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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 42 minutes ago, (PSN)AyinDygra said:

    Inaros' game play, for me, revolves around dessicate and melee, with finishers thrown in on eximus. It's extremely satisfying to run into a group of enemies, slice and dice them with my dual bladed polearm, blind them with pocket sand, and heal up whatever damage they managed to sneak in on me, with a finisher to the face on the last enemy. No other frame gives me that visceral, right in the thick of things combat experience. (don't try listing other frames that you think provide that... they don't do the same thing for me as Inaros.)

    I see... I'll have to try that later. I do love satisfying finishers. I can also see what you mean with health tanking. There's just something about watching your health go up and down like a roller coaster.


    43 minutes ago, (PSN)AyinDygra said:

    Oh yeah, I love Egyptian themed things, from real Egyptian architecture to Star Gate.

    I too enjoy egyptian architecture. Their mythology is also interesting. 

  2. On 2024-02-10 at 5:56 AM, (PSN)AyinDygra said:

    While Inaros is slated to get a rework, I dread what they plan to do to him.

    My greatest fear is that they gut his kit and play style to appease the people who don't play him, at the expense of those who do, like me.

    I’m curious, what do you see in Inaros’s playstyle? I thought he was only considered a bullet sponge. Do any of his abilities do anything that appease to your brain? (Much like with old Grendel eating everything, or old Garuda being 2 health). 

  3. 1 hour ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    My apologies , it is difficult to identify sarcasm on a written media.

    Understandable, it's difficult to understand people's tone when it's digital


    1 hour ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    I was under the impression you were mocking the ability of players to adapt when you mentioned copium along with a frame that has no augments and is considered aub par by most players

    More like pointing out poor Caliban not getting any love. Of course, the adaptive frame can be adapted into multiple builds/playstyles. Copium was aimed at Caliban getting augments someday... someday... maybe...

  4. 32 minutes ago, BriefLegendary said:

    As it stands now I think it's better if a weapon is pseudo-exalted instead of pure exalted.

    Oh 100%, which is why a lot were complaining when DE said they were going to make pseudo exalted weapons actual exalted weapons. What is the point of having a strong ability and strong "melee" if we're restricted too much? Any melee can outclass exalted melee (purely by themselves) at this point

    • Like 6
  5. 11 hours ago, (PSN)BattleCry1791 said:

    I dunno.  I think early on it was.  The first frames were easily based on standard RGP roles.  Rouges, tanks, elemental casters, healers...they were all in there.  By the next slew of them it was more about themes than roles and grew from there, but Oberon's always struck me as a paladin.  

    Sure, it got away from it pretty quick. but way back in the day, and you look like you were there for it, A trinity and a rhino were crucial to deep (relative of course) runs in new content. 

    Back when things were simple. I wonder if we'll ever be able to intergrade something like that

  6. 10 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    just cause you are incapable of utilising the tools available to you and adjusting your playstyle does not mean everyone else is sniffing copium

    Huh seems I caught you on a bad day to make a joke. I agreed with what you said, your post just reminded me of a frame that has no augments, no tweaks, no nothing. Sure Archon Shards make him easier to use, just doesn't stop him from being janky. 

    10 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    The point of my statements was that there are ways to accomodate augments in existing mechanics. And just cause you can have augments doe not make all frames automatically better , it may still need some core changes.

    You know.. I feel like I said that in a previous post... please take your aggressions elsewhere. Not everyone on the forums are trying to be poopheads

  7. 29 minutes ago, Leqesai said:

    The disc is not boosted by mods like killing blow that boost heavy attack... that's my entire point....

    I realized shortly after posting that

    Mb, sir. Your counter was completely valid. Guess tennokai isn't the only thing that should be looked into for the zenistar. It just seems like it the disk should count as a heavy attack

  8. 4 minutes ago, UnstarPrime said:

    Being constrained by mod space is the whole point of the modding system.  Limitations are what allow players to make meaningful decisions.  Having a limited number of mod slots means that players can't get everything they want, which means they will need to choose between different possibilities.  This is an important part of what makes creating a build for a frame so challenging and compelling, because you have to whittle down all the potential possibilities into a singular collection of choices that best fits your desires.

    And Augments are a wonderful part of this system, as these are choices that often contain some of the most meaningful ramifications.  As an example, let's look at this mod:


    This mod provides a lot of power.  And make no mistake, it's no band-aid; without this mod, Crush is already well-worth using.  It provides temporary CC, outputs damage, and caps my entire squad's overshields (including my pet).

    And with this one mod, Crush gets even stronger, gaining:

    • a cast speed buff
    • a powerful armor strip
    • a snare

    I can only put 8 normal mods in my Warframe build, and out of the hundreds of mods that were competing for this slot, this Augment made the cut.  That means I deemed it one of the best 8 mods to use in the build I wanted to make.  Its slot in my build is well-earned.

    But even though it's powerful, there are plenty of Mag players who aren't using this mod.  They want different things than I do, and because of that they made different choices.  And that's fantastic and interesting!  That indicates a system with depth!  This increases build variety in a very meaningful way, and it makes me think about what might be possible if I made different modding choices.  Maybe I'll even try them myself sometime!  But even if I don't, it's so cool to have decided on a build that fits me, and to see others deciding on different builds that fit them.  All of which is to say, removing Augments from this mod slot competition would remove so much of what makes modding a worthwhile system in the first place.

    And to be clear, Fracturing Crush isn't an outlier; there are plenty of Augments that do a great job of earning their mod slots.  I'm sure we can all think of Augments that don't, but that's a problem with the balance of those specific mods, not the overall system.  Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

    Simply giving me more mod slots without giving me new choices to make with them isn't just needless power creep; it also serves to reduce the number of compelling choices I'm encouraged to make as a player, and reduces the value and impact of the choices that players make.'

    No thank you.

    I agree, this mod is the definition of what augments should be. 
    But then you got things like Energy Transfer. Some augments should be a part of the kit, others such as this (and Voruna’s augment) are better left as mods. 

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    This still doesn't help every frame , and i do feel it would be better to rework some of the augments to be innate to the frame instead of a seperate mod. 

    This is true. Caliban is completely unplayable without all of his OP augments. I make to to put all 6 augments into his kit because he’s so satisfying to use with them. 
    Oh… sorry I had too much copium

    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

    We're already clearing maps at lightspeed as it is, I don't need to go even faster.

    Hell, if anything, I'd just get stuck on poorly made collision boxes more often.

    I personally use those shards on my slow frames that wouldn’t be affected as much by sprint speed. Amber Shards have always been the true “QoL” of all the other shards.

    • Like 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, SDGDen said:

    powercreep bad, nerfs good.

    I disagree with your opinion thus making me mad. I can not bear to see someone with such a bad opinion. Seeing your opinion simply affects me too much to just ignore it. I must now insult you and make my opinion clear. 

    Nerfs bad, powercreep good

    I will refrain from ever explaining why I believe that, because you all think like me and should immediately know the reason. If you do not think like me, then you’re simply a grineer. 



    Edit: Oh! I also forgot. I need to annoy you by correcting your spelling when that has nothing to do with your (or my) opinion. 


    • Like 8
  12. Mmmm yes, this is perfectly balanced

    Unfortunately you’re saying that the Topaz Shards are still good after the nerf, so DE’s going to have to nerf it again. We can’t have variety after all. This thing needs to be nerfed to the ground! /s (At least for now)

    Maybe they’ll let it slide because it’s Wisp (a favorite after all). But if one more person uses it… then it’s going to be considered too popular. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Skoomaseller said:

    yall mfs still going 🫵🏽🤣

    Shhhh, it’s getting good

    We’ll get to the one-word back and fourth at around page 30. 

    1 hour ago, MutoManiac said:

    Maybe it’s time to introduce religion or politics into this thread since that’ll get some attention. Something like Donald Trump said he would encourage hostile nations to attack NATO countries that didn’t pay enough to be a member. That would include Canada since we don’t spend all our money on preparing for war.

    Of course when you try to be controversial, I end up thinking, “You know, that sounds weird so it’s probably true.”


  14. 40 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

    People seem to have not been taught one of the golden rules in school: "Simple does not mean bad. Simple is often superior." To my understanding, the reason so many like Loki is literally because of that simplicity. His kit just works, and is also super cheap to maximize (which leaves tons of room for mod loadout customization).


    While both are considered simple, Inaros' abilities were never useful to begin with
    Loki's got a simple useful toolkit (even if some of it is outdated)

    • Like 1
  15. 23 minutes ago, darklord122 said:

    Just gonna mention his build struggles in base level Arbitrations, It can barely kill unarmored infested enemies and drones and cant even take the overguard away from an Eximus unit, At level 70 and further it struggles to even deal with one enemy let alone a horde. Thus slowing the entire team down instead of "playing with them." Actively felt bad for everyone else involved.
    His own philosophy is to go in, Slow everyone else down, Complain about their builds outperforming his and then doing slight adjustments to sit at the baseline increase of enemies and repeating the process again.

    It would be funny if it wasn't self evident.

    Hold up… so all of that “We shouldn’t be OP” wasn’t a choice, but the fact that they can’t build a gun correctly?

    No, this is absurd, I thought you were simply nerfing yourself for the sake of fun. Just do what I accidentally did: Equip a dragon key that reduces your damage then completely forget you ever equipped it. 

    • Like 2
  16. 7 minutes ago, (PSN)AyinDygra said:


    This is still very much on topic... and being approached from nearly every angle possible...

    It's not going to result in anyone on either side changing their minds about what they think is fun, and how they continue to act in the game, but at least the issues will be clarified.

    Now, if the Devs come along, and read this to get the playerbase perspective on how they view the fun of the game, and the impact of nuke builds on our fun... at least it won't be a one-sided complaint thread that nuke builds are bad... they'll see that a large group of PUG players LIKE the nuke frames doing what they're doing. It's not an objectively bad way to play the game that is always hurting the enjoyment of the rest of the players in those PUG groups.

    Hmmm... it seems is used to be Nuke Builds disrupting players, then it switched to big numbers are triggering for some. Then it switched to arbitrations for some reason
    We're slowly derailing this lovely thread

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