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Posts posted by (PSN)Stealth_Cobra

  1. I'll agree it's a little daunting for beginner players, especially the extremely high credit costs for syndicate offerings.

    Seriously, it's like 1 million credits to max a single syndicate, and most people attempt to level three compatible syndicates at the same time... Meaning the have to basically throw away three million credits just for syndicate offerings...  On top of all the credits they need for mod leveling / weapon development / dojo blueprints. It also sucks that you have to sacrifice reactors / catalysts / formas and such to rank up... I mean, you're a noob trying to advance in his syndicates, and you're constantly forced to give up things that would be necessariy to make your frames and arsenal better.

    Honestly, i've only started being able to stockpile credits once I hit a high mastery rank... Since at that point, most of your key mods are leveled up and you don't have to spend on building new tech... Allowing you to save up some monies. (Currently have 9ish millions in the bank).

    The only tip I can tell new players is not to bother too much about prime mods for quite some time.. And when leveling mods, try not to max most mods. As most people know, the last level of a mod costs the equivalent to alll the previous levels combined... So it makes quite a huge difference in both endo and credit costs. Heck, for rank 10 mods, you can keep mods at rank 6 ish and save tremendous amount of resources... Then later once you're rich, you can max these.



  2. I think frames and weapons in inventory should have a catalyst icon + number of formas and focus lens equipped icons on them when you have them on. That way you won't delete your six forma greater lens weapons when you wanted to get rid of a generic unformaed duplicate weapons. If you don't want to clutter the hud... Make it so these icons only appear when attempting to sell said item... Like... Are you sure you want to get rid of that lvl 30 - 6 Forma - Greater Zenurik Lens - Reactor - Exilus Frame ?

    Alternatively, they could increase the credit payoff for selling stuff that was modded. Let's say each forma / catalyst / exilus increases the value of the item By 2000 credits... It would make it easy to notice "Hey, this isn't right, it's supposed to be worth 5000 and the game offers me 25000 for it... It has to be my main frame or main weapon.

    That said, I don't think that many people have multiple copies of frames and weapons due to each frames and weapons having a-b-c slots . Could be wrong, but personally the only duplicate lvl 30 i have is a secondary dread I built to try a status build without reformaing my main dread. That said, as the other posters said, an interface that cannot tell the difference between two identical items regardless of the amount of forma and resources sinked into them is indeed bad.

  3. Yeah, the Jordas Golem is quite a pain on new accounts.

    Main issue is that essential archwing mods pretty much never drop... Even basic stuff like health and shield mods are rare as hell... On my MR12 PC account I don't even have them yet... They simply don't drop that often. Still don't understand why i get 12 copies of redirection and vitality after a single akkad run, yet I can get multiple archwings to lvl 30 without having a single survivability mod dropping...

    Once you have all the key damage / surviability / elemental combo mods, the boss is quite easy, but before that, it's extremely tedious to complete. Doesn't help that nobody is running the regular golem anymore... Meaning you're basically soloing a very tough boss with inadequate mods.

    In the end, I feel it's not a problem with the boss , but with archwing key mods drop rate. Most people don't really like archwing to begin with, and the fact that you get 1-3 mods per archwing mission, usually duplicate common mods that are useless sucks. Archwing survivability and base mods should probably be given in junctions or something.

  4. I'm all for a weighted system that adjust your drops based on the number of times you played a mission.

    Let's say you're farming for warframe parts... It's no fun to run the same boss 27 times because RNG keeps giving you helmets and chassis and no systems for so reason. The game has enough data to know you're missing the systems, and should pretty much give you the systems guaranteed after ten times or something.

    As for sorties, if we don't get a proper token system, we should have a checklist system kinda like in the past , but better. For example, let's say you get endo today... There would be a checkbox near the endo which you could highlight to basically remove it from the drop table for let's say the consecutive week / 10 days . That way, after a bad streak of five days, you would have "checked out" most of the bad rewards, and would have a much higher chance of getting something actually usable.

  5. Still find it hilarous that the "solution" to people complaing about getting endo everyday in sorties was to give them endo statues everyday instead.

    We need a token system badly. A daily mission system should not be reliant on RNG... Let us purchase what we need with the currency we get from our sorties. I need endo, I'll buy the 4000 endo bundle, I need a zenurik lens, I'll buy a zenurik lense... I need a legendary core, I'll play sorties for 200 consecutive days and farm tokens to pay for one or something... I want a secondary riven... I'll use my tokens to get it.

  6. I'll say it again... DE just needs to make it so that instead of dropping injector fragments in Infested Salvage, it drops Mutagen Samples. Most players have like 3000+ useless injector fragments by the time they get their Nidus, it would make hema quite easy to farm for. Heck, they could go half/half, retaining some of the fragments for those that want the injector for the raid (then again, get it from the raid ?).



  7. I agree. While free distillers are a huge improvement, I still think being able to equip arcanes directly on frames from the modding or powers screen would be the best.

    I also think arcanes should have an optional visual representation.... Maybe adding a slight glow or holographic logo being projected on the actual helmet or syandana that has an arcane equipped. I say optional because I'm sure some people would think that it would ruin their fashion frame.

    It would also be great for people like me who own all old "arcane helmets"... Sucks that we can't equip raid arcanes on "arcane helmets"... Meaning I'm mostly limited to using default / prime helmets on most of my frames if I want the benefit of my Arcane Augments. With a system where arcanes are attached to the frames and not actual gear pieces, one could wear an arcane helmet and an arcane at the same time.

  8. I do agree the starchart needs to be rebalanced to offer more challenging planets. Even pluto doesn't cut it... We need lvl 60-80-100 planets where survival / defense starts at these high levels.

    Heck, if you want the best of both worlds, make it so that the "key" nodes required to clear a star chart planet are lower levels, to accomodate new player progression, but that side nodes that aren't required to reach bosses or junctions are much harder.

    I've also proposed in the past a system where each node would have "hard mode" versions... Basically, every time you cleared a starchart mission ,you would unlock the "true version" of the node, with a higher level. This would allow newer players to clear the star chart relatively easyly, while allowing the rest of veterans to play on early starchart planets and still get proper XP , drops and challenge. In the current systems, entire tilesets are pretty much never played on because they reside on planets with low lvl enemies that give no xp or decent rewards. Another advantage of said method is it would avoid the situation of matching noobs with MR 23 powerhouses that simulor the whole map and run to the exit before the new player even gets out of the first few rooms of the map. Better to match new players with other new players and offer them a progression that's easyer.


    That said, I'll give credit where credit is due. Sorties are a step in the right direction, so is the return of the new nightmare mode. The raids are also fine, although they get really boroign after a while and the RNG required to make a full set of arcane without buying them with plat is ludacris. I also love the fact that we're getting lvl 100 kuva floods every hour, and the return of endless void was great, although you still have to wait like 40 minutes to get a proper challenge.

  9. I don't "get" the change either.

    Most of the players have work / school on friday... And most people go out on friday nights. So it's kind of a waste to have from 9 to midnight with Baro avialable, as people simply won't be there to farm ducats. When it was 2 PM on sunday, it wasn't so bad, as people usually finish work or school at 4-5 PM, so they could get back home with only a couple wasted hours of Baro presence.

    But the worse part is the sunday issue. In the past, Baro would depart at 2 PM on Sunday, which was a little too early for most people, but still allowed people to wake up early and farm ducats on Sunday before he departed. Now, he departs at 9 AM on sunday, basically meaning unless you pull an all nighter and don't sleep, Sunday is pretty much useless now. Are people going to wake up at 4 Am to farm ducats on Sunday ? No, just no...

    That's what I don't get. Most people's weekend consist of Friday night, saturday and sunday. Most gamers don't have time to game much during the week... Meaning they do the bulk of their gaming on Saturday and Sunday . Heck, sunday is the "sacred" day where most people regardless of religion have a day off...

    If there's one day where people are avialable to play games, it's on Sunday. Even in the old system, it was always dumb to pull the plug at 2 PM on a sunday imho... People tend to oversleep and relax on sunday, last thing they want to do is to wake up extremely early and game.

    And with the proposed revisions, a perfectly good gaming day (sunday) is now ruined in regards to baro ducats farming.


    My solution :


    I think Baro needs to have the following adjustments.

    Friday - He arrives at 12Pm (Sortie reset time)

    Monday - He departs at 12 PM (Sortie reset time)

    Yes, i'm aware it extends Baro's stay for one full day, which is fine, as it covers the whole weekend instead of the confusing "Friday to Sunday" stuff we have now. It would also allow people that have a busy weekend planned (camping trip or something) to do some farming on Friday night and in-extremis farming on monday morning before baro departs. The fact it would follow sortie timers would also allow people to easyly figure out when he departs by checking the sortie counter... Basically, no need to worry about annoying timezones and going to the relay to check times. Easy, simpler, more customer friendly.... Please fix this.

  10. Just give us innate vacuum for all frames. Vacuum is a band aid mod to offset the fact by default, frames have very low vacuum potential, meaning they pretty much must step on a resource to pick it up. In a fast paced, combat oriented game, picking resources one by one is bad design, so they created a band-aid in the form of carrier, which picked the crap in a wide radius.... And now it evolved into a sentinel only mod, which slightly increases companion variety, but stll leaves kavats and kubrows in the dust.

    Since it kinda doesn't make much sense for dogs and cats to have innate vacuum, just place it on frames as an innate passive. No lore problems, as warframes already pull resources towards them by default. It would also free a slot for Sentinels, which could be used for example to host he new revive mod.... Another band-aid mod... But I disgress.

  11. At the very least, they need to make mutagen samples drop from the new infested mission instead of dropping a gazillion injector fragments. I mean if player got 100 mutagen fragments per 20 minute runs while farming for Nidus it would be fine.

    And no, we're not dropping the debate. Vote with your wallets, complain dailiy about issues you hold dear... Just don't cave in.

  12. I agree the combo has to go... It's just ridiculous... I can't count the number of times I've been in game with a mirage and the end result shows she killed 1200 enemies while the rest of the team barely managed to find 100 enemies to kill amids all the vortexes all over the place. The noise is obnoxious, the visual pollution is obnoxious, it requires no skill whatsover... As it's basically a vauban vortex that can be shot every time you fire.

    So yes, it needs to be nerfed asap, as it does hurt enjoyement of many players when running public games.

    That said, I do think the problem will simply migrate to another weapon if simulor is nerfed. Mirage players will move to other AOE weapons and still wreck about as much. Also think Ember also needs a nerf to her world on fire. I mean, everyone had their panties up in a bunch when Ash was killing 18 enemies as a stationary target, but it's perfectly fine to have a frame that can simply walk the map and everything dies around her....

  13. Can't be the only one that read this as "Linkedin Profiles".

    PC to PS4 account migration is allowed, but it pretty much never happens since Console version is always behind, making it impossible. They keep saying it'll happen eventually, but i doubt it more and more.

    PS4 to PC apparently can't happen due to Sony's terms of service. Which sucks since I have a MR 23 PS4 account I would gladly migrate to PC.

    Also it's important to know migrations are one time deal, in a sense where you duplicate your account on another platform... Accounts will never get "linked" and both will progress separatedly once linked and duplicated.

    In the end, your best bet is probably to make a new account on the other platform, Waiting for an account migration isn't really an option... And 300 hours is a small time investment in a game like warframe (my main account has like 70 days of playtime). In the end, I just started a new PC account , which I managed to get to MR12 relatively fast and painlessly... So I guess that will have to do.

  14. I use both on pretty much all of my frames except Valkyr, Inaros and Nidus... And perhaps a couple frames with high armor bases that benefit more for the steel fiber + vitality combo...

    And i'm sick and tired of rezzing people left and right all the time because they think they are special snowflakes that can run their frames with no survivability mods. Yaw, you have slightly above averarage power strenght or range, but you keep dying every five seconds... Great !

    I really don't get how most people mod their frames honestly. Everyone has Prime Flow on when it's pretty much irrelevant in a game where there's tons of enemies and traps that steal all your energy and you have stuff like zenurik and rage to refill your energy . Everyone runs crasy efficiency builds even though you have ample energy with zenurik. Nobody packs survivability mods because they think dying every five seconds is fun... And everyone seem to think it's worth it to have zero survivability if you can have slightly inflated power strenght that still won't be strong enough to kil lvl 100+ enemies anyway due to enemy scaling.

    Honestly, all my frames have a proper mix of defense, offense, range and are able to spam their key abilties without having to sacrifrice survivability.

  15. Basic offer and demand.

    The reason why Frost Set was expensive in the first place was because it was the very first Prime Frame (excluding Excalibur), and thus the first one to ever be vaulted. Basically, it's been years since Frost was out of the loot table, and when the void key rework hit, none of the existing relics were transformed into Frost Relics either.

    But now that Frost has been made avialable again for quite some time, people have had the chance to stockpile on frost relics and sets. It's no longer "rare" since people could farm him for more than a month, and most people that wanted him probably farmed him during his unvaulting. Many people have gotten ten to twenty sets ready to sell, so there's a big offer and very low demand. In a couple of months / years, it'll be worth alot again, but for now, it's only worth slightly more than a recently vaulted frame like Nova.



  16. I'd say no. All the Orokin's enemies were pretty much created by the Orokin. They were the ones that created the Grineer, Used the Corpus, Developped the Infestation and Deployed the Sentients to the Tau System... And when things went wrong, they Created the Tennos to hopefully solve the problems.

    So to me, the Orokin were the achitects of their own downfall. They arrogantly thought themselves to be gods, using cloning, genetic manipulation, bio weapons and other devious methods like possibily intentionally sending civilian ships into the void to create freaks of nature. They created a system where they were the "golden lords", using everyone else as puppets and even hijacking kids from colonies to use them in their continuity rituals, or so it seems. They used Dax soldiers, turned dissidents into cephalons and did all sorts of acts that paint them in a pretty bad light.

    If you really want to blame someone, blame the Sentients, who used the Lotus to roleplay a mother figure like Margulis to manipulate the Tennos into murdering the Orokin so they could accomplish their twisted plan. Tennos are basically tools of wars that were hijacked by space mom and used to bring the downfall of the great orokin empire.


    Can you please adjust the hema costs for the console versions. Steve pretty much admitted that the costs were too high and that it was a "mistake that was not fixed fast enough". Basically, since some people on PC went in the trouble to acquire enough mutagen samples to fund it, it would apparently be a slap to the face of the people who farmed said samples in the first place if they were to lower costs on PC now. I don't agree with the logic, but I can see the point he's making (just refund the excess mutagen samples spent with a script imho and problem solved).

    That said, PS4 and Xbox one are new platforms where nobody has wasted time yet farming mutagen samples, so dropping the costs will save us much farming and will not create the same storm of anger that plagued glast gambit. Makes no sense to repeat in a mistake twice, basically. As a 1700+ Hour veterant who only has 230 mutagen samples, I will not farm 50000 of these so my clan can afford it.

    So please DE, do the right thing, fix the Hema costs before deployment on Consoles...

  18. Honestly, the reservoir as depicted in the quest seemed to contain 8 tenno max. It's possible there were more reservoirs hidden all over the moon, but still,there's defintively not 26 millions tennos in the canon. There's 26 millions registered losers ,but not 26 millions tennos.

    Judging from the average size of grineer and corpus ships, it kinda give the impression most crafts in the warframe universe usually hold less than 500 people.. Considering all the adults were killed, I'd say 100 is a credible number for the children of the Zariman ship. Considering most missions in warframe involve 4 tennos, and considering relays only hold maybe a hundred tennos at once, it's safe to assume there's a limited canon amount of tennos. It's especially logical when you consider that Lotus is in contact with the tennos... She would not be able to keep track and provide support to an endless number of operatives simultaneously, giving credit to the theory that there's probably less than a hundred tennos in the canon. I think 50 tennos seems like the most likely number... Enough to have a few missions going one at once and give the feeling of a community, but not enough to feel like an army. Basically, tennos are a special force, not an army.... The "twisted few that returned from the void", as said in the codex.

    In the canon, one can assume that when the moon returned from the void, the lotus sent a warning to all existing warframes to go and pick up their "tenno" before it was too late, which would explain why our warframe/tenno only cared about themselves and basically left all other tennos inside their pods. It always bugs me to see my frame pick up a single tenno, leaving all other pods there to potentially get killed... But alas, you have to assume the other warframes came for their masters too.

    Of course, in terms of lore, there's clearly a "chosen one" mindeset, because the game is structured to make it seem like your tenno is the only one that matters, the only one that gets things done...

    I mean, all important things that happen in this universe happen to your very own tenno. Asides from maybe community goals like invasions and defeating acolytes, 98% of warframe is you being the "one" that takes out a boss, saves the day and gets personal attention from space mom. So yes, you're special, even though there's more people similar to you.

    In my head canon, there's probably 20 ish tennos that made it out alive. The frames I meet on missions are the multiple frames of these tennos, and not nececesarily differnet tennos each time.

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