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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 1 minute ago, C486 said:

    If I had to throw some pennies at this game... it would be for a floating cabbage companion. With how goofy Warframe lore is, the floating cabbage could be some space magic thing that could be forced into the lore.

    A bunch of concentrated void energy that takes the form of cabbage for… reasons 

    What reason? Continuity or some stoof, idk im not the devs (unfortunately)

  2. Just now, ReddyDisco said:

    Glad you're enjoying it, warframe has something for everyone. It's not my cup of tea personally

    Same, I’ve heard great things about it, and I know plenty of who love it. Though it never really stuck with me. Probably because randomized loadouts just don’t mesh well with my play style. 
    I do like how it emphasizes a broad loadout, and true mastery though

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, crazywolfpusher said:

    Funny that we can preview some Voidshell Textures on non Voidshell skins. When you go to Navigation and visualize the Star chart with a Warframe equiped with Voidshell textures and Change Loadout to a frame with non-Voidshell skin, it will inherit the Textures from the Voidshell skin you were using.


    im playing on low settings rn cuz was testing eclipse stuff  but you get the idea, also it doesn't work on every skin


    Reminds me that Garuda doesn’t have a voidshell yet

    Someday… someday… 

  4. 4 minutes ago, BlissfullyOwO said:

    Oh man, cubic diodes are pretty up there as well. XD

    But at least those are helminth food.

    What I find funny about the Harrow Chassis Blueprint is that it's so easily available compared to the rest of his parts.

    It's like they fall out of the sky at this point.

    That’s true

    Then you got people like my friend (one who quit within a week) who thought he was going to craft Harrow as his first frame. Poor man

  5. 29 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    First of do voices in your head count as headmates? And does it count if the voices that are mostly there is just you talking to yourself since you are simply that lonely?

    Anyways, regarding what I quoted. Consider this. Is a cat naked without clothes? If you answer no, what about actually naked cats that have no fur? Why are they specifically labeled as naked if all cats (and other animals with naked races) are naked even when covered in fur?

    He doesnt, he's a naturist. :clem:

    As to other frames and what normal clothes they could wear, the only obvious answer is that Grendel would need some form of spandex and frames like Rhino, Volt and the upcoming Qorvex would likely just wear chaps.

    Mmm Grendel spandex

    Love it, we need a tennogen of this 

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    how dare you. I can't imagine the number of index runs I've saved myself from having to do over the years thanks to Harrow's Chassis, and I don't like the Index much. 

    if you really want to talk about something worthless.. Ammo Drum.


    How dare you. The sheer amount of endo I get from the billions of ammo drums in my inventory is enough to max 2 prime mods MONTHLY.

    If you want to talk about something useless… how about cubic diodes?

    • Like 1
  7. 20 minutes ago, (XBOX)Tatakai no Kami said:

    No, I am not considering them as Standing, I am considering their value compared to the amount of standing you need to max out the current rank.

    And again not angry, just baffled. There really do seem to be a lot of angry PC players projecting their anger onto others here.

    Nah it’s intended

    I always thought of the rank up system as a way to coax the player into getting better matrices. If you’re able to rank up with matrices, you should be able to sacrifice a few in order to progress. 
    Think of it this way, if you’re leveling to stage 2, you’re going to need more standing compared to stage 1. The rank up requirements are a test to see whether you can actually farm the standing. 

    It’s also a one time thing, best to just do it and be done with it. 

  8. 1 hour ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

    I realize this is at least the second time you've mentioned these. 


    As for what Warframes wear/would wear... 

    Lavos looks like he wears lab-related clothes, Yareli has a "dress," Revenant would wear a cloak, and Xaku.... 


    He would wear a human

    Hold up, what are you on about? 
    Revenant from Apex is in Warframe now? Wearing skinbags?
    Alright, I’ll let you cook, what would Nidus wear?

  9. 14 hours ago, Pakaku said:

    I stayed at MR16 until it became more sane to reach MR30. It's nice to never have to worry about things like losing mod space after using a forma, but it's not anything I felt the need to rush for

    I'll probably stay at MR32 now because I just prefer the colour silver over gold and bronze

    Indeed, silver just hits differently compared to gold or bronze

    Nicer on the eyes

    14 hours ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

    I was wrong for being against auto-melee. 

    I'm honestly gonna sail through next year just fine on that. 

    Made my solo SP runs much better.

    That’s great news, but two questions

    First, does the auto melee just start acting out on its own for you too?

    Second, Ummm did you post this in the wrong thread by any chance?

  10. 1 hour ago, (PSN)GrandisSupernus said:

    I hit 20 and decided, "I'm happy here". It might have had something to do with it being a clean, good-looking symbol that was also silver. Silver Tiger all day, bay-beee.

    It drives my clanmates crazy. I've even had a couple of random people message me something akin to, "hey, you KNOW you're able to rank up, right? You should really do that 😐" and it always gives me a laugh. They do not like it. It's hilarious.

    Yesss Silver just hits different compared to copper (and dare I say gold)


    40 minutes ago, Zakkhar said:

    I never really bothered much with MR, I just got it while getting everything else. At least most of everything else that is easy to obtain. CBA farming most of the Tenet weapons and still missing some Kuva ones. LR3 filthy casual.

    Being able to get everything and actually getting it. are two different things it seems. Becvause if you really did get everything you would be higher.

    Biggest flex is being a casual L3, respect


    1 hour ago, Mazifet said:

    I've been at MR20 for a long time, though once I have enough standing I'll spam rank ups to 30.

    Understandable, I got hundreds of items sitting in the foundry. Maybe when inspiration strikes, or is it motivation? 
    Why do I hear Bury the Light in the distance?

  11. Just now, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    Considering theres a new syndicate on the way, I don't recommend "chilling" at a rank, unless you dont mind the standing cap getting in your way

    I've seen it all too many times; "I'm rank X I'll be fine etc", then they complain when the cap prevents their rank up. Its your account your choice of course, but i personally want to remain highest rank possible so its one less obstacle in the way.

    Always do pace myself with syndicates. My philosophy is grind to MR16, then any other future MR will just come naturally. Leveling up items I don’t want to use just isn’t fun for me tbh. 
    You’re right with syndicate locking though, it’s annoying sometimes, but it’s just a matter of time. Eventually it will happen, no point in rushing

    Just now, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

    I'm chilling at MR 14. I never really bother with MR anymore lol.

    Understandable, I was originally chilling at MR14 for like 3 years, then I realized some rivens and weapons are locked until 16.

    • Like 1
  12. On 2023-11-29 at 9:49 AM, SneakyErvin said:

    Also, how would Venom, Carnage and the other symbiotes class? Wouldnt they be suits of armor for their host, since they effectively protect the host while attached to them.

    You know… that’s actually a good comparison

     Makes sense, even if they are living beings, they’re protecting their hosts. So it is armor in a sense 

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