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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 9 minutes ago, Kaiga said:

    Bramma, coptering, plague zaws, zephyr bomber, catchmoon, aoe guns in general, there are many examples.

    Alright then… AOE and Bramma (same with Catchmoon) were being used to cheese multiple types of content. They were being abused and were already disruptive to other Tenno. Besides, they’re still useful, just not as prominent. It still clears rooms, it’s just not trivializing content.

    Zephyr Bomber being popular? I know you can still copter bomb with her, but even then it’s not like you see many Zephyrs. Never heard of plague zaws ever being popular to get nerfed. These weren’t popular and clogging every single public lobby. 

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Tek_for_Hortator said:


    viral status condition, not the damage, probably. you can still get the procs if you prime

    Could you elaborate? I didn’t catch what you were trying to say. Do you mean priming them with her fourth? Or priming with viral? Which damage are you referring to?

    Just now, Tiltskillet said:

    Sure, but I don't think that's what the OP was talking about.

    Anyway, I verified it myself, Viral status does still increase Reave's health drain.  It's odd because it looks like this information was removed from the wiki at some point.

    Removed from the wiki? Did you look at the main article for Reave under the “tips and tricks.” It could even be under the general. 

  3. 17 hours ago, sunderthefirmament said:

    They've also historically (and maybe still?) had recurring glitches with appearances/skins.

    Bold of you to assume they bothered fixing it. Yes they still exist. 
    They shouldn’t even count as an exalted weapon, they’re just a melee that’s exclusive to Garuda. They have nothing else in common with exalted. 

    • Like 2
  4. On 2024-01-31 at 11:19 AM, Tek_for_Hortator said:

    Reave lets you have endless Dread Ward and using it on enemies primed by your four deals huge bleeds, heals you, and gives you I frames. I am aware of how breach works. I was just asking about the augment before I committed to a build change. If reave + seeking talons + stealth doesn’t do more damage to than non stealth then that’s all I needed.

    Hmmm, not sure about the stealth multiplier, but if you’re referring to seeking talons+reave.

    That’s bleed damage that deals percentage of damage dealt. Garuda’s seeking talons turns every source of damage into bleed. That’s basically another source of scaling damage outside of her dread mirror.

  5. I like the balance between old and new, you managed to keep the core of Limbo while applying something new.

    The rift giving damage reduction and CC instead of outright invulnerability is a nice touch, thought I think the damage reduction for Limbo himself should be increased (just so he’s still got his rift survivability). 
    The second ability increasing slow is a good idea, instead of outright freezing them. This makes less of a cheese factor for Limbo. 
    I can see the second and third ability benefitting from strength, love how you combined the augment with the third. 
    The fourth… hmm I’m just biased for the fourth. Still think it increasing would be nice, but the change you made to the rift being more CC and less of a gate negates that. 
    Overall good ideas all around

    • Like 3
  6. 11 hours ago, Qorvex99 said:

    wait she's popular? 

    Yes, a lot of people like the fast speed run fairytale that she creates as a play style. 


    5 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Lantern is amazing, if you understand what it does and learn how to use it properly. Titania's only real kit issues are Tribute being outdated in design (needs to grant all four effects on a single cast, and no longer a need for picking up the ghost that tends to fly off into the skybox - keep the enemy target requirement though), and Razorflies having zero scaling (they instantly die and contribute nothing).

    I agree, lantern is great as a CC ability when built with range. Not sure about damage because I never build for high strength, but the heat scaling looks decent. 
    Tribute is probably the only tweak Titania needs. That and being able to use pendulum narta in her Archwing mode.

  7. On 2024-01-30 at 1:28 PM, UnstarPrime said:

    They haven't said they have any plans to do that, so it's fairly safe to assume there won't be anything in the near future.  At the very least, I wouldn't hold your breath.

    Personally, I don't want another Orb fight unless they have some ideas that would make it a fantastic experience.  If they don't, I'd rather just have it float in the water for eternity.

    That said, DE did just announce that they're going to rebalance Fortuna progression.  And if they were to ever add a new content to that area, that does seem like a step that would precede it...

    Don’t do that… don’t give me hope

  8. 1 minute ago, VENDOMINUS said:

    your SP modifier is off xD.

    From what I saw when testing his statuses seem to disappear a lot quicker than normal

    This would make sense tbh. Status stacks only stay if you’re constantly applying it, but that doesn’t mean it refreshes the timer. It just adds another stack with a separate timer. If Wuclone isn’t adding enough stacks (which can contribute with galvanized aptitude), then it they’ll disappear “faster.”

  9. 2 minutes ago, VENDOMINUS said:

    1.So I was wondering can someone tell me how much damage does the clone actually do?


    I can answer that one thankfully. Make a build on Overframe, turn off apply conditionals (which is where all of the galvanized and Arcanes occur) Then multiple the average hit (or dps) by whatever the multiplier of your Wuclone does. That would find the average damage of your Wuclone.


    5 minutes ago, VENDOMINUS said:

    Does it take into account enemy armor reduced by corrosive stacks?

    Much like most (if not all) sources of weapons/abilities damage it does, it does indeed benefit from corrosive. 


    6 minutes ago, VENDOMINUS said:

    Does it's statuses deal damage and how much?

    You mean bleed? It should do normal damage in regards to the first question. This isn’t including galvanized aptitude kind of status, as it’s conditional, but it would operate normal following the guidelines I mentioned previously. 


    7 minutes ago, VENDOMINUS said:

    How inaccurate is he really. When I give him a machinegun he fires at almost a 45% angle away from the enemy

    This is completely up to the AI. It can hit every shot consistently, or it can just stand in front of a wall. They did tone down the amount of aimbot the Spector has, but you barely notice. It does it’s part

  10. 38 minutes ago, Leqesai said:

    Of course it affects dps, but we shouldn't go around claiming it's some arbitrary percentages when all we are really saying is there is a significant decrease in dps with galvanized mods.

    But the guy is not factoring important information then throwing out percentages. People will read these percentages then get all mixed up because the actual change in dps is not what they are suggesting. 

    I'm annoyed for sure. Because people like you throw out percentages without knowing what they are saying, which can get people all confused.

    You aren't wrong about galvanized mods dropping the dps (in case-dependent scenarios) but you are throwing around random percentages to try and reinforce your point without the actual numbers to back it up. 

    It's like saying, "man, milk is way more expensive today than it was last year. It's gone up like 82%!" Without actually doing the math in an attempt to illustrate the severity of the increase rather than the actual increased value itself. Numbers/percentages are not adjectives one uses to illustrate the magnitude of a thing.

    Hyperboles am I right?

    Anyways, I think we all got the gosh of what each other was trying to say. Along with whether or not we should exaggerate percentages. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Leqesai said:

    They are implying a percentage of dps based on the base values without actually crunching numbers. It is gibberish.

    Ohhh, I see. Well don’t you think multishot counts for DPS? It is damage per second, and more bullets=more damage per second. 
    I hope I don’t need to go all math as that would be boring. You can just simply make a build on Overframe with galvanized chamber and see how it looks with and without conditions. The with conditions would be the damage you do, the without would be the damage your clone would be doing over 1/2 (as it gives a .5 damage multiplier). 

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, (PSN)MCSOLO_808 said:

    I hear ya, my only argument is MR doesn’t determine skill level. That same LR4 can easily pick up an MR5, or below, account and do just fine. And anyone who plays the game will do just fine, I don’t think the difference between MR0 and MR5 is gonna help their case any better. You still have to know the mechanics, you still have to know how to mod your equipment, and play just as you would if you were a higher MR. You think going from MR0 to MR5 makes Vay Hek any less difficult? Sure you get access to a few new weapons but so what? You still have to know what you’re doing to go into that boss fight. I hope I’m being more clear. lol 

    That clears up everything

    For the record, I’m all in for Vay Hek not being MR Locked, I just had conflicting thoughts about the “getting to steel path quicker.” If MR5 or bellow players want to try Vay Hek’s buggy hit box, then so be it. Personally though, I think it’s a blessing they don’t have to do it.

  13. Just now, Leqesai said:

    Not arguing the info about the mods. That is obvious information that is both well documented on the wiki and directly quotable from the topic creators original post...

    I believe what the Tenno was trying to point out was galvanized percentages? I could be wrong, but that’s how I took it.

    Basically you can only get the base 80% multi shot on a maxed Galvanized Chamber, and not the bonus 150% multi shot from the “on kill” proc. These are actual percentages straight from the mod. 

    • Like 1
  14. On 2024-01-29 at 7:50 PM, (XBOX)APinho said:

    2nd post on this matter, maybe DE will hear someone on this.

    To be clear:

    1) I don't mind the running around for the terminals.

    2) I don't care about people not killing the mobs outside the red circle (I'm doing it solo now) no more headaches 

    BUT this is the 3rd or 4th week that I get trash. My drops has gotten consistently worse. Last week I got 1 legenday arcane, this week nothing, zilch, nada. and one of my missions that goddammit netromite spawned in the wall so I had to quit and the mission was gone.

    Almost everyone is complaining about this mission and DE wants to fix this in the next update?!?

    I'm sorry but that is a bad deal :p

    I got a legendary core before I got a Tauforged shard…that’s saying something. 

  15. 1 hour ago, (PSN)MCSOLO_808 said:

    I’ve played the game without ever having to raise my MR rank, and I’m doing just fine. I know the mechanics of the game and I can definitely hold my own. The same argument can be made for MR30’s and above. I’ve seen some play like absolute garbage. MR doesn’t determine skill level. 

    No it doesn’t. The game doesn’t allow you to progress if you don’t do certain things like the main quests. I’ve done it so you have no experience in what you’re saying. 

    No, but generally speaking… who do you think would have more knowledge on the game? An L4 or a MR1? Be honest now. I’m not saying there aren’t players who just stick to low MR because whatever (I’m guilty of this), but I am saying those with low MR AND don’t know what they’re doing won’t bother to care about an Steel Path (or even know about it for that matter) Most MR5 I see are living in their power fantasy and dislike when they’re thrown in with level 40 Grineer. 

    • Like 1
  16. You came back to the game? Meaning you left?

    Lucky you, they made necramech easier to acquire. You only need items from Deimos now, and you get a full voidrig set of blueprints for free. If you somehow don’t get the casings you can always trade for them, but they’re quite easy to get through bounties. 

    Stop complaining and start grinding Tenno. You haven’t even gotten to see the shard farms yet.

    • Like 5
  17. 6 minutes ago, (PSN)MCSOLO_808 said:

    I get that part, but what new players are gonna have every node unlocked? And even if, you’d think if they got that far they know what they’re doing. 

    This should be true, but the jump between doing simple level 30 missions to level 130 missions is a big leap. It’s not hard to clear the content in the normal Star Chart. You can get through any mission with a decent built gun or frame. Steel Path on the other hand… well, you know

    6 minutes ago, (PSN)MCSOLO_808 said:

    MR is pointless. 

    I agree, it’s just an indicator that shows how much time you spent in ESO/Hydron 

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