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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. Biggest problem I’ve seen people use for AOE spam is being blinded by randoms. I would never call out players for using bright colors, as it’s there weapon to customize, so I thought of a different route. 

    Why don’t we have an option in the settings that lets us increase/decrease/turn off the weapon FX opacity for teammates? If memory serves right, they have this for teammates’ abilities, so why not weapons?

    Edit  It seems this has existed without my knowledge…? I need to look at the settings more

    Edit 2: Nah I’m just blind

  2. 2 hours ago, NorthernDarkIceSoul said:

    Additive” doesn’t mean less impactful, 100% damage will always add 100% damage, exactly as expected.

    Think of it as additive flat damage versus multiplicative damage. When you deal so much damage, the added bonus damage doesn’t compare to multiplicative damage, as it only adds a flat amount, that’s not even considering your total damage. Multiplicative boosts damage better than flat damage if you would. 

  3. 16 hours ago, NorthernDarkIceSoul said:

    don't need primers for primers to be better than their counterpart? What?

    So sorry, I didn’t see this until now. I was stating you don’t need primers in order for weeping wounds to count a status, as the weapon damage type counts as a status. Primers are only really needed if you want to push the limit of weeping wounds (with all the elemental stacks), but it’s not needed, it’s still better than it’s older counterpart. 

  4. 40 minutes ago, --N-- said:

    Thank you for notifying my uncultured bum 

    I stay away from Twitter, so I probably never would have known. Now to wait 6-7 years!

    14 hours ago, IggySnow said:

    I have definitely gotten prime noggles from just buying the accessories, so idk about that.

    Then you’re probably the only one, I have yet to get my Baruuk Prime noggle from accessories if that’s the case. Unless of course I’ve been unknowingly scammed… which is possible. 

  5. 6 hours ago, NorthernDarkIceSoul said:

    now try using two umbra mods

    no one is priming with their melee, weeping wounds is the most useless mod in the game

    What are you smoking? This is the same as galvanized mods, you don’t need primers in order for them to be better than their counterpart. 
    I would go math on you but… your comments tell me you wouldn’t care to admit you were wrong. 

    • Like 3
  6. Wish there was an option that could enable/disable certain “cutscenes” such as those. I would enable them on a heartbeat if it means constantly seeing the Fortuna cutscene (when you first go there). 

  7. 1 hour ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    for literal chill, Frost.

    for chill as in relaxing, either Revenant (cast 2 and go make a sandwich) or Octavia (cast all her abilities and the game plays itself for you, you also get music.).

    Shhhh afk players might hear you

  8. Most chill Warframe? I would say Frost

    Sure some people think he’s cold, but I personally think he’s quite chill

    Get it? Frost? Ice frame? Cold? Chill?

    No? Okay…

  9. 1 minute ago, Tiltskillet said:

    It could be the reason, but  a lot of abilities with CC components still have their other components work fine.  Including at least one movement ability that requires an enemy target and has a CC: Teleport.

    Ultimate reason is "DE  doesn't want to fix it or hasn't gotten around to it yet."

    Add this to the list of bugs on Garuda

    Wisp also has a CC ability that works on Eximus. Her Prime abilities also got fixed when it had a bug that disabled prime details with tennogen skins. Favoritism, I say. Not salty or anything 

  10. 20 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:


    When netracells were introduced if you entered the sanctum at steel path levels and did a netracell the effects from both modes would stack with each other.

    The steel path would add 100 more levels to the netracell enemies, so they would be levels 320-340.
    They would also get the steel paths additional increases to health/shields/armor and higher spawn rates.
    By default netracells have +100% to health and shields with +50% more for each party member.
    Steel path adds an additional +150% to health, armor, and shields are multiplied by 6.25.
    This meant that with just one person you were fighting level 320+ enemies with +300% health, +150% armor; and shields that are 7.75x normal for their level.


    You wouldn't get any additional benefits from doing the mission this way, or any extra rewards or anything outside of steel paths drop chance increases.
    Enemies were just tankier and more numerous than in any other mode.


    As a bit more information, SP Netracells were removed in U35.0.3 as can be seen here, relevant bit quoted here:

    Great now I’m sad… that was intense and fun. At least with level 300+ you can still health tank 

    • Like 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:

    the netracells are here to stay as far as im aware?

    Yea, they must’ve confused it with the Gargoyle clan event 

    I also enjoy the event, “tough” content in this game is hard to come by. 

  12. 7 minutes ago, shann_cs said:

    Just stop playing for few months. The first day you login after that break you should get 50-75% discount.

    I returned to warframe on beginning of december and immediatelly got 75% discount on first day. I started playing each day because of new content and cross-save. And then I got 75% after the Xmas. Maybe Xmass gift from DE because when I play each day I usually get max. 25% discount.

    (I guess I spent 500+ eur on all my accounts PS+PC+NS accounts..)

    I- I should’ve put /j next to that. That’s on me

    It’s sad how those who constantly play don’t get discounts as much as those who rarely play.

  13. On 2024-01-08 at 4:44 AM, NorthernDarkIceSoul said:

    I'm so done with this game, I swear. I have at least 5 unfinished builds just because there is literally no way to obtain umbra forma in this game, and umbra mods are literally so overpowered that you cannot play this game without umbra mods. Add way to buy umbra forma for plat, it doesn't make sense that I can buy other formas for plat but not umbra forma.

    50% of all frames don’t need them… at most Umbral intensify, but that’s only if you need 14% more strength… they lack the armor for Umbral fiber, and without armor tanking the health from Umbral vitality is a bust.

    • Like 2
  14. 3 hours ago, (XBOX)Survivor Morty said:

    "This item is available only to players whose Warframe accounts are linked with Steam, and will need to be purchased with Steam Wallet credit, or other methods available via Steam."

    This is on the link you posted, might see it if you login onto a PC. But I'd bet it isn't available for console, like it doesn't even exist on it without steam.


    Same for console exclusives, they don’t exist outside of the console

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