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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 21 minutes ago, GrayArchon said:

    These "1999 warframes" are likely different, with a completely separate origin than the warframes we know. Albrecht Entrati travelled to 1999 after Ballas had already created the first warframes, including Excalibur (who is stated to be the first warframe in his Codex entry). So Albrecht's ministrations turned Arthur into a warframe resembling Excalibur, but that's not the origin of the Excalibur from our time, even if Arthur eventually turns into something identical. Aoi (the female voice) is likely in a similar situation with Mag, according to Albrecht's sketches on the inside of the Netracells.

    But of course, I believe we're going into the "multiverse" phase of Warframe

    Am I thrilled? Well if it's good lore and not lazy writing then of course!

  2. 2 minutes ago, NeverToReturn said:

    An unaware me made the original post, not knowing of said Grendel run. Sorry for the redundancy of my post and if it caused you any aggravation or distress. I've just returned to playing warframe this year, so I've got a lot to catch up on. Still, cheers, and thanks.

    Oh no, it wasn’t you at all. 
    Mb if you thought I was mad or anything, I just got PTSD from remembering those missions. Grendel missions… wouldn’t recommend unless you got Hildryn, which I did not at the time. 

  3. 1 minute ago, PR1D3 said:

    I'm throwing it out there. I had hoped that newer shards would have other auxiliary stats that would be tough to mod in.

    You’re not alone, I too thought we would get sprint speed shards

    DE was probably afraid of max Tauforged/modded sprint speed Gauss Prime. 

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, Qorvex99 said:

    I have no idea why I keep adding the "c" in Exilus...my bad, I'll probably keep it though so your comment can still be relevant.

    I feel you, sometimes random letters in words just feel right, even if they aren’t. 
    Would’ve been funny if you fixed it without me knowing. I guarantee you someone would reply “the heck do you mean?” Then I would wonder if I’m losing my mind, which is possible. 

    • Like 2
  5. 12 minutes ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

    Not sure, might be time for primed maglev though

    Primed Maglev: Exact same stats as Maglev, but with an even more expensive mod cost of 20. 

    People complaining about Maglev having the same stats as Streamlined Form, but more expensive, will not have to worry anymore. Primed Maglev will take that spot. 

    • Like 4
  6. Yes, I wholeheartedly agree

    My Gauss Prime has yet to break the speed barrier

    Also, you misspelled “exilus.” I’m just pointing it out because you put it in all caps to make a statement

    Edit: While we’re at it, we should also have sprint speed shards

    • Like 5
  7. 21 hours ago, (NSW)5StarSanity said:

    How long would it take for the support team to respond? Its been like two days


    Make sure it be specific when sending to support

    The screenshot would help, along with a screenshot of your inventory

    Speaking of which, check your inventory to see if it’s there. Sometimes they send the items, but not an email reminding you it’s in your inventory.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Ruwr said:

    Hilarious i went to bed, woke up logged in and looked at both Nyx and Excal.

    Nyx is the bad guy to excal isnt he with his 'nemesis skin' and mindcontroll ability.

    inb4 Nyx is excaliburs 'man in the wall' 2.0 or something

    Are they the same symbol that say 'Hayden Tenno' ?
    I feel like they are going to capitalise on this with the man in the wall, its just too juicy to not have nyx be part of that eternalism/dualism concept.

    And feel free to openly discuss anything in this thread, spoilers or hypothesis, im caught up.

    Well if we’re talking lore drop and theories, we saw Excalibur’s human form (correction I believe he is Excalibur’s human form) we also heard an unnamed female’s voice, and before she cut off you could hear Mag’s abilities. So multiple Warframes in human form is possible. 
    In regards to the symbol, I don’t remember. The answer should be on the wiki. It should stand for a single word, considering Rhino’s symbol means “Danger”

  9. 1 hour ago, Red6Star said:

    Alright, thanks for the reply. So, now there is some sort of security method implemented after the account is logged in like you mentioned but there’s no such thing going on exactly the moment you log in, is that right?

    Correct 👍 

  10. On 2023-06-18 at 10:16 AM, warhuhn1 said:

    Okay, i have an update:

    If i stand outside the field, i can attack the field and the field reduces as it should.

    However, if i am inside the field and attack, nothing happens.

    Not just Garuda’s talons, other melees are bugged with this. This is a bug that’s been happening with nullifiers for a long while. Basically when you melee (or even shoot) at the crewman, it’ll register as hitting the nullifier field, and not bother damaging the crewman until the field is gone. 
    @Luneth_Heart @ing you so you can see 

    11 hours ago, Luneth_Heart said:

    It's ironic that one warframe you get from corpus bounties is completely useless against the corpus as well as the corrupted for the same reasons. 

    Not only do her claws do no damage to enemies inside a nullifier shield but the minute the shield touches a Blood Altar the altar is destroyed and you lose your hp Regen. So that means no cycling through bloodletting either.

    Quoting so you can see previous post

  11. The forums do have a built in security system (if you can call it that)

    It’ll log you off of every device in like 2-4 days after sign in. It’s consistent, and quite annoying. DE doesn’t own the forums, so they can’t alter it

    Long story short, there is some kind of “security” but there’s no 2FA in the forums. 

    • Like 2

  12. Only fix I would want with Chroma is being able to switch his abilities to the selected element from spectral scream. I dislike having to wait until the entire duration for his elemental ward ends, just to be able to switch elements. You should be able to cancel/swap on the fly. Reducing the drain on his fourth would be beneficial too, or at least him losing armor when casting. 

  13. 4 hours ago, Ruwr said:

    Hi, why do Nyx and Excalibur have this icon on their shoulders but no other frame.

    Yay lore drop. Basically, DE put symbols in an orokin language on older frames. They stopped doing it with the newer frames because they became too busy to put a sneaky orokin symbol on them. It’s not just Nyx and Excalibur, I believe Rhino also has one. Garuda has a symbol on her forehead. 


    4 hours ago, Ruwr said:

    And why can't i shake the feeling actual lotus is stuck somewhere in the void and were slowly but surely fulfilling the man in the walls plans?

    …Aight so I don’t want to spoil anything just in case, but may I ask, how far in the quest are you? 


    The Lotus is the actual Lotus (unless we get a plot twist, doubt though cause eternalism) I completely agree whatever plan Wally has is being fulfilled somehow, judging from how he followed Albrecht to 1999.


  14. 1 hour ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

    I like to discuss things in depth as messages can be misunderstood/misinterpreted it’s not to deep.

    Yea I wasn’t too serious making that post. Honestly debating in dms is better as it keeps the thread from becoming one big back and forth. And for that, I thank you

  15. 5 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    I think you're gonna be soaked every time you go into railjack, and your crew is gonna get tired of having to get warm towels ready for you before every mission lol.

    on the plus side, once we get infested Railjack missions, nobody can say you won't be taking every precaution to decontaminate yourself! nobody wants an outbreak in their dojo after all...

    Perfectly fitting for Hydroid

    Soaking the crew before soaking the enemies. All while trying to find his looty booty on his space pirate ship. 

  16. On 2024-01-18 at 6:32 AM, Qorvex99 said:

    not only are acceltra Rivens barely considered mods, giving their atrociously low stats...I'm not going to stick my hands near the riven market ever.

    sure I can occasionally sell one or two if the need arises, but I'm not buying rivens...I don't actually use them or feel like I need them.


    ”Godroll Rivens” are overrated anyways. Though they are good for making a quick buck if a sweet deluxe skin pops up. (Cough cough Chroma new year)

  17. 5 hours ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

    A better reason to what? You cherry picked a comment to suit your little rant without providing context, not much else to say lol.

    Self righteous sure, i’m not the one out here white knighting for someone by cherry picking comments out of context.

    Also i’m more than down to hash this out in discord or something if you wish dm me lmk:)

    Hashing on discord? Cmon now, this is the forums.

    We’re supposed to pretend to be civilized 

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