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Posts posted by (PSN)Stealth_Cobra

  1. Great survey asides from the confusion of having to rank NPCs. Thought like many others you had to rank them from 7 to 1 in regards to each other. Also think it would be important to separate function from personality in these cases, since otherwise people vote for the ones they use more often and not necessarily the most memorable characters.

    Hopefully this will help balance rewards, mission types and future expansions.

  2. I think the loot system in the conclave is part of the reason I hate it so much. Way too many rewards, very slow xp gains... A bounty system that forces you to play various gamemodes even if you don't particularly enjoy them.

    I actually liked the good old, unbalanced conclave 1.0 better, you know the one where you got there with fully powered and modded frames and fought for supremacy... At least it was fun in "what's the strongest frame/build" way... Heck, I also enjoyed Dark Sector conflicts quite a bunch too...It's just this bland mode where all your mods and gear have default stats that pisses me off. At the very least they should have preserved the old mode where you could use your full builds and were matchmaked using your conclave score.

    Nowadays, the fact everything is balanced and that so many powers are gimped to the point of being useless pisses me off (yaw, base duration invisibility on Ash), slower weapons, etc. Then there's the fact just like all syndicate, it takes a long time to get to max rank in standing, and contrary to most syndicate, you literally have a gazillion different mods and rewards that can pretty much not be gotten elsewhere, each very expensive to get.

    I mean i was already discouraged about the amount of mods I would have to purchase, but when they decided to basically make custom stances for every melee weapon... It was "No way, I'm done"...

    If there were less mods to get, or if more mods were given per match, I might consider playing it to complete my mod collection, but honestly, there's just too many unlockable for a mode I don't like.

    I also feel there's a big lack of map varietly, and most of the maps are kinda booring... Making it tedious to play.

  3. Yeah we need proper alerts with semi decent rewards. Currently, people don't do most alerts because the can get more of said resource by farming them on the right node anyway.

    Ex: Endo alerts should give 1000+ endo.

    There should de Kuva Alerts that pay 1000+ kuva.

    Neural Sensor and Orokin Catalyst x 5

    Oxium x 500-800 instead of 300.

    Credit Rewards should be 10k minimum

    Cetus rewards that give wisps x5, rocks x 10-20, fish parts x 10-20.

    Also feel there should be a multiplier that increases the amount given based on the level of the mission and the gamemode (short missions like capture, rescue , hijack,sabotage would pay default, but survival defense, interception and excavation would pay more.

  4. 1- Remove Capacity. 

    2- Make it so you can unbind a node after putting a single point in them instead of when fully maxed provided you have the shards to unlock them. Maybe require one shard per level on waybound nodes.

    3- Buff operator movement speed.

    4- Give us mod for amps.

  5. Making the capacity slots shared is a great move, but I still think you're double dipping by paying twice for each point you put in a tree, which always sucks. Granted, I'll take double dipping once over double dipping in five different trees, but still, it's imho no fun.

    In the end, reminds me of syndicates, where you constantly force to sacrifice huge amounts of earned standing for a reward that's not even close to the value of your sacrifice (ex: throwing away 100k and getting a 25k mod as a reward).

  6. Just get over it. It was a gift to the early backers who allowed Waframe to survive the rough few months of it's life... And they deserve it for risking money on a project that could have very well flopped.

    The Profile pages and other similar pages don't list these items, so it's not like you are constantly reminded you don't have a full collection. The mastery point difference is mostly a non-issue 99% of the time, with the only exception being rare occurences where a new MR rank could end up being avaiable slightly earlyer for Founders since they have a small 12000 headstart on other players.We're getting umbra relatively soon , and he'll basically be a better looking excalibur prime.

    And honestly, it's ok not to have everything in life. Did you have every action figure you ever wanted when you were a kid ? Did you purchase every single game you ever wanted ? Do you have all the cars on the planet ?

    As a PS4 user, to us Excalibur Prime doesn't even exist.... He's a myth, something nobody could ever get...

  7. I've been wondering the same thing and wanting an answer for a while too... It would be great if someone from DE could provide a statement of their very long term plan for Warframe and how the would handle it if the game was no longer profitable / if things changed in terms of platforms. No game is eternal, and it would be nice to have a guarantee of a certain degree of support and strategies being in place if DE ever decides to work on something else.... Especially for those that spent countless hours and mucho real life cash on the game. I mean, just five days ago, "The Tomorrow Children" was basically shut down on PS4, rendering all my in-game purchases useless and basically making a game I kinda enjoyed unplayable for all eternity... Team didn't even bother to turn it into a single player game to preserve it for the future. So I'm asking , what happens if the game ever stops making DE a profit ?

     My questions would be the following.

    1 - What's the plan for next generation ? I'm assuming you'll be porting Warframe to PS5 and Xbox One X one X one 360 or whatever it's called... But what happens if one of platform ever gets bankrupt and there is no console to transition to ? Would you then allow account migration to PC to save our account ? Likewise, what happens if someday , current gen consoles end up not powerful enough to run new content ? Will the current gen version stop getting new content with an "update to PS5 / PS Pro" kind of system...

    2 - Likewise, if Warframe ever gets to a point where it's no longer profitable , what's the plan ? Would you pull the plug off the servers and kill the game ? Would you turn the game into a single player only / local coop game to preserve the experience without having to pay server costs? Would you consider maybe taking a loss for a while as the userbase moves to other games and then keep the game running with a small server farm and no new content ? Or would you just keep it running with new tennogen content being added and making some money on player discovering the game late and spending money to catch up (there's still 2000+ hours of stuff to do in the game after all).

    3 - Finally, what happens if you guys ever get tired of Warframe and want to work on somthing else full time (Amazing Eternals or some other project). Would you keep Waframe running as a legacy game ? If you ever have/want to pull the plug, any plans to allow users to download the full client and host their own private servers (talking about PC obiviously)...

    I know it's never easy to answer to questions like this, but to me it's like writing a will... You don't write it because you want to die, you write it in case you die... So there's a clear plan in place to handle such situations. Honestly, doesn't have to be a detailed anwser, just a small "We would do what's right for you guys and preserve the game in some form" statement would be enough to make me fully secure in the future, instead of pondering what happens in 5-10 years with all that time I spent on this game.

  8. Mag deluxe was also designed by Ignis, yet it made it into the game even after the fallout.

    I think it was mostly DE trying to avoid the backlash, as it was a lose lose situation. If they released the original Ignis design, people would have bought it, but it would have made them look like they "fired him" for nothing... And if they released their changed version, people would have been very vocal and would have boycotted it anyway due to all the stigma attached to it.

    I think they though the new version would give them a clean slate, and it's probably going to be the case for 95% of the userbase not aware of the drama and stuff involving that skin....


  9. Alot of high level enemies have very high armor ratings... That's usually why you can't dent them.

    In team settings ,four players with the corrosive projection aura will strip armor completely.

    In solo play, I would suggest using frames with abilties that can strip armor ( Note: THey often need a syndicate augment to strip armor and a certain amount of power strenght / multiple casts for some frames)..

    Alternatively, you can use frames that have ways to open enemies to finishers... List include Ash (as stated above), Excalibur, Inaros, Ivara, Exquinox, and ideally equip a covert lethality dagger on these builds to be able to oneshot any enemy regardless of level and armor.

    Finally, Status is key for really endgame enemies. It's possible to strip armor with corrosive procs, but imho one of the best ways to take off heavily armored targets is the slash and viral procs... As slash will make enemies bleed and bypass armor ,and viral also bypasses armor and basically removes a pretty big HP chunk off an enemy for the duration of the proc.

    Also keep in mind , without some form of armor stripping or ignore, 95% of the weapons in the game will not be good enough to to take out lvl 150+ enemies with ease, with only a few weapons really capable to shine at that player level... But level 100 are much more manageable, and most weapons can be good enough to kill them with the right elemental combos and sometimes with a good riven to fix some issues and put emphasis on for example more status for procs.

  10. Yeah i'm pretty sure it's going to be a tactical alert. There's a huge amount of meteors around ceres in the starchart... And quite a few are hitting very close to earth... I'm thinking there will be a tactical alert where we have to stop asteroids from hitting cetus/earth.

  11. Honestly, don't screw this up DE... We don't want vivergate 2.0, and I fear your solution will be something like "let's remove convergence orbs, buff lenses to a minuscule amount then nerf stealth bonus multiplier farming.

    Personally, i'd the best way would be to remove convergence orbs, buff lenses to 15-20-25% affinity conversion and maybe increase the daily cap to 400000 or something. Then in a year or so, once people have caught up and maxed their trees, you add in new nodes to the tree to keep it a long-term goal, even if those nodes are expensive.

  12. Yeah, this has occured me pretty much on all the eidolon fights I tried since the inclusion of the "leave Squad" button.

    There's always people leaving either in the middle of the game, or leaving instead of walking back to cetus door... And then the remaining people get host migrations that often fail, resulting in losing potentially hours of playtime.

    I actually quit playing this update because of this. In fact, I believe this has been the most frustrating two weeks in my warframe existence. I swear half or more of the time I spent in the plains was wasted because of bouties that broke, host migrations that failed or just terrible loot tables for bounties... Feels pointless and I've decided to play something else until you guys get your game fixed.

  13. 4 hours ago, Vanrythzx said:

    so true. while ash try to mark his enemies, i already wiped the whole mission. 

    i think if his shuriken could riccochet up to 5 enemies(?) and mark them, it would be so much better and more versatile too, i don't find any uses for his 1... 

    His shurikens is one of his best abilities with the augment. With 145% power str and corrosive projection, the shurikens will fully strip armor off of enemies , including bosses and the stalker.

    Teleport is also great, both wiith and without augment (augment makes it more reliable, less costly and deal more damage if you're not using covert lethality).

    Smoke shadow is awesome due to the AOE stun and the damage multiplier on stealth kills, plus the fact it doesn't make you blind and deaf like Ivara's and Loki's invisiblities.

    Bladestorm is currently his weakest link imho, not because the dmg is bad or anything, but mostly because it keeps you static and you can pretty much get as many kills by simply going invisible and using your melee weapon to kill a whole room in seconds.. Still a pretty cool panic button when surrounded and it can be a lifesaver to allow your shields to recharge and to get arcane trickery going.... But I do feel it could lose it's animation and would only be better for it... Heck ember already has an always on nuke that kills everything in the whole map, I think ash could get a static "mark 18 enemies and your clones take care of them" while still being active without being broken.

  14. They just need to lower the energy drain considerably and increase the damage multiplier on channeling and it will be more popular. Channeling should be decent on most weapons without mods, but become really great when fully modded for. It should get even better damage values than crit builds in fact when fully modded for it because ,let's face it , if you're modding for channeling, you should get an even better multiplier than with crits since you're spending energy to get the same results.

  15. Yeah, that leave squad feature is really annoying. Sure, it's fine for the guy that leaves, but whenever the person that leaves is a host, it puts the whole team at risk of losing everyhting they have gotten because the guy was selfish and was too lasy to walk back to the door. I had to insist many times for people to "please go to the door", yet they still leave, multiple host migrations occur in a quick succession until the game fails to reconnect and I lose everything.

    Just do a "two people at extraction method" like in the rest of the game...


  16. I'll keep my anger in check...

    But it's happened to me twice already. Both times I was in operator mode in the hall between cetus and the plains, and I know for sure that last time it occured, there was a host migration while I was waiting between both doors... Followed by me becoming my own host and exiting to cetus after... Only to realize I had zero drops... All cores were gone, all eidolon shards, everything I just earned after fighting the eidolon , gone...

    It's been weeks now, still getting tons of broken bounties, mission rewards that do not get paid. I think you guys need to fix this ASAP... I'm just sick of wasting my time on this expansion, constantly losing progress.

    Repro Steps:

    - Go to the plains but not as a host.

    - Kill a terralyst

    - Enter the cetus doors alone in operator form.

    - Have the host disconnect.

    - Notice that after host migration and returing to cetus, all the progression you did before host migration is lost and you just wasted 45 minutes of your life for nothing.

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