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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. On 2024-01-05 at 11:46 PM, GPrime96 said:

    I could be wrong but i think Dread Mirror can be casted on a Blood Altar’d enemy but this synergy for damage would be much better, it atleast gives a reason to use Blood Altar over a Helminth. 

    You”re right it does, this suggestion though sounds much more satisfying then constantly pouncing some poor impaled dude.

  2. On 2024-01-05 at 10:24 PM, SteveCutler said:

    Happened yet again.

    Also happened again, though why are you constantly getting it? Guess I’ll see you tomorrow when you get one of your third weekly kicks. Someday they’ll fix it… someday

  3. That would be cool


    What if you were able to start in an alternative paradox known as Duviri Paradox, where you would start as a drifter, then you would be able to complete the story as normal then make your way into the regular Warframe universe. It’s a totally original idea that just came to me in a dream, trust.


    47 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    what do you mean? when they added Duviri content, it was possible to start with it; did they remove that option? when?

    Yea they removed it shortly after, you can’t start with that anymore. It’s still available for new players though, just has to be completed after Vor’s Quest.

  4. 18 minutes ago, KaijuKraid said:

    The one about Garuda was only a couple of months before the release of Dagath, due to the fact that Thermal Sunder was nerfed in that patch to which quite a few people believe it was not enough. There's also a thread posted by Hexerin which is literally on the second page of this part of the forums which mentions not just Titania, but also Harrow. Apparently it was a massive problem in the Asian Servers.

    Once that thread appeared, I started seeing quite a lot of Thermal Sunder Garuda a lot in places. Even before that thread, I'd seen my fair share of Thermal Sunder Harrows though.


    I wouldn't want Titania Razorwing to be nerfed just because of one ability. I like Titania. I like Razorwing. I've never used Thermal Sunder on her. I've never even put Helminth abilities on her. Why should Razorwing Titania be nerfed when she's got great use for fighting the likes of Lephantis, Hemocyst and the Orowyrms due to people abusing a literally ability that can clear entire low level trash rooms.

    People mentioning if you nerf Thermal Sunder, you'll get the next best thing. Same thing with Titania though. If Titania's Razorwing is nerfed, people will just move onto the second best options. Thermal Sunder Wukong? Maybe. Thermal Sunder Nova? Maybe. They both can traverse rooms quicker than most other frames, just not Titania speed. Are these a thing right now? No. I'm probably being laughed at for even thinking about such a thing, but they are quick enough to get through rooms, Thermal Sunder rinse and repeat. They're just not Titania speed. 

    This is the same thing with Garuda. I pointed out Garuda being completely fine, it’s thermal sunder that’s the problem. Garuda’s simply only used as an easy energy source (like Harrow). A solution can add an internal cooldown to the ability that reduces spamming from macros and players. 

  5. On 2024-01-02 at 10:13 PM, Mazifet said:


    we makin more than 10 plat with this one

    Mark that thing with spoilers jeez

    My Torid’s quivering at the sight

    • Like 1
  6. Last I checked the goal of the nerfs was to have AOE weapons be “emergency” nukes. The occasional nuke if you would. They exist for their big BOOM when the battle gets hairy. They’re basically what archguns were supposed to be: powerful weapons with downtime to balance out said power.

  7. On 2023-12-27 at 6:43 PM, Loza03 said:

    Unfortunately, in so far as we know, Margulis faced the Jade Light - which is effectively instantaneous, absolute disintegration, obliterating even the Oro (which. Is now officially canon. Not quite sure how I feel about that) so that the being may never revive from the dead again. They did this because Margulis directly opposed them, and spoke against them, an act of apostasy and blasphemy. In other words, she very publically questioned their leadership and position to lead. She was dangerous and a problem, and they wanted her dealt with. Permanently.

    Now, it's not Impossible that Margulis got teleported out before this happened, yes, but given that Ballas was in charge of the Warframe Project, and seems to have had first design dibs and choice of the people transformed into the initial frames, it's pretty unlikely that he'd have missed his lady 'love' that he's incredibly obsessed over having control of being transformed into something he has absolute control over.


    Just to add notes:

    No, this isn't Ember's backstory. The story is a tangentially-related hint to the existence of the Operators. Canonically, this event most likely precedes the modern Warframe project, and certainly does before the Zariman kids went anywhere near the Warframes. I mean, the person in the story is very clearly not 'the best', which most Warframes were formed from warriors, archimedians and others of exceptional skill (which, granted, Margulis probably counted as, but as mentioned, apostasy)

    This is true, but aside from the above note, Wisps abilities don't really map onto the kind of person Margulis was. Like. Yes the sun can be symbolic for warmth and light, but that is very much not the symbolism associated with firing a solar flare at somebody. Wisp is also cheeky and playful, whereas Margulis is typically described as quite a serious person.

    I believe the implication of a Warframe carrying a child onto their orbiter upon Lua is that the child is Voruna's Operator. It's also noted that as soon as the child started to awaken and stir, Voruna staggered - implying the transference signal being interrupted. Also, many Tenno have been noted throughout the lore to be sympathetic towards children, especially the abused - both Nezha and Ash's Leverians reference them going out of their way to protect children, as does Yareli's lore. It makes sense given that they do so, since they are themselves abused children.

    There's also quite a few stories of Warframes hunting Orokin or operating post-Orokin, so they didn't switch off immediately. Lotus sent them to sleep after the Orokin were destroyed entirely.

    The only candidate I can think of would be Khora. Her Prime Trailer really emphasizes Margulis. 

    Calling it right now, Margulis returning due to some eternity bs

    Why? Idk the void or something 

  8. 25 minutes ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

    Aiming, shooting and dodging. All things you do in the main game of Warframe and the quest.

    My dude just summed up the entirety of all shooter games with a dodge mechanic as if that’s all the skill you need. 
    Thank you for your wisdom, I’ll use this information in Apex Legends.

    Insert “Why didn’t I think of that?” meme here



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  9. 44 minutes ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

    Thats just called learning how to play the game.

    Mhm, you’re forgetting the fact this part of the “game” is locked behind the quest they’re trying to complete. You can’t practice in order to learn beforehand. That’s like taking the test without knowing the subject.

    • Like 4
  10. 17 minutes ago, (PSN)PanserKunst said:

    "Commit to THE NEW WAR? - THE NEW NEW WAR Player Contract

    THE NEW WAR requires several hours to complete. You will be able to pause the game, and your progress will be saved between missions.

    Prepare wisely.  Consider the ramifications of being locked into a quest you "MUST" complete after commiting to it. Is your Nechramech barely functional or fully upgraded? Is your Railjack freshly minted or battle scarred and modded correctly? Can you deduce when it is likely to use an ability when the situation requires it? Are you capable of observing a situation and formulating a plan, or do you proceed to bang your head against a wall hoping that will get you through? Loadout access will be limited and regular Warframe activities will not be available until this quest is completed!

    THE NEW WAR contains sequences of violence, frightening situations involving teens, and depictions of emotional abuse. It is intended for mature audiences.

    Type NEWWAR to confirm."

    Let me copy paste my response to this thread earlier. You never know your prepared until you actual jump into it, and by then it’s too late. 

    “tHeY dID WArN yOu” 

    But of course you probably thought you were prepared with all your powerful gear in check. Then you realize you can’t use said gear. Definitely your fault for not knowing you will use entirely different gear, with an entirely different move set and strategy, completely out of your element. /s 


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  11. Would love that. It’s a lot easier making animations with those models then actual tennogen details (I should know… I’m not artistic in that sense). Only thing I can see is the animations being too goofy for DE to implement. That’s the reason pumpkin head and mustaches disappear from your inventory. It breaks the “immersion.” (So in other words no chicken dance for warframes :[ )

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