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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 2 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    What you need is the option to extract immediately or otherwise keep mission progress and ignore the one player, not a vote kick.

    Hmmm… I like this idea. It’s different from the others. The only thing is with their “hosting” system… it’s probably too hard to incorporate. 

  2. Well… the only exalted weapon that can really take advantage of Tennokai is Garuda’s talons. 

    All of the others suck at building combo in their window, and sadly benefit more from gladiator stat sticks. 

    Let me break it down for you, Tennokai requires combo. Exalted weapons (minus Garuda talons)=bad for combo. They can’t use combo mods in order to deal the heavy damage. And most of the time it takes too long for them to ramp up combo, without sacrificing too much damage, for it to be worth it. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Mazifet said:

    I can't believe he said that

    It’s off topic, this is the norm

    Do you not want to shimmy and shammy in your jammies while eating jimmies?

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  4. 17 minutes ago, BansheePrime said:

    You need to manually log out after logging in then log back in on the forum. Don't ask why.

    Sadly already tried that, unless I’m doing it wrong (which is possible). 
    You referring to manually logging into the game? Because that’s the only thing I haven’t tried (already manually logged out/logged into the forums).

  5. 19 hours ago, Smiky said:

    Please tell me what is exactly stopping you from creating your own PREMADE group of same minded people like you? Hm? You are complaining that you cant do solo, you complain that public groups aren't fun...

    It obvious why. Everyone has the same mindset as them, and if they don’t… then they’re obviously stupid and deserved to be banned from public groups /s

  6. 19 minutes ago, chocapic13 said:

    I did that 3 days ago but I don't know when I will get my answer. 

    The item is crafted and I'm sure I picked it up from the foundry. The only thing I know is that the waverider quest was active instead of the rising tide when I crafted the cephalon and picked it up from the foundry.

    Have you checked your inbox? You receive an inbox message after crafting it. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, chocapic13 said:

    Yes, I have a "Railjack Cephalon Blueprint" in the inventory and while hovering my mouse over, it says "crafted".

    However on the up right corner of the screen, when I press escape or enter the navigation, the quest message appears as "Build Railjack Cephalon in Foundry". 


    That’s odd, if you know you claimed it (and it’s not just crafted sitting in the foundry) then you’ll want to contact support. 

  8. Just now, Aldain said:

    A Tenno of culture!

    But seriously, I've never seen an image load up that tiny for no reason and couldn't resist the meme.

    Anyway, on the main topic: I...kind of only really use Umbra 90% of the time, I throw in some Frost, Vauban, Volt and as of late Revenant, but really despite having a ton of frames built I'm far more comfortable with Umbra and slamming my face into things until I win.

    I feel you, even thought I haven’t used Lavos, Limbo, and Yareli in like a year or so… it would’ve just felt weird putting one frame.
    Amazing playstyle, face planting for the win

  9. 2 hours ago, quxier said:

    There were some nerfs to Exodia contagion:

    - super clunky use (bullet/double jump + aimglide + attack) instead of simple solution + some limits (e.g. attack + aimglide, you can attack once, or every next attack without landing is N times weaker)

    - exodia don't get benefit from some stats... or something, don't remember it

    Before you could, afair, spam Contagion. Now it's USELESS.

    Ohhh yes... I remember that
    A shame they nerfed it

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