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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 9 minutes ago, Ruwr said:




    I am confused. I do not want to be excited. The last time I got excited was when Skoomaseller posted Yareli tennogen that I thought was going to get released. I refuse to believe you’re referring to the floofs returning. Because if they aren’t, I would have to spend the rest of the day doing ugly weeping. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    Wow dude , you do realise you are referring to an extremely old post , like more than 7 years old.

    But of course, I felt it was high time to bump a 7 year old thread myself. So I decided to choose a helpful post that’s still relevant…

    Only problem was it decided to remove all of the other replies showing more boss locations and drops. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE 4 OTHER PAGES?

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

    Wow, this innocent thread somehow spawned some toxicity.

    Ngl, kinda cringe. (Not the subject, the people who are making an effort to deviate from it)


    To be fair, Primed Rush would be nice. We have yet to have another Primed mod to put in the exilus slot of Warframes. But I'd like to point out that there should be more than just Primed Rush that need to be added. Maglev, Mobilize, WARM GOAT. Just kidding on that last one, but the Exilus slot needs something else that has sufficient oomph to justify something else than PSF on frames that don't have a built in kb resist. (Though to be fair, PSF is basically worthless if you're not prone to kb from your own weapons, things that cause it are limited and can be dodged with a roll if timed right and if you have enough attention span)


    No harm in a new primed mod if it's not that op.

    Welcome to the forums, where every thread eventually deviates from the main topic, then dissolved into a back and fourth from two Tenno. You’ll get used to it

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  4. 1 minute ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

    Yes and no. In most content it's fixed. Though I've noticed a particular Dax mob in Duviri circuit that launches a long range shockwave that can still stagger you even with PSF equipped. It's very irritating. 

    Seems PSF only blocks self stagger and weak staggers

    Same applies to quick thinking, you still get the stagger from that. The same also applies to Boreal’s summons.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Nira said:

    If we're talking clashing gameplay styles, my pet peeve is being in a squad with Khora. Not including Limbo I don't think there's any ability that disrupts like Strangledome. And a lot of the time in pubs I notice the Khora player will not be Whipclawing/otherwise killing the dangling mobs.

    My solution: don't play pubs, start a clan where no Khoras are allowed (shameless plug, currently recruiting huehue)

    Thank you for pointing her out… everyone dogging on Limbo, but max ranged Khora players who never bother to use whipclaw… they are the true enemy. 

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Sojufueled said:

    Why is he a sergeant? Are the corpus organized in that way? I always assumed they had titles like chairman or manager. He's an officer on a naval vessel isn't he? Do navies have sergeants?

    He’s just a random crewmate that enjoys pissing off tenno by insulting their fashion frame, just to get his head stuck in a wall. 

  7. 11 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    wearing headphones for an hour can increase the bacteria in your ears by 700 times.

    I regret ever reading this, but I guess I asked for it

    Another random fact: If your fart makes a noise in outer space, you’ll create a black hole and most likely die. Something to do with sound waves being loud enough to create noise in space would create a black hole. 

    Thomas Crapper did not create the first flushing toilet, he was just an advocate for bathroom sanitation, sadly, his name says otherwise

  8. 4 minutes ago, pisces13 said:

    🙃 Titania is quite slow without that razorwing augment.  But ya running cannot equate to flying. That's why wukong has an edge over most grounded frames. His speed carries and doesn't need to slow down at all during cloud walker. 

    That is true, this is a foot race.

    A shame it wasn’t just a ground race, I think Grendel would’ve done great too

    On a different note, we should also have a max strength Wisp for even more speed

  9. 4 minutes ago, quxier said:

    Ok, I guess  you don't get it. Let me explain.

    I want small rolls - I cannot (without melee block, but that's not good) do it with +parkour. No skill involved. Not superior option.

    If I need "skill" then option is not always great for people without "skill", hence it's not always superior.


    I see what you mean

    Parkour velocity increases roll distance. If you’re in a narrow hallway, and decide to roll… with too much parkour velocity you’ll just bonk your head on the wall. Less parkour velocity gives more control with bullet jumps and rolling. 

    31 minutes ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

    meme builds

    As if meme builds can’t be meta

    Anyone remember null star “meme build” that ended up becoming a temporary meta? Or the blast procs+topaz shard meta? 

  10. Just now, Ruwr said:

    But its a floof, not a promise.. difficult mechanics here.


    The promise is you promising to pay them platinum after they donate it to the clan vault. It could be taken as a scam. 
    For example: “Yo gift me a deluxe skin, I’ll trade you the 165p once I get it”

    “Yea sure man, I completely trust you” gifts

    Never receives platinum, the promise was fake, thus being a scam. 

  11. 5 minutes ago, Ruwr said:

    If someone can show me the rule where it says this transaction of trading a floof through a clan vault is deemed illegal?
    I just got banned on the official discord for asking around for it.... What the hell?

    Ohhh, we’ll then. I don’t know the exact wording, but logging into the game and looking at the notice on the top of trade chat will say it. Basically you can’t trade promises (IOU). 

  12. Rule is simple, post a random fact nobody needed to know

    I’ll go first: Pineapple has enzymes that act as a defense mechanism. Yea that funky taste in your mouth while eating the pineapple… is the pineapple eating you

  13. 1 hour ago, Dual_Fox said:

    I see.

    I am relieved to hear that you are correct in my perception of platinum storage. Thank you.
    My main question is whether a cross-save account with a Switch account as primary can still trade platinum with other consoles if I play on PC/Xbox/Playstation.
    The official text said "Note that you cannot trade Platinum between Nintendo Switch and other Platforms."
    I assume this refers to "when playing Warframe on Switch" and not "when I have Switch as my primary account", is that correct? I would like to be sure.

    Slight correction, you can’t trade platinum with all other platforms INCLUDING switch players with cross save enabled. 
    Not sure if it’s a bug or legal issue, but you can only trade with other die hard switch players when it comes to platinum. 


    1 hour ago, Dual_Fox said:

    My main question is whether a cross-save account with a Switch account as primary can still trade platinum with other consoles if I play on PC/Xbox/Playstation.

    No sadly, even with cross save you still won’t be able to trade plat with other platforms, along with players who are only on switch and don’t have cross save enabled. 


    1 hour ago, Dual_Fox said:

    when playing Warframe on Switch" and not "when I have Switch as my primary account

    Yep, it’s when playing on switch. I have my switch account as my primary and it functions completely fine. The restrictions only apply when you’re actually playing on switch 

  14. 5 minutes ago, Ruwr said:

    Never mind that, D.e

    You are charging me MORE for shipping costs than the floof itself.

    What the hell?


    Cost summary
    Description Price
    Total USD $83.88
    Subtotal $36.99
    Shipping $39.12
    Estimated taxes $7.77



    This is a joke, im not supporting the foundation im supporting the shipping company.

    Average country shipping experience 

    • Like 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, Ruwr said:

    Lucky you got one atleast, i've already backed my claims up in a support ticket to see if they want it there, i also explicitly mentioned those floofs and that it would be considerate of them to have us redeem whatever floof we want out of the collection.

    otherwise what is for charity will just become a back alley black market good so to speak.

    Someday, during a conquera event, we’ll be able to go through all of the previous floofs, just to snag our favorites. 
    No no, this isn’t copium, this is a fact

  16. 7 minutes ago, Ruwr said:

    Wait you actually got your hands on the Conquera sawgaw and Kuakka?


    I dont :*( Same story though.

    120 Platinum for a 3 bundle floof, write that down though, i like the event idea you have too

    Conquera floofs… never could buy the Kuakka. Only got one conquera floof sadly


    3 minutes ago, Ruwr said:

    PLUSH ANIMAL LOVER'S DAY - October 28, 2024
    Just putting that out there

    Finally an excuse for a floof event

  17. Finally, a discussion thread I can back up

    Hear me out…

    They should return in a floof event, a floof per day for 14 days (7 old and 7 new maybe?) We should also get a year of the dragon floof while we’re at it. Deluxe skins should also include floofs ngl. 
    Whatever the case, we need floofs back. I have yet to collect the brave tiger floof (copium but maybe the bundle will return this lunar new year)

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