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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 5 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Well... you clearly arent. I mean heh, you dont have a single elemental mod in your build, so it is quite hard that you utilize "all available multipliers".

    That isnt how that works. It is very backwards that you think obtaining simple melee damage is better than elemental damage due to already having elements from other sources. You arent building for statuses, so elements, no matter the type, wont make your build sub optimal since no matter which element you slap on there it will result in a multiplicative damage increase. You should for instance skip either Sacrificial Pressure or CO for something like Primed Fever Strike, since PFS increases already modded damage and not base damage. You'd also get more out of another elemental mod instead of Sac Steel since it would give the already exsisting crit mods more to work with when a crit occurs.

    Melee doesnt really have low multishot, since it depends on how the combo works, how many times it hits during the animation and how fast the animation is overall. They also dont have low status chance and WW adds 440% status chance at full combo. Also a primer wont leave enough statuses to kill things as you move on, while status applied from a heavy hitting melee will. That also covers your statement regarding status not adding damage, which it clearly does in the shape of DoTs. You are already under a massive misconception if you think melee status was bad in a pre-WitW world, that misconception has grown to be even more innacurate with the release of WitW where an arcane can turn your high status/high crit melee into a 20m AoE nuke. And if you add that arcane to a specific weapon you have a weapon that can kill the map on its own and potentially keep doing so for aslong as the incarnon form is active.

    In the end you are stacking too much of the same and hitting heavy diminish return, while also not being fully aware of which damage types are multiplying base damage versus multiplying modded base damage.

    Just a reminder we already established OP not knowing order of operations

    Going math on them with diminishing returns and everything isn’t going to work, sadly.

    • Like 3
  2. 20 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    I see so many people in this thread saying "status builds are godly" or whatever. I invite any of you to show such a build actually beating out a crit build on Steel Path Circulus. Bear in mind, using primers is low end play (it's very slow, only useful if you're new to Steel Path and don't have the fun toys yet) and thus not applicable to this challenge.

    Phenmor… Laetum… 

    A few examples I enjoy using (devouring attrition for life)

    No primer because I detest a weapon used to only buff weapons. Weapons are supposed to do damage 

    • Like 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, VibingCat said:

    No doubt about that :) I meant to say that maybe Talons' kills used to contribute to Garuda's. Is there a chance you totalised 90.000 kills with her abilities?

    Judging from my spammy spammy ability playstyle, I would say it’s definitely possible. I just thought the talons also contributed a fair deal of it. 

  4. Just now, VibingCat said:

    Maybe it used to work? I'm a new Garuda player.

    Ohhh, you misunderstood. I just meant the only bit of “synergy” that works with Garuda and thermal sunder is the fact that she can create enough energy to use it. But the nuking of thermal sunder is terrible compared to her fourth+one combo

  5. 1 hour ago, VibingCat said:

    They should be from bullet jumps, slide kicks and abilities, for example Thermal Sunder. I killed thousands and thousands of enemies with my Talons but according to my profile my Garuda is responsible for as little as 600.

    Never use thermal sunder, not worth the hype, and does not work with Garuda at all. 
    They definitely need to fix this, it counts as an ability as shown with nightwave.

    • Like 1
  6. 12 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Maybe read the full conversation before jumping into it, so you understand what's being discussed.

    Took your advice and read the conversation again

    It seems it started with Umbral mods being “op” and dissolved into dogging on weeping wounds for some reason… I’m not sure how that happened. I think op is one of those escaped Overframe fellows. Not the toxic ones, but the ones that use the top builds that haven’t been updated in 4 years, without any clue that its probably the worst build on there. 

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, drnlmza said:

    Caliban has a signature weapon though (Venato, which is as forgotten as Caliban often is), so there's only space for 1 new Prime there.

    Hear me out… Venato is a melee, while Daikyu is a primary. They can do that Nidus Prime or Baruuk Prime bs where they add a random weapon that doesn’t mean anything to the Warframe. 

    • Like 2
  8. 4 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    I suggest you read through this thread, because status builds being stronger than crit builds has been stated several times by multiple people. Then come back to the discussion once you have a clue what the discussion is about. You won't though, because you're incapable of being rational.

    I also suggest reading the thread
    This entire thread is about convincing stubborn, which is useless considering stubborn clearly can't be convinced


    1 hour ago, NorthernDarkIceSoul said:

    overframe does not take abilities, arcanes, shards, companions and operator abilities into account and thus it cannot be representative of anything

    It does take account additive vs multiplicative damage, something you've been contradicting

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, NorthernDarkIceSoul said:

    What the hell is pemdas 

    The basics of Algebra… the order of operation I guess you can say

    An acronym if you would…







    If you want to talk equations, learn “what the heck” PEMDAS is first please…

    • Like 4
  10. 3 minutes ago, NorthernDarkIceSoul said:

    Right. Say you have 100 base damage, mod for 100% damage increase and roar with 100% damage increase, you are going to deal 100 * (1 + 1) * (1 + 1) = 400 damage. If you add another mod for another 100% damage increase, then you are going to deal 100 * (1 + 1 + 1) * (1 + 1) = 600 damage.  So I don’t see how it’s “less impactful”. Obviously if you could add a third multiplier, it would be better; however, my build is already utilizing all available multipliers.

    Calculations like that are too vast… you’re forgetting the position of where the multipliers are. PEMDAS is quite important in this game when taking damage into account.

    Diminishing returns… etc.

    Example of order of operations with the first being serration affecting flat damage, and the second being a multiplier after flat damage calculations. 


    (2+16)+100%= 32

    On the plus side you’re a perfect example of “belief perseverance” 



    • Like 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, NorthernDarkIceSoul said:

    Primers are needed to armor strip and viral. WW on melee is not needed because you have a primer.

    Please… tell me you’re a troll… this isn’t healthy…

    You’re short circuiting my brain… this is just plain wrong

    • Like 1
  12. 24 minutes ago, BowserNC said:

    Wait what? I bought almost all prime accessories and I didn't get the noggles???? Are you sure?

    I didn't get any prime noggle grom buying accessories, I think you have to buy the prime access instead. 

    Thought it was Prime Access too, it’s fine I guess. I can continue my noggle collection without Baruuk Prime noggle

  13. Hear me out… DE and Daikyu Prime both start with the letter “D”

    The reason we haven’t been getting Daikyu Prime is because DE is going to make it as cool as possible to celebrate how they start with the same letter. 
    Source? Trust me bro

    • Like 2
  14. 45 minutes ago, Skoomaseller said:

    I even have a riven for it.

    Daikyu riven you say? Haven’t seen one of those in a lifetime 


    3 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    Daikyu fans are huffing copium waiting for it to get primed, but they're still out there.

    Thank you for reminding me to bump the Daikyu Prime copium thread

    Accidentally typed “Faikyu” and now I’m going to use that as a Warframe insult

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