I could find.


    So maybe DE will either make it so the bed can move out to show a new room eventually... Or maybe the operator enters the bed to be "Cured" of something (infection) and he gets transported to another , secret back room.

  15. On 1/15/2018 at 4:34 PM, Madway7 said:

    At this point I'd just be more accepting of Tennogen not being purchasable with plat on PC if we got 1 time use market discounts (like consoles have) added to our log in rewards

    On consoles though, The 75% codes don't apply to tennogen stuff , bundles (turns out most stuff is put in bundles, armor sets, decoration sets, you name it), slots and pretty much everything of value you want to purchase in the store asides from deluxe skins end up being included from the rebate. I litterally have a whole wishlist of items and 90% of the stuff in there is excluded from the discount.

    Considering PC gets a flat 75% discount on plat purchaes sales, I think you get the better deal by far. Granted Consoles do get punctual sales, but they usually never go above 50% on platinum purchases, and plat is more expensive on consoles I believe.

  16. Well ,the server space thing has always been a bogus excuse to charge us for slots in the first place... It's not like storing four lines of text per riven is a big deal in today's data world.

    As for the limit, I think it was done to force player to discard or trade away their rivens as they reach the cap. De probably don't want a handful of vets collecting hundreds of rivens, so the limitation makes them more special and forces player to keep those that "count" so to speak.

    If there were no limit, people would never destroy their meh rivens , meaning the meh rivens would be worth even less than they are now. As for godly and good rivens, with the current system, vets will often end up selling some of them for a decent amount of plat to make room for other rivens for weapons you care more about. I'm guessing DE would rather have vets sell their 91th riven for 45-600 plat or something than having a sustainable 20 plat for the slot after that.

  17. Shields aren't useless. Having a rechargable shield that mitigates most damage and avoid you taking health damage is invaluable, as shield gets recharged every few seconds while health requires a specific setup to be restored (or health pads).

    Play more "No shield" missions and you'll quickly notice most of the players are incapable to survive properly when you take away their shield, proving it's a really useful survival tool in most builds.

    Yes, some attacks and damage types bypass shields, which can be annoying , especially for builds and setups that do not have efficient methods to mitigate damage and lifesteal back their life counter.


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