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  1. Attempting to use Noctua in the Orowyrm arena completely breaks Dante. He cannot cast abilities, use weapons, or do anything other than move around. I was not able to test if dying and using a revive fixes this.
  2. Hello DE! After some time thinking about the Line of Sight change to Tragedy and discussing it with others, I've come up with a suggestion that I believe strikes a good balance between what the players miss and what the Devs were trying to accomplish. First off, LoS stays. Enough players consider it a strong enough nuke for a "support" frame that it deserved to be changed. Fair enough, even I feel differently. However, if LoS is staying I propose adding the following mechanic to Dark Verse + Tragedy: Dark Verse applies a mark (similar to Garuda's Seeking Talons) and a slash proc to enemies it hits. The mark lasts for the duration of the slash proc and can be refreshed with subsequent on-cast hits. As long as enemies have the mark on them and are within range, Tragedy deals full damage to them on cast regardless of LoS. All enemies without the mark have LoS checks applied as normal. In essence, an override to LoS that is entirely up to the player to manage. Here is my reasoning: 1) Dark Verse has LoS restrictions already, and good ones at that. If they have the mark when you cast Tragedy, you had LoS on them very recently. 2) This change would promote an active, engaging playstyle where you aim your Dark Verse casts and move quickly to mark as many groups as possible before casting Tragedy - especially when playing solo. It rewards movement, thoughtful casting and positioning, and skillful play where you would balance priming disparate groups and casting before the mark expires. In other words, an element of urgency to a frame that is highly survivable. 3) It would not completely break the balance you're trying to achieve with the LoS check. The slash procs from Dark Verse do not scale off ability duration, meaning you have 6 seconds after marking the first group to mark additional targets, prime them with a weapon, and cast Tragedy. And since enemies with the mark still need to be in ability range, you're only affecting enemies that you've seen within the past 6 seconds that are close to you. That, in my opinion, is well within the boundaries of balance and effectiveness. 4) It would restore much of the satisfaction and fun that was lost with the hard LoS restriction. Dante feels fun to play, the 3-3-4 combo is immensely gratifying to use. In something like Steel Path survival, I'd use it to switch between rooms and hold off two enemy masses at once, taking out the weaker enemies rushing towards me before focusing on the heavy units. With strict LoS, I have to get off the full combo facing one group and then cast the full sequence again on the group amassing behind me. This change would help to restore the feel of the ability. And to be honest, SP is really where it would feel the most helpful, since normal starchart enemies are likely to die to the Dark Verse cast anyways. 5) It remains on theme for a Wizard, caster frame. He's marked them, he knows where they are and can target them while his powers are actively affecting them. Not super important, just fun for flavor. I hope that this makes as much sense to you as it does to me and I hope you consider it in the constructive spirit with which it was intended.
  3. I've spent time with him, he was one of my available frames for Deep Archimedea. I ran 2 normal DAs and 2 Elite DAs. If that's enough time spent, here's what I noticed: he feels worse. He feels so much worse. It takes me three Triumphs to reach my overguard cap. Tragedy LoS restriction is ridiculous. Why?! It no longer feels satisfying to play. Honestly, I didn't use him as a nuke frame, just as a fun general purpose frame for endless missions. As has been previously stated, DarkVerse already needs LoS. This is fixing a problem that nobody had and actively makes a frame worse. I was cautiously optimistic after the DevShorts that the nerf sorry "tweak down", would be reasonable. This is not reasonable. It is not a tweak, this is a hard nerf. According to your nerf criteria, why did Tragedy deserve to be "rebalanced"? Disruptive? No, again, nobody asked for this. Dominant? That can't honestly or accurately be judged a week after release. Yes, it's a powerful ability. is it the best nuke in the game? No. Automated play? No, no you still need to actually hit enemies with a DoT, cast 2 darkverses at enemies, and then cast Tragedy. Just... please revert the LoS nerf. I can deal with the Overguard tweaks, but Tragedy is ridiculous.
  4. First off, from the intro paragraph of the Dante changes: "After much review and feedback consideration, we recognized that it’s not the damage Dante can deal that needed to be addressed, but rather his accumulation of Overguard." followed up with, "Final Verse’s “Tragedy” now only affects enemies within Line of Sight." You said one thing and immediately did the other. This is a huge decrease to the amount of damage he can deal, and is frankly unnecessary. In usage, it fails to affect enemies slightly below my elevation, as in an enemy I can see that is standing on stairs is unaffected by Tragedy. The difference is noticeable and frustrating.
  5. Just to check since I had a similar issue before: do you have the Enhanced Decals graphics option turned on? Most new decorations make extensive use of it and something like the stencil probably wouldn't show at all.
  6. Both options are only available after Rank 5 with the Cavia Syndicate.
  7. Do you mean that the glaive throw issue also happens without dual wielding? Like with a primary out a mid-air throw will also abort? I admit I didn't test that case, I just figured it was another dual wield issue.
  8. First things first: Glaives can be thrown and detonated midair while using an Incarnon secondary without deactivating Incarnon mode. Yay! Thank you. The bad: Incarnon secondaries are missing the Incarnon crosshair (no charge indication, tested with Lex Prime and Prisma Angstrum). Secondary goes invisible while Incarnon mode activated. Glaive can only consistently be thrown while on the ground. While in the air, holding 'E' to throw the glaive will show the crosshair charge and play the audio cue for throwing only to stop right before release and halt momentum, dropping you to the ground without throwing at all. I was unable to find any rhyme or reason to this bug, but it is very consistent. Occasionally throwing it midair will function as normal, making it more unclear as to what the cause of the bug is.
  9. Yep. The bug was introduced in WitW if I'm remembering correctly. The first iteration of the bug was that neither worked - no alt fires and no heavy attacks. Now we can use alt-fires but still no heavy attack. My brief testing showed that the glaive might explode if you double-tap heavy attack button (super annoying to do btw, the first one starts it returning without exploding and unless you really throw a hail mary it will often be back in your hand before the second press registers). however, as you pointed out, while an incarnon is active double-tapping heavy attack will 1. Not explode the glaive and 2. deactivate your incarnon for an extra little kick in the teeth. My annoyance may be leaking through a bit but I waited months for the code fix believing that I would be able to go back to my comfort loadouts of Lex Prime/Tenet Plinx and Glaive Prime/Cerata and now it's another undetermined amount of time until something that should have never broken in the first place gets actually fixed. I mean I'm pretty sure this is what broke it: "Fixed detonating a Glaive weapon while dual wielding using the Alternate Fire binding instead of the intended Heavy Melee Attack binding." Who asked for this and why? For 95% of players they're the same button. Just revert it until you can figure out how to not break one or both weapons.
  10. Did you read my post? I mean like actually read it, not just skim it and then mock me based on whatever strawman you concocted. The point I'm making is that as it stands, the Latron Incarnon is inconsistent with other AoE weapon's knockback effects. All I'm suggesting is a tweak to bring it in line with the others. I do have PSF, and I use it on many frames. However, I've a few builds where I use a different exilus mod like Preparation. On those builds, I either use weapons that don't stagger me or ones that I can use well enough to not be in range of the stagger effect. "Power comes at a price" Lmao guns can be powerful why still being user friendly, Latron is good but far from the most powerful weapon I own. I regularly use the Kuva Tonkor without PSF with no issue, keep in mind please that my entire point is that the Latron projectile has an unpredictable trajectory that is outside the users control. May I also recommend not firing the Trumna alt-fire in tight spaces ;)
  11. I'll start by saying that I am suggesting this change based on my understanding of DE's reasons for adding self-stagger and knockdown to AoE weapons. As I understand it, self-stagger was added to discourage spamming AoE weapons within a close distance and make you think a bit more about aiming and positioning, as well as curtailing afk builds. I do not believe that the Latron Incarnon Form is consistent with this design intention. As it stands, firing towards the opposite side of the room or down a hallway results in a high chance of the projectile bouncing back towards you and inflicting stagger and/or knockdown effects, sometimes multiple times in quick succession. It appears to me that this conflicts with the points I mentioned already, as once the projectile is fired, players no longer have control over it. Let me be clear, I do not necessarily have a problem with self-stagger by itself, it is what it is. As long as I pay a modicum of attention to my firing trajectory, it's mostly avoidable. But the Latron Incarnon bypasses that, adding the punishment even when you do fire the projectile far enough away that the initial hit does not affect you. It bounces and does not follow a predictable path, coming back towards you or even intercepting you during movement. My suggestion for a tweak to the Incarnon mode would bring it more in line with the design of other AoE weapons: after the first bounce, the explosions on subsequent bounces do not inflict stagger/knockdown effects. This preserves the impact of checking aim, positioning, and being mindful of spam while respecting that players do not have control over a randomly bouncing object that unnecessarily impedes movement and ability use.
  12. While I appreciate the changes already made to Teshin's lines with the hint transmissions toggle, it really is not enough. Just finished a solo SP Circuit run, and my last mission was Excavation. When enemies can take down an excavator in 2-3 shots, I really, really don't want to hear Teshin telling me that its "about to be destroyed" or "I allowed it to be destroyed". I KNOW. I am well aware that it's going to die. I heard some variation of Teshin warning and shaming me no less than 20 times in a single mission. Why are these lines not counted as a hint transmission? I'd rather not change my sound settings every single time I go in and out of circuit, so please, for my sanity, allow these to be turned off with Hint Transmissions toggle.
  13. I'm not sure which bug category/tag this falls under, but I've been noticing a consistent bug with Wukong's cloud walker and dual-wielding a secondary with a glaive. If the secondary has a full-auto or held trigger, entering cloud walker and exiting it with quick melee will cause Wukong to start firing the secondary weapon continuously after the glaive quick melee animation plays. He will fire the secondary until empty, then reload and continue to fire, only stopping when clicking LMB (fire weapon). A PC clan member was able to replicate this bug, and 2 PS5 clan members were also able to replicate this. Having the "melee with fire weapon input" on makes no difference. Burst-fire, charge, and semi-auto secondaries do not trigger this bug.
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