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Posts posted by (PSN)Stealth_Cobra

  1. Yeah, have to admit there's quite a lot here that is infuriating.

    1 - Extremely high focus costs to get focus 2.0 abilties... And DE expects you to delve in all tress now, even though trophy and achievement show like 0.02 percent of the playerbase had unlocked all nodes in an old focus tree. Doesn't help that most of these "focus updates" feel like band aid solutions to core issues about operator (that they are slow, have low hp, have low energy pools, kinda suck as default).

    2 - Once again , double dipping for everything... Want abilties, buy focus capacity update first ,then buy these expensive as hell abilties (400k for a mid tier update when I get like 1000 standing on average per mission). Want all those expensive things the vendors in town sell, well stat by farming like 300000 standing with them just to unlock the ability to buy the most expensive stuff.. Sick and tired of that crap.. Paying twice for essentially nothing.

    3 - A bounty system that gives a random reward after multiple missions again... After all the complaints about the sortie system... And yet again, you guys put crappy rewards like 4000 credits, vitality, point strike to infuriate people.

    4 - No way to trigger cetus bounties from the plains. The loading times from plains to town are really long... And you give us the ability to join free roam, yet when we get there, we still have to go back in town to activate the bounties.

    5 - Multi step bounties which you can fail if you mess up a single part of said bounty... Especially hate those stupid "protect the drone" things... They take ages as the drone moves really slow, and in most low-tier mission levels, these drones have very small shield and hp pools, meaning they often get killed by enemies offscreen and hidden by bushes shooting 360 degress. I also had a couple instances of the stupid target unable to reach it's return point, in that case it walks back up to cetus door and nothing happens... Meaning you broke your quest chain.

    6 - No periodical autosaves after each mission / every x minutes. And only four lives. Had two crashes in a row just now after spending like an hour each time in the plains... All the loot , resources and xp I had is gone since there are no mid-time saves. Had similar issues with the harder bounty... Completed 4 out of the 5 bounties solo only to run out of lives, get a mission failed message and I only get standing, gone are the hundred or resources I had farmed in the last hours. This isn't a mission based game anymore, adapt the save system to aknowledge that.

    7 - Lack of tutorialisation on pretty much everything - I know warframe was never particularly good at introducing new features, but we get no inbox messages for anything, we get dropped into cetus not knowing about the secret operator room, no clear reminder about the focus rework and how to get back into fighting shape... The Glass Frame quest only seems to start at night and after doing a bounty if I get this right, and getting to the eidolon hunter room requires completion of the quest, but it's not mentionned anywhere. Focus tree talk of quills without telling you what they are, no tutorialisation on how to defeat eidolons or sentients in the plains, no explaination on how to mine and fish, leaving you to figure it out by yourself... Basically nothing is tutorialised. Weren't you trying to attract new people with this update ?

    8 - Slow performance when loading cetus, frame drops, extremely long load times to go between cetus and the plains.

    9 - The whole twich unlock fiasco where people have not gotten any rewards for watching streamers doing the achievements... I myself have only gotten the syndana for linking the acccounts so far.

    10 - Putting Archwing charges on a 3 day clan reaserch and requiring you to fish to make charges for it.

    11 - The overall grindyness of it all. From farming focus, standing, materials, fishes , animals, rocks, feels like 95% of what you do is farming.

    12 - The actual missions in the plain are kinda .... Meh... That's the part that hurts the most, we get this huge cool gamespace but the tasks we do in them kinda suck, and due to the bad loot tables, feel kinda unrewarding (I mean , yeah , people will run them for a while until they get their glass frame parts and new stances, but afterwards, it'll be just grinding for standing....


  2. Yeah , this whole stream thingy has been bugging me for a while. I've been on stream when quite shallow and dk got the survive one night achievement yet got nothing, had these streams lagging my own POE experience all night yet have nothing to show for it... I've seen numerous achevements being unlocked yet noting seems to have counted. At that point I just want to shut down that twitch stuff since it feels pointless.

  3. 6 hours ago, LIKE_A_PR3DAT0R said:

    yeah .... just saw the "new" steve tweet... 


    but who know if he mean tonight as yesterday or today ...damn the timezone xD


    maybe it's real that we are too much hyped for this update...

    Well, dunno what time it is where you live, but he posted that near the end of the day in Canada, so it just confirms it's not coming during the night. Good news is they had a realease candidate build and were testing it, meaning if it passes their quality control checks tomorrow, in can get deployed.

    That said,. I expect a couple failed release candidates for some reason... It's a big update and it probably takes a while for QA to do a full run of the quest plus test that all new features are okay.

  4. One thing I don't get about removing lenses... Is unless I'm missing something, doesn't Eidolon Lenses require greater lenses to craft, and greater lenses require regular lenses ?

    If they remove the means to acquire regular and greater lenses from sorties, how exactly are we going to be able to craft Eidolon lenses once our initial stock of lenses is converted/consumed ?


  5. Just make a conversion blueprint that costs a small amount of resource and maybe one neurode or orokin cell... That way people can convert their excess stock into something more useful.

    I mean there's 3x more weapons than frames/pets/archwings, and with the current rate at which frames and primes are released, you don't need that many reactors per year compared to the high number of catalysts you need if you want to level up all these new weapons and use them.

  6. De needs to add these to the profile imho...


    Dark Dagger (Why isn't it already there?)

    [Baro Ki'teer]
    Machete Wraith , Mara Detron, Prisma Burst Laser, Prisma Gorgon, Prisma Shade, Prisma Veritux, Quanta Vandal (One can argue that baro stuff is supposed to be a mystery, but consider more recent stuff like Aklex Prime and Prisma Angstrum are immediately added to the profile before they are even avialable on Consoles, it's not really an issue for newer stuff apparenly).

    Adarza Kavat, Smeeta Kavat (Why hide the existence of Kavats ?)

    Dera Vandal, Karak Wraith, Latron Wraith, Sheev, Snipetron Vandal, Strun Wraith (It was understandable when they were timed event rewards, but now that they can be optained regularly, add them).

    MK1-Bo, MK1-Furax, MK1-Furis, MK1-Kunai, MK1-Paris, MK1-Strun (No reason not to have them there).

    Broken War - The Second Dream (Some would say it's a spoiler, but since war is already there, broken scepter is already there, orvius is aready there, I fail to see why broken war would be different and should be hidden. I suppose to avoid people googling it and seeing that the second dream exists.. But whatever.)

    Rakta Dark Dagger - Red Veil - (What's with the Dark Dagger hate ?)

    [Tactical Alert]

    Gorgon Wraith - Razorback Armada, Imperator Vandal - Balor Fomorian - (These are now semi frequent events, so their respective weapons should be shown.)


    The only items that should not be in the profile by default are the following :

    Dex Dakra, Dex Furis, Dex Sybaris - Kinda ruins the surprise, and it's not like people that do not have them can do anything about this... They will get them eventually at the next anniverasy.

    [Beta exclusive]
    Braton Vandal - Open-Beta; may return, Lato Vandal - Closed-Beta; may return - Until they return, they should stay off to avoid pissing off completists.

    Helminth Charger - Honestly, could be added, but I feel it would spoil the surprise of the whole "get infected, try using cyst to create mutation mythos"

    Snipetron - Retired; may return - Once again, until it returns, no uses taunting someone with something they cannot get. They should probably remove regular machete too while they are at it, since I believe it's no longer optainable too.

    [Founder Exclusive]
    (Tiers = Disciple->Hunter->Master->Grand Master)
    Excalibur Prime - Hunter or higher, Lato Prime - Grand Master, Skana Prime - Master or higher - Once again, would suck for completist to forever have an uncomplete profile due to these items missing.

    [Login rewards]
    Azima - 100 days, Zenistar - 300 days, Zenith - 500 days - Would lessen the wow moment of gettiing these weapons, plus it's not like players can do anything about these besides logging in everyday till they get them.


  7. 4 minutes ago, Guest ArtoriasDS1 said:

    Super excited for this,even though I am a ps4 player and I will have to wait more :( A couple of questions:

    1. Will be able to run on water in PoE?

    2.What is the aproximate time it takes to finish EVERYTHING (all quests,build all weapons etc) in PoE.

    3. Can we expect PoE to launch on consoles by the end of October?

    4. Will we be able to trade in Cetus like in a dojo or Maroo's Bazaar?

    5. This is not entirely PoE related,but: is there a forum post in which players can submit ideas for quality of life changes? Considering that PoE will not come on console for a while,a minor hotfix will do LOTS for the console comunity. A thing that I have seen to be really annoying is the fact that I have to press R1 on PS4 hundreds of times when I want to disolve/sell mods (Especially when you have 600 redirections) or want to trade a certain amount of plat. Yes,I know we can just Hold the button and it will be faster,but can't we just have an extra button that makes it possible for us to typw the amount we want to sell or trade? Theres also lots of bugs that haven't been fixed for a long time...A hotfix fixing and tweaking some of these problems will go ways with the console comunities.

    As always,great job on the game! 

    Press square... It selects a full stack of mods.

  8. Welp, reading ten pages of soon memes, people complaining about the name of the new frame and conspiracy theorists claiming the delay for glass frame is a scheme to extract more plat was... Depressing. Thanks for the release window, can't wait for the plains, who cares about a frame name and I'll enjoy getting her parts in the new plains as I wait for her cinematic quest like a regular, non entitled individual grateful for your sweat and tears over the last few months.


  9. What a weird promotion.

    - Hey let's release an update, but make players watch streamers play if for the first time instead of playing it themselves and experiencing it fresh.

    - Hey, we have Tennos on PS4 and Xbox One , let's force them to watch the new content from PC streamers so they unlock free gear by watching stuff they won't get to experience for like a month due to console build cert and delays.

    - Hey let's make a partnership with Twitch where most people will leave streams open without watching them just to get goodies, creating bogus views and fake streaming popularity numbers and make the streamers seem more active than they really are.

    - Let's keep rewarding people for leaving tons of streaming windows open all day and essentially doing nothing contructive.

    Seems to me like a bogus marketing ploy to get tons of fake streamer viewers and push warframe in the top streamed / views section for publicity... Which is fine I suppose, but feels a little dishonest.



  10. Well, she does need a rework.

    I think her turbulence and tornado are mostly fine, and should be kept, but improved with a few quality of life improvement...

    What mostly needs a rework are her tail wind and dive bomb abilities. They should not be two different abilities.

    Heck, I wish they would do something akin to what they did with limbo and make it so that pressing the roll button activates a flying mode for zephyr... This would give her an unique feel to other frames, plus it would allow her to fly on command without energy costs at the tip of a button. Maybe dive bomb could still exist as an AOE attack while airborne, but that would free another ability slot for a cool wind-based skill.

    Give her an awesome look for the prime, and with the release of the plains, she'll be really popular since you could enter flight mode and fly all over the place/dive bomb into enemy camps.

  11. I doubt DE would make a complex algorthm that matches you with identical frames, as it would be counter-productive to making proper, well balanced teams.

    If an algorithm like you suggest would exist, unless it's absolutely broken ,it would try to spread the frosts in excavation games so that there is always one in parties, to guarantee each group has at least one member capable to protect the objective at all times.

    I think it's just confirmation bias... Most of the time, people bring frosts to excavations in public because they don't want to be stuck in a game with nobody capable to protect the pod, which explains why you often get matched with 2-3 frosts. as for the zero frost groups, it's just more noticeable because , well, when the party is badly balanced and doesn't have people to make the game mode go flawlessly, you notice it.



  12. I think all frames should get an innate energy generation value which varies depending on whether the frame is a caster heavy frame or not (with a base of 1 and a cap of 2-3 ish, I guess). Heck it could be a multiplier for other sources of energy regen, making some frames better suited to the effect of energy restore stuff.

    People could slot in energy syphon over this (perhaps buff it slightly to like 1.5/2 energy per second), which should allow most builds with an okay base energy restore to reach about the same enery as they did with the zenurik passive in the past.

    There should also be energy restore arcanes, which would help push frames with a low base energy restore closer to the zenurk standar, and allow heavy casters to perhaps reach an even higher cap.

    I think this would work. People would adapt their builds based on their energy needs. Someone that doesn't need much energy and that want corrosive projection/ different arcanes would be able to slot in efficiency and do okay... Someone that wanted armor stripping ,but heavy energy regen could choose to add an arcane over his base energy regen to reach good numbers and a heavy caster should combine all three energy restore skills and get like 5-6 energy per second.

  13. Gotta agree. Played the beginning of the game on numerous accounts over the years, and there's quite a few issues which turn off new players.

    1 - MK1 weapons - Seriously, there's like 300+ weapons ,why you have to give us gimped versions of existing weapons. I mean, just give player a regular braton, paris, bo, skana, lato... All of these are inferior to their Prime versions anyway... It just feels insulting.

    2 - Damaged mods. I get that DE uses these mods to "teach" players what mods they should look for later down the road, but most of these mods are really bad, players waste tons of endo and credits leveling these gimped versions of mods... Sure it's better than starting with no mods at all , but would it really kill de to give basic stuff like pressure point, serration, hornet strike, vitality, redirection to new players. Same with archwing mods. I litterally have leveled two archwings to LVL 30 on my alternate PC account and I've yet to get a single vitality or shield mod.... What the hell... These should be default mods given when you build your first archwing.

    3 - No stances or auras - Not only does this gimp the amount of mod points players can put on their frames, this also doesn't help showcase the melee combat depth. Each starter melee weapon should have a starter stance mod (Maybe not the best stance in the game, but a stance nevertheless)... And the players should get a base aura by default,, even if it's a meh one. Just give enemy radar or something.

    4 - No innate energy restoration and no ways to restore health by default - Players are throwing into this world with no way to periodically regain energy, and no way to regain life. This is especially bad for melee oriented builds , as if you are in melee range, you're talking damage, and you pretty much need some form of health restore. Heck, maybe just give life strike as a starter mod.

    5 - No catalyst or reactors from the start. Yes, you do get starter plat, but the fact new player don't even get these and they have to wait for somewhat rare alerts and gift of the lotus events isn't exactly the best way to motivate players. Gifting a player a free catalyst and reactor would go a long way, and it could be tutorialised to explain how these work too.

    6 - MR locks, junctions, resource costs and credit costs for everything - The game really feels like a huge roadblock the minute you finish the first quest to defeat vor. You get all these somewhat cryptic tasks like defeating eximus and opening relics, you don't really understand what MR is and how to raise it, 90% of the weapons you see in the store are MR locked, everything requires ressources from other planets you haven't unlocked yet and cost huge amount of credits, which takes a while to accumulate. Even worse, when you do manage to get a weapon to cook in the foundry, you realize there's a long time to wait. Even if you hear about an alert, chances are the planet/node for the thing you needed will not be unlocked, making you miss said alert... Really feels bad.

    7 - It's hard to shake Impression everything is paid (which is kinda true) - As you start to explore, you have nothing. You start to notice all the mods you need cost plat, quite a few of the frames you want are retired and cost alot of plat, character, weapon, sentinel ,animal, archwing slots cost money, that catalysts and reactors and almost mandatory and that you will never get enough for all frames without buying some, heck ,even colors are paid. This will turn off many players simply because it feels like pay to win... And it kinda is, because unless you spend money on the game, you're left with not enough slots to grow your account, which in turns means you won't meet the mastery requirements for better gear.

    8 - Extremely slow leveling on early star chart planets- Nobody is playing there, you barely get any Xp, it takes ages to get a single frame and gear set to lvl 30. I'm not saying you should put an XP farm on earth, but many people will get turned out when they hear the proper XP farms are located on planets at the deep end of the solar system.


  14. Will have to disagree too. There's already a system that restricts most of the best primes from being used by new players (MR requirements)... And most prime parts are basically slighly better versions of existing frames, mostly existing for collectors who want the "limited edition" of their toys, so to speak.

    If a new player wants a prime access, gets gifted a few primes from a friend, or uses plat to get a few primes, good for them. It doesn't hurt anyone, and if it helps them enjoy the game more and feel less like a noob, good for them.

    I know when I started my alternate PC account, as an ASH fanboy, I was really happy to be able to buy a couple of my favorite primes to get me a headstart instead of putting formas and catalysts on expendable , inferior versions of frames and guns.

  15. 2 hours ago, Almagnus1 said:

    Please explain why it's considered acceptable that I have to go digging through the wiki to learn who Alad V is - despite him having a fairly prominent role in the quests?

    There's zero characterization for any of the main characters in the quests beyond what we see when we encounter them.  Let alone why we should ever really care about the bosses, or why we're fighting the grineer and the corpus.

    You make it seem like the events were huge lore dumps, when in fact they were pretty light on the lore. It's like saying you can't comprehend Darvo because you missed that event while he was being hunted by the stalker for selling his "what stalker" bundle.

    As for Salad V, just because you helped him fend off acolytes once in an event , and you had the choice to cure him of the infestation (I believe it was a fake choice anyway, since some plaftorms didn't choose him and he still got cured). The character is still the same, you still fought his regular and infested version, you still see him in the second dream and war within quests... You're not missing much insight on the character if you join now.

  16. 3 hours ago, Troll_Logic said:

    Nope, you're missing the key point.

    "Is Warframe a game or is it a universe?"  That's the point.

    If it's just a game, then repeat everything, give out all the trophies each time, and make it a game that each player can play as long as he wants.


    Make it a universe with history, lore, and a semi-persistent state.  


    If the same unique events are constantly repeated, then Warframe is simply a game just like Doom.  Larger than Doom, but the exact same thing.  If events don't repeat and real history and lore happens, then Warframe is a universe.  Considering how rich and varied Warframe is, I think Warframe is in the unique position to be a Universe.


    I'm a PS4 player, this means i missed events like Arid Fear, the Gradivius Dilemma and possibly a couple more simply because the game didn't exit back then.

    Do I complain about missing some of these events ? No... Why ? Well, because most of the event rewards were made avialable later down the road and I understand that events have a time and a place. If they were to bring back , let's say Gradivius Dilemma now, it would feel shallow, would cheapen the whole mistique of the event in the first place... I'd rather read the wiki, check a couple old videos of these events and hear a couple vets talk fondly about these events than get them because they would only cheapen these events, making them feel non-special.

    Heck, we had numerous tactical alerts repeat over the years, we've had stalker acolytes, fomorian attacks, razorback attacks, overall numerous occasions to kinda repeat big events, just not all on them and not exactly like they were in the first place, because that's part of the universe's history. We as a community completed these events , we fought for a planet/faction, made choices and these choices had consequences... And repeating said events would basically throw all this in the dust.

    The way I see it, warframe has two stories... The individual story of the tenno you control, which is told mainly by story quests, and the story of the universe and it's conflicts, which is told by making events for the whole community periodically. The minute these events become a series of mission you can play in your dojo for fun, or yearly events you can repeat, you cheapen the feeling of living in an universe that's influenced and shaped by our actions as tennos... Suddently, events become just another set of missions that are periodically avialable for players to farrm stuff on... They are no longer events.

    So no, I want unique events every couple of months, I also want unique gear, mods, cosmetics from said events ,even if the majority of these are offered to newer players a couple years down the road to be "fair".

  17. Honestly, nowdays, people are so infatuated with having every single item no matter how late they come into the game that we have events with "early access to syndicate" mods and other lame rewards like that.

    Pretty much every past event reward has been made avialable numerous times, making them feel non special... All this because people can't accept the fact a veteran has an ugly red version of an existing gun that deals 5 more base damage or something and they don't...

    And now you want the event themselves to come back... It's like asking Woodstock to come back because you weren't born back then... Sorry, but time passes, "events" happen, and when DE gives you new methods of acquiring previously exclusive gear AND usually brings the exotic gameplay of the event into the main game in some form (Rathuum, Index, Ambulas Reborn, Defective Defectors, Toxin Injectors, etc, all of them are now in the game)... People still complain that they didn't get to experience the five dialogue lines lotus had in these generic quests themselves.

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