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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 7 minutes ago, Lord_Chibi said:

    I mean they took forever to add other stuff too.


    They legitimately wait until you think it'll never happen and then they do it. Look at the Inaros rework, I never thought he'd actually get it, but now he is getting one.

    I was referring moreso to DE announcing they're going to do something, then never doing it. 


    • Like 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

    Strip away all options and have us sitting around plugging away at some bulletsponge instead of feeling like cool fighters

    Still believe we can still have good boss content. It all goes down to the mechanics, but that's another opinion for another thread. 

    4 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

    wielded by players who have indulged in overpowered play for so long they’ve forgotten what a fight looks like and think someone else is bonkers-crazy

    Somehow double quoted you and can't remove it. Pretend this part doesn't exist. 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Merkranire said:

    Such as: blasting everything away so you have to scrounge around for gameplay, or furthering the idea that it’s as simple as saying “Modless Stug in Steel Path” is the goal, since that’s typically what someone would say when they’re trying to belittle

    Ahhh I see your mistake. You thought me disagreeing with the OP's choice of wording was me disagreeing with the idea. No no, I just didn't like the false air of superiority that was radiating from the text. You don't need to get your point across by insulting the other side. I was simply poking fun at that.

    When it comes to belittling... Hmm I guess you could call it that. Truthfully I believed "modless stug" could be that challenge to prevent actual overpowered guns to occur in your own personal gameplay. Think of it as a metaphor.

    4 minutes ago, Merkranire said:

    It’s not that simple, show some respect to the idea that what someone’s doing isn’t what you would do but they’re valid for it anyways

    Like I said, less on the idea, more on their choice of wording. 

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, Merkranire said:

    I get that you have no idea what an alternative style looks like, but if your impression not made in bad faith aligns with someone else’s who’s trying to make it sound bad, then that’s worth reconsidering, no?

    My philosophy is everyone can have their own playstyle, and not need to control other's playstyle. I personally like using quick thinking builds that add a good sense of risk, but others like being downriht immortal. And I am completely fine by that 👍. I'm sure you can agree we are all entitled to our opinions, no?


    4 hours ago, Merkranire said:

    As if an unmodded Stug is the epitome of gameplay.

    Also, how dare you diss da stug


    2 hours ago, BansheeAndZephyrMarried said:

    Be proud of yourself, because I sure can't be. 

    I am proud of you, you responded to my sarcasm with sarcasm. This is the start of a sarcastic bond. 

    • Like 4
  5. On 2024-02-08 at 7:22 PM, BansheeAndZephyrMarried said:

    Can you blame DE though? Catering to idiots who just want pretty lights and big numbers on their screens is easy. No pesky game design required- what they want isn't a videogame in the first place. Something was going to part these idiots and their money eventually, it's better their attention is on shallow videogames instead of actual casinos.

    It is indeed disappointing that many aspects of Warframe as a videogame have to suffer for the sake of tardbucks but I've made my peace with Warframe PVE devolving into daycare center for mUh PoWeR fAnTaSy imbeciles. I already have a place to go when I want to explore and enjoy Warframe's mechanics- the PVE enjoyers who want Warfarme PVE to be an actual videogame, however, have my condolences. 

    Woah man, that a pretty condescending wall of text I just read. 
    Calm down now, you can still use your unmodded Stug if you want. 

    • Like 5
  6. 34 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Do you know why they gave Riptide a vaccuum effect? So it could suck like the rest of the frame! 

    And just like that, Sneaky Ervin was gone

    The last to ever see them was Skoomaseller. The last thing Ervin ever heard was the three Yareli mains chanting, “Ayaya assembled, U.W.U. inbound.” 
    A crater surrounded a note, you can hear Jojo music playing in the background. 



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  7. 3 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

    I dated three famous super models. Like, all three were in the top ten official ranking of best and top super models Internationally

    Can confirm, I was one of the super models 

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Nira said:

    Guys, I really think at this point it's a case of agree to disagree, or live and let live.

    If your point has not been made after 18 pages of back-and-forth I don't think it ever will be.

    It would seem like this should happen right?

    Unfortunately, you underestimate the pride of some Tenno 

    • Like 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Rhino is like Yareli, lifted enemies are in stasis to get smashed, whacked, shot, pummled, bludgeoned or whatever you fancy.

    Thanks for the clarification

    2 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Slight correction to previous statement from community member SneakyErvin: Rhino is clearly not like Yareli, he does not ride a fish stick, doesnt attempt to be kawaii nor suck in other ways. Yes this is a jab at Yareli, come at me bro... or sis!

    You have now started a war, I can hear the battle cries of the Yareli mains. The distant “ayaya” as they assemble

    I hope you know what you got into 

    • Like 4
  10. 26 minutes ago, Skoomaseller said:

    Caliban's Sentient Wrath does this, though no one uses Caliban, and he is underwhelming. Sorry Calibros, if you lot even exist. 

    Funny how Caliban’s ability is the only ability that lifts them without suspending the animation. Abilities such as Yareli’s sea snares don’t yet them when they’re lifted. Only Caliban’s (and maybe Rhino’s stomp, idk much about him) Edit: Nvm guess it’s only Caliban. Poor Sentient frame can’t catch a break 

    As for melees… it would be cool if you can chain a combo that focuses purely on melee. Such as a hooking animation for scythes/claws… a jabbing animation for polearms like they’re a kabob. 

    • Like 3
  11. 1 hour ago, Aruquae said:

    why the heck did they announce something that’s not a priority


    3 minutes ago, CephalonOlphus said:

    So again, still happening, just not at all a priority.

    I would think announcing something would mean it’s a priority. Announcements create expectations, come on DE, you should know this. 

    • Like 1
  12. 10 hours ago, CephalonOlphus said:

    They're still converting a bunch of operator stuff, but we've had like 5 sets in the last 2 or 3 updates.

    I remember when they announced that 2-3 years ago. They said they were going to convert all of the clothing from operator to drifter. Huh… this couldn’t be another bit of content DE said they were going to add but forgot right? 
    I can already hear people saying “this isn’t a priority” in which I would gladly say “why the heck did they announce something that’s not a priority?”

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